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Posts by Kafka
2024-01-23 at 4 PM UTC in Pedo List
2024-01-23 at 12:14 PM UTC in What are you doing at the momentIg I'm having a chill day until my mental health is better. That entails listening to hypnosis for hours, Netflix, reading the narcissist mother book, cleaning clothes and I might get an hour of study done. I have a book of DBT worksheets on the way.
2024-01-23 at 12:08 PM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
2024-01-23 at 10:26 AM UTC in Dress shoppingIt's tough because I love the style and shape of the dresses but it's always gonna be cheap fabric.
2024-01-23 at 9:19 AM UTC in Dress shoppingNvm got both. It's rare to get 1930s style clothes that are also modern, gothic and flattering.
2024-01-23 at 9:13 AM UTC in Dress shoppingDisturbia dresses are hit or miss because you can't see the colour clearly on the site and the model's accessories are distracting/make it hard to imagine wearing. I think I'll get the first one but am not sure about the second one. I can't decide. -
2024-01-23 at 8:58 AM UTC in Trying LSD for the first timeI was bitten by one when I was 8 and three other dogs have tried to attack me.
2024-01-23 at 8:54 AM UTC in Horrible story at the hairdressersThe one I go to, her daughter is doing A Level history so she's learned all that and likes talking about that or TV shows with me.
2024-01-23 at 8:53 AM UTC in Horrible story at the hairdressers
Originally posted by Incessant The secret is they don’t give a fuck and they tune it out and are impeccable actors, unless if they are actually friends with you, even if you are a client.
I don't believe that, at least not here. They're very chatty. I don't talk though so that gives her some relief but otherwise they'd be bored all day. Hairdressers are wise. -
2024-01-23 at 4:56 AM UTC in Horrible story at the hairdressers
Originally posted by A College Professor similar thing happened to me when i was boy but i survived and ent up raised by woovs, hurd
honesty its kind of demeaning to imagine a bunch of damn women getting they hair did gossiping about it
Hairdressers know everything. Idk how they can still have a positive outlook on life after all the stories they hear. -
2024-01-23 at 4:27 AM UTC in Trying LSD for the first time
Originally posted by ner vegas you won't see monsters and stuff like in the movies, if you end up having a bad trip it's more a powerful sense of anxiety and dread, and you'll get stuck in loops of uncomfortable thoughts and unpleasant memories
generally it lasts about 12 hours and you won't be able to sleep for another half of that
you also tend to get better results in nature so a secluded park or beach might be a better idea
A park or beach will have dogs. -
2024-01-23 at 4:19 AM UTC in Trying LSD for the first time
2024-01-23 at 3:43 AM UTC in Trying LSD for the first timeIk what makes me feel safe and it's the primary school with a field, knowing there's no people around, no dangerous objects, if I do find my way into the school I won't jump out any windows because they're boarded up. Ik I could see scary things but I'm only really scared of dogs.
2024-01-23 at 3:24 AM UTC in Horrible story at the hairdressers
2024-01-22 at 6:59 PM UTC in Trying LSD for the first timeThe school may look scary but I have happy memories there and won't be going in it. All I'm really scared of are dogs and water so the suggestibility thing isn't much of a worry. I need to be away from people though so I don't attack them. If I imagined something like neighbours trying to break into my house...
2024-01-22 at 6:35 PM UTC in Trying LSD for the first timeI wouldn't die if I fell from the roof unless it was head first and if I fall through the window I'll just wait to sober up then stack some desks to get out. It means no one else will get hurt like my cat or neighbours and there's no dangerous objects at the school.
2024-01-22 at 6:12 PM UTC in Trying LSD for the first time
2024-01-22 at 6:03 PM UTC in Trying LSD for the first timePrimary school evokes feelings of safety, I've already faced the pitch black classrooms by myself and there's a field where I shouldn't be disturbed by people or dogs. Home is a bad idea because I'll freak out about anything.
2024-01-22 at 5:29 PM UTC in Trying LSD for the first timeI think I'll bring a fairy wand. Cam said when he was on it with his friend they were using swords to fight the creatures they saw, he'd sharpened his legend of zelda sword like a lunatic.
2024-01-22 at 4:34 PM UTC in Trying LSD for the first time