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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty

  2. Kafka sweaty
    Lately I’ve been thinking about my low EQ and how it implies the majority of my thoughts could be wrong, and if I should go on thinking/existing knowing that. No one is fully enlightened though so I’m not sure.
  3. Kafka sweaty
    I feel so cracked but am almost home now and will try not to buy Monster at the shop
  4. Kafka sweaty
    I’m shaking rn and dunno if it’s the lack of sleep or food. Yday I had a wrap and a snickers bar then McDonald’s at 9pm. It’s almost 8am now.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by slide22 Have Kids for fuck sakes. its your duty as a European. white people in the USA can Fuck Blacks and mix the shit out of it because we have been doing this for centuries and it used to be cool until the faggot libtards made it wrong for White Men

    breed white in Europe.

    Maybe I would have had one but Roe vs Wade being overturned and abortion rights being iffy atm in the UK has scared me into getting the bar because I was on a waiting list for a year to get it so how could I refuse when who knows what will happen next year if I’ll even have access to morning after pills. This is your fault America.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by slide22 Is it Duel or Duo Citizenship.. LOL

    Dual. I’m not having babies I just got the contraceptive bar in my arm which is good for five years, and if I did have one my sister would raise it because I can’t be a single parent and am not getting married.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by WellHung there is literally nothing left on this planet for me to see or do here. it's closing time.

  8. Kafka sweaty
    I think the time distortion hypnosis worked because I’m still in a light mood 7 hours later and haven’t done much which means I haven’t tried to kill time.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    The state I’ll look like walking into the shop because it’s raining at home, my clothes need washed and people keep staring at me so it must be something bad. I don’t see a major difference in the mirror except my makeup is half there and I must look tired.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Guess what, women wouldn't want to empathize with you either

    Empathy isn’t a choice.
  11. Kafka sweaty
    I don’t expect you to empathise because you’re a guy, but I care more about my mental well-being than physical. The freedom to make bad decisions is good for my soul. Say I were sent to a psych ward where my physical safety was looked after, well my mental health would decline rapidly. The option to self destruct gives psychological reassurance. Death and rape aren’t bad outcomes if you chose them and death is just going to sleep. Hell exists and it’s on earth, it’s when you don’t have the freedom to hurt yourself and that’s worse than death.
  12. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by slide22 Stop being an emo faggot, little lady. just use your fucking head. We dont need to lose another young person on here. 5 already in 4 years

    I’m not gonna live in fear and can’t anyway, freedom tastes better. Many people here deserve my absence.
  13. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by slide22 IN this time of Man you're most likely to be murdered in a foreign country if not your own while being a young lady alone.

    If that happens it will have really been me that murdered me. Men do reckless shit all the time like drink drive.
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by slide22 You need to stop going to other countries or neighborhoods not of your own saying what is acceptable where you're from because it's very dangerous. especially you being on your own. at least find a bunch of girlfriends or even better collective group of men and women who will get your back if some shit hits the fan.

    No, I want to travel alone so I will.
  15. Kafka sweaty
    Today I was thinking of Mik and how distant it all seems that I’d talk to him everyday, it doesn’t feel a part of my normal life or I’m blocking the memories already.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    I’m running on a 20 min meditation type rest from the hypnosis. I tried doing something productive but have decided to take it easy in case I snap.
  17. Kafka sweaty
    This crazy granny just grabbed my shopping bag and when I tried taking it off her saying it was mine she looked inside it and I had to use force. She was eyeing the shopping bag again just now then spent awhile glaring at me I didn’t want to turn around.
  18. Kafka sweaty
    A lot of people were staring at me in the city and idk if it’s because I’m ugly, pretty or just foreign. I only really got blacks and Indians approaching me.
  19. Kafka sweaty
    This man keeps staring at me wide eyed when he passes me and it’s like he’s trying to step as close to me as I can and I caught him looking back at me. It’s making me self conscious like Ik my mascara is on my eyelids. Hopefully I just remind him of someone he knows
  20. Kafka sweaty
    I have to leave other communities because everyone hates me for telling the truth or they get too obsessed with me.
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