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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    does he think i have a dick? weird saying inch
  2. Kafka sweaty
  3. Kafka sweaty
    Idk what to do tonight, some man wants to meet me in a cemetery, should I go buy those jeans or stay in and order takeaway. I haven't got dressed yet and it's 4pm.
  4. Kafka sweaty
    Like death, like a net is closing in me, I have everything I think I need but still don’t feel okay, scared, hatred.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    I don’t know why you engage with him Sudo
  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Artificial Intelligence It's not my fault you cannot follow a simple line of conversation and have poor reading comprehension skills.

    Also it is proof that what he JUST said is a lie. I e. It shows he is phoney. If you don't know how words work or something then again, not my fault or my problem.

    He said though that he could have done it if you were on an alt account so those screenshots don’t actually prove anything.

    I would have thought you were okay tbh without all the trolling BS, now I’m never gonna take anything you say as serious and will skim-read or ignore your posts. This is the last thing I’ll say though, I honestly pity you because having so many horrible thoughts about people must be hell, you are in hell and I hope you get help.
  7. Kafka sweaty
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Artificial Intelligence Baby, baby!
    Yes mama?

    Telling lies?
    No mama!

    Open your mouth!…

    Ha Ha Ha!

    Nice backpedaling, pedalphile. You are really a very sad and pathetic liar. And C R I N G E

    I don’t see anything wrong with him wanting to teach you stuff this just makes you look phoney for sharing private messages
  9. Kafka sweaty
    It’s probably better cuz I’ve been drinking a lot lately which isn’t normal for me
  10. Kafka sweaty
    I just want stability
  11. Kafka sweaty
    I think the German guy is back in my life now and it’s probably not healthy but will stop this place from warping my mind at least
  12. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ You definitely did the smartest thing which is to ask this community for advice.

  13. Kafka sweaty
  14. Kafka sweaty
  15. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ

  16. Kafka sweaty
    tbh it's a laugh when ppl are so far gone they think im someone thye know
  17. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ Kermie?? That you?

    who dat b
  18. Kafka sweaty
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by smokemon A lot of times my dreams disintegrate into near nothingness when I wake up, only remembering like a visual snapshot of the last moment in the dream. About once or twice a week I'll have a dream where I can remember most of what happens. Those are my favorite, I wish it happened more often.

    Keep posting them here then. I'd probably think myself a mundane person if I didn't remember them.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by smokemon Weird dream last night. I was down in a ravine near a little trickling creek and I found lots of cool dream mushrooms. They were huge, between knee to waist height and very much unlike any real life mushrooms. I picked a couple big ones and was pleased with myself, but then I couldn't get back up the side of the ravine. The sides were too steep and whenever managed to get close to the top gravity would kind of wig out and start changing directions like a salvia trip.

    Eventually after calling out a few times some random bystanders reached down from the top and sort of pulled me up and out. I needed both hands and had to leave the strange mushrooms behind. I went back to my "home," which was this sort of prefabricated shed thing with a ladder that went up to a small loft. I went inside the shed and went up to the loft where a bed was. On the bed was one of my elementary school friend's mom. I approached the bed and she stirred and instantly started talking dirty to me. As she talked dirty, I felt pleasure coming from my crotch region. A boner rapidly grew and erupted from my pants. She kept speaking to me in a dumpster-slut pornstar manner and magically, telekinetically enchanting my woody with her words. After a minute or so I pulled up the covers to reveal the lower half of her lingerie-clad body and leaned over, deposited some spooge on her leg. Then I woke up.

    Luckily I did not jizz the bed, close call.

    That's dope you remember so much, reminds me of attack of the mushroom people, soudns nice
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