I'm having trouble making sense of 2019-2020, like my memories don't make sense. My life couldn't have changed that much in one year.
Four hours later and I'm only taking the supplements now.
This helps a little:
21. Today, “childless women earn more money than mothers at almost all income levels, with the exception of partnered mothers earning in the top 10 percent of women’s incomes.” They “control far more wealth than mothers do,” too.
16. The romanticizing of motherhood was dealt a blow with the 1980 publication of “Childless by Choice” by sociologist Jean Veevers. From her interviews, Veevers found that many women who had no children saw motherhood as “neither a significant achievement nor an especially creative act….it is equally plausible that for some women a baby may compensate for the book they never wrote, the picture they never painted, or the degree they never finished.”
Idk what to do with my life now that I know for sure I'll never be in a relationship, get married, have children or even want to be friends with anyone.
I feel a mix of anxiety and fatigue. Disorganised. I'm sipping monster, going to take B12, cbd gummies and a smart drug. I want to get on with things but can't if I'm fatigued so might just read the JW book this morning until all that kicks in.
Wondering why there aren't any perfumes that smell like food since that can be irresistible.
Magnetic eyelashes. American Frites sauce. Idk there's been a lot.
I think I had a premonition or something a fleeting thought about killing a dog. Maybe it was something like why haven't I done that yet I hate dogs, but it popped out of nowhere so maybe a premonition.
Yuck this is probably his alt account.
2024-01-20 at 5:49 PM UTC
Just remembered I have used it for fear of the dentist and that worked.
I'm concerned because it's a sudden change and I don't seem to be able to control it.
Maybe it's an alter and I'm having conversations in my head, I'm not going crazy. Maybe they just sound more real.
I've noticed I've started talking to myself out loud in public recently. Just one sentence then I stop myself. Thankfully no one has been around to hear but this feels different, like I'm saying what I'm really thinking and it could get me in trouble if someone heard.
2024-01-20 at 4:50 PM UTC
Pedo List
You messaged me right after he vowed to destroy my life and he can't do that here so it would make sense for him to try and lure me to another platform.
2024-01-20 at 4:41 PM UTC
Pedo List
Fox once suggested sending people tracking pixel images in private messages.