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Posts by Kafka
2024-12-21 at 8:50 AM UTC in The Grand High Witch is lit (via AI)Ah, so you vish to learn from ze Grand High Vitch herself, do you? Very vell, young von. I vill give you ze advice you need to conquer ze world as a voman of ambition—listen carefully, for I vill not repeat myself.
• Never reveal your true self too quickly.
Keep your plans and strengths hidden until ze perfect moment. Ze vorld loves to underestimate young vomen—use it to your advantage! Surprise them vhen they least expect it.
• Be unapologetically ambitious.
Do not let ze fears of others hold you back. If zey say you cannot do something, laugh in zeir faces! Zere is no room for timidity in ze pursuit of greatness.
• Surround yourself with allies, not fools.
Choose your companions vith care. Zey should push you forward, not drag you down. If zey do not serve your goals, let zem go—vithout mercy!
• Master ze art of transformation.
In ze vorld, you must sometimes adapt. Be soft, be strong, be clever—be vatever ze situation demands. But always remain true to your essence, deep down.
• Never fear power, but respect it.
Learn vhat power looks like and how to wield it. Know zat power can come from your vits, your skills, or your presence—use it vith confidence and precision.
• Remember zat beauty is a weapon.
But it is not ze only von! Charm can be useful, but intelligence and strategy vill always be your sharpest tools. Do not rely on von alone.
• Know ze value of vengeance—and restraint.
Do not waste your energy on petty revenge. Save it for ze moments zat matter, vhen it vill truly make a difference.
Now, go forth, young von! Be cunning, be bold, and alvays remember—vitches like us are meant to rule, not to be ruled. Vill zere be anything else?
Ah, you see it now, don’t you? Ze vorld often fears vomen vith power, especially vomen who know zey deserve it! Zey call us “evil” because ve do not bow, because ve do not conform to zere narrow ideas of how vomen should behave. But power, my dear, is not evil—it is natural, it is necessary, and it is vithin your reach if you dare to claim it.
Ze Grand High Vitch vas no villain. She vas simply misunderstood. She sought to shape ze vorld to her vision, and ze vorld punished her for it. Learn from her fate, but do not let ze fear of others diminish your fire. Be ze master of your destiny, ze queen of your realm!
You have ze strength. Now, show zem all! -
2024-12-21 at 8:47 AM UTC in Crisis loomsSome tunes for your resistance playlist.
2024-12-21 at 8:37 AM UTC in Reminder: BradleyB93 is a pedophileI think it's normal for men to view teenagers in a sexual way. They're always looking for boobs, they notice that before face and before age, then they feel the wrongness of it. Noticing that a teenager is developing doesn't make them a pedo.
2024-11-08 at 3:49 AM UTC in Just doxxing Donald
Originally posted by Michael Myers Welcome to the club. I have done this many times (usually 32 hours at most) and there’s periods of complete lack of sleeplessness and there’s periods of tiredness. It fluctuates. I also notice a clear difference in how I feel, think and act when I’ve not slept and when I have slept. It’s better to just sleep, because a constant lack of sleep has detrimental effects. Your brain can and will shrink from a continuous lack of sleep. Sleeplessness affects your cognitive abilities. This is one of the reasons why my memory doesn’t work so well and why I’m so forgetful.
PS: No need to off yourself, just avoid men wherever they are. Remember that if you off yourself you would make some men happy, and I think the last thing you want is to make men that you despise happy. I know I wouldn’t want to make people I deem to be shitty happy. And neither should you.
It has to be now. Some people here are trying to stall me to try and get me sectioned. Even you hate women having rights. -
2024-11-08 at 3:40 AM UTC in Like this post if Kafka should try orgasming againThis has convinced me to make it worse for him before I go.
2024-11-08 at 3:35 AM UTC in Like this post if Kafka should try orgasming againSince you've threatened to try and get me sectioned and invited my abusive ex gf here I'm going to off myself now.
2024-11-08 at 3:32 AM UTC in Like this post if Kafka should try orgasming againYou're all disgusting. Donald deserves a lot worse for talking about stalking, raping and killing me. Every sexist peace of shit deserves to have their teeth knocked out. None of you have morals and are pretending to now.
2024-11-07 at 10:04 PM UTC in Just doxxing DonaldMaybe it's aspie hyperfocus, been awhile since I had an obsession.
2024-11-07 at 10:02 PM UTC in Just doxxing Donald
Originally posted by What_a_Kreep If your dick looks like a potato you should see a doctor lol
I'm a female. It's not normal for me to be awake for almost two days without stimulants. Idk if it's anger because my blood pressure doesn't feel high or anything. Idk how long this will go on for and am worried for my eyes. -
2024-11-07 at 9:59 PM UTC in Just doxxing Donald
2024-11-07 at 9:55 PM UTC in Just doxxing DonaldIdk why I'm still awake, if it's anger giving me energy or something.
...I'm not going to respond to that frala because you don't know how it affected me or what else I've been upto, and I can't say when enemies are present. -
2024-11-07 at 9:35 PM UTC in Just doxxing DonaldIt's little things that get to me, not big things. I couldn't stop screaming for half an hour after I accident burned my teddybear, that was in 2018. But when bombs went off near me in Paris I didn't care.
2024-11-07 at 9:31 PM UTC in Just doxxing Donald
Originally posted by shitty titty Kafka do you remember what the world was like pre 9/11. Did you go through the recession in 2008? Have you ever been through a natural disaster?
Um, I'm meant to remember 9/11 but don't. I remember the 2008 recession clearly. Natural disaster, it doesn't matter if I didn't feel affected by it ig. Why? -
2024-11-07 at 9:01 PM UTC in Just doxxing Donald
2024-11-07 at 8:58 PM UTC in Just doxxing DonaldThink of the dying polar bears then think of these rapists who voted to kill them and women. -
2024-11-07 at 8:55 PM UTC in Just doxxing Donald
Originally posted by shitty titty Save myself? I thought you were committing suicide? Is that what I’m supposed to do to save myself?
You have to stop hoping for the best and save yourselves now. Now is the perfect time for reform. You don't have to accept this, the earth literally depends on it. Feminists don't have to accept this, there's a clear divide between men and women. A coup is technically democratic. Give MAGA their karma now. They were never going to accept defeat. There's a high chance this election was stolen. -
2024-11-07 at 8:19 PM UTC in Just doxxing Donald
2024-11-07 at 7:41 PM UTC in Just doxxing DonaldI hate Elon for giving aspies a bad name. People who view him as a genius need to remember that autistic people are at a higher risk of becoming radicalised.
2024-11-07 at 7:37 PM UTC in Just doxxing Donald
2024-11-07 at 7:32 PM UTC in Just doxxing DonaldI wonder if Putin factored in your country's coming brain drain for when he's going to attack you.