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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I scraped a bunch of M&A threads before running my script to ban speckles as many times as possible but they're all boring as tar. At some point someone (I guess zok?) basically declared no fun in M&A and told paragon to fuck off (think what you want about the guy but he was lighthearted and funny in M&A) and then it was just slow and kinda gay ever after (well at least until I got banned, don't know what it was like afterwards) so there's not really anything worth reading.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I have demonstrated that colour is not objective in various ways, from the fact that different people do experience different colours when they experience the same wavelengths of light

    Once again, you've demonstrated that the perception of color is non-objective. This has nothing to do with the objectivity of color itself, just as perception of lavalamps may be subjective this does not make lavalamps themselves non-objective.

    The claim that colour is objective because the word is commonly used that way is idiotic.

    "The claim that lavalamps are objective because the word is commonly used that way is idiotic"

    The Earth was once commonly believed to be the center of the universe.

    "Earth" has always referred to the planet we live on in common usage. A geocentric model of the universe is a misunderstanding of a property of the Earth, specifically its location. If we had used the term "earth" to refer to "the center of the universe" then we'd have been wrong in a different way, that is mistaken identity of our planet for "earth". Regardless, the meaning of the word earth has always been determined by common usage, just like meaning of any word is determined by common or technical usage, both of which support the notion of objective color.

    So why is it so hard for you to accept that colour is not objective?

    Because you're misusing the term color. And like I've told you many, many, times: even if I grant you your (incorrect) terms it doesn't change the status of rainbows as objectively existent phenomena. The light which composes rainbows is objective, possesses objective wavelengths and is emitted in objective patterns. If you want to try and pull some new definition for color out your ass it doesn't change the fact that rainbows are objective physical phenomena.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So I've concluded the weird ass super-vivid dreams I have when I'm away from home are actually alcohol withdrawal. Was away for new years, didn't drink for like 4 days before because I was with family and had super intense/strange dreams every night starting day two, then drank the following two days, no dreams. Every time I have a run of time without drinking it happens again. Wierd because it's pretty much the only symptom. Not sure if it just happens that when I'm on vacation I'm in a better mood but I've always felt great during the day, just sleeping that's uncomfortable.

    Guess I'm going to have to cut back a bit... starting next week.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    "Triangles rule your home, Syncans to your dome"

  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Arnox, if I gave you a line of SQL (that wasn't obviously *OMG DELETE EVERYTHING*) could/would you run it? If not could you host a static version of the site for a week or two? I can prolly find time to scrape TRT
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    go for it blood
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Damn, how slow is it? I know that feel, it's torture, fortunately I haven't dealt with it in a while. Particularly for someone in tech sector, a programmer and computer science major, affluent in a major metropolitan region, a city like SF, how could you put up with this?

    It's a free connection that you hacked, isn't it? Once you taste the alluring nectar of that sweet sweet free internet, free of worries bout caps, charges, piracy violations, legal liability, you just can't go back, can you?

    If this is the case, what setup are you using? I'd be surprised if you were being lazy and hadn't optimized by now, I would expect better of you (not of myself, I've been about as dysfunctional as you can get).

    Actually surprised by that DL speed, it's just the latency makes everything feel like a crawl.

    It's not cracked though, I have a pretty decent connection at home, the only time I can actually manage to max it out is pulling stuff off a seedbox. I did crack two networks when I moved in but both were pretty shit speed. I think I pay like $60 for it which is low enough I don't really care.

    I'm just out in the sticks for new years and internet comes through a dish.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    There are too many gifs in this thread and it's hurting my hodunk hick-tier internet connection.

    Also spec, remember when you thought image-only posts were killing the community and only kidiots made them? I do.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    In case you people don't realize, the reason I asked is because of this: Clearly bullshit. This is a conspiracy that goes to the top.

    I do realize that's a thing, I bumped a few of the numbers for session lengths so people wouldn't get logged off as often so if you load a page you're considered active for like a month or something (I don't remember the new numbers). One of the params actually controls session length and the other controls the math for "who's online".
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Oh yea, fuck you all for ignoring me. Fuck you. That's why you're so miserable. You're all worried about the dumbest shit. Fucking dysfunctional retards. Get a fucking grip. Sploo and Roshambo, look at them, no social bonds at all… tzzzz.. of course they are pure shit.

    Good work on those social bonds m8. Bet you're socially bound as fuck right now.

    Sorry dude, I hope you're okay. Admittedly, I don't know the background of your story, but I read a bit from your second link. I'm lonely as fuck too, and it scares me that as I get older that's not going to change. I hope you are able to forge those social bonds you seek. I hope I can too.

    How old are you now?
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Don't think he was that active in debian in the past several years. Plus he worked for salesforce so that's already a lot of "deserve to die" points right there.

    Everyone on /g/ is saying it was a conspiracy/assassination but I've seen exactly zero evidence of that to date.

    Debian is still bretty good though.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Dethklok is pretty funny tho
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Also i wasn't aware of the etymology of the word 'hacker' so that's interesting as well.

    Yeah, it's an interesting history. ERS's two famous textfiles (How to be a Hacker and The Cathedral and the Bazaar) are still worthwhile reads today I think. They may not represent what hacking, cracking, or programming in the mainstream is today but it's hard to talk about the current state of things without reference to the era that he largely enshrines in those two texts.

    Well it's like having a bigger dick, it just looks nice. When people go to your github account and see that big dick, they get jelly and want to hire you. I kid a bit, obviously, but that kind of shit does have an impact on people unfortunately.

    That's true, employers do actually care about that kind of thing I'm afraid but then employers care about linkedin profiles but I'm not signing up for that since I'm not a hardcore faggot so I guess I'll just take it on the chin and hope someone who's willing to actually open a repo and look at the code is who will be making the hiring decision.

    It's the sort of thing that I feel doing professionally would completely destroy the fun of. That's just a guess though. Most of the fun in doing security stuff is getting into places you're not supposed to be in and exploring. If you had to turn that into a day job where they were expecting you to jump in and as soon as you found a hole you couldn't explore more, I'm guessing that would get old.

    Yeah, I could definitely see that. Even the more mundane activity of programming, shit being on a deadline where you can never make anything good, just barely good enough to pass muster and a smoke test, it can rip all the fun out of it. I've found as one gets faster, better, you learn to pretend to be mediocre/slow and use the time that buys you to do actual good work and that restores some of the joy to things. I imagine there's an analog in infosec but I wouldn't know from experience.
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Do a thread on universally preferable behavior.

    I could see that turning into a real shitsshow right quick. I approve.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Hard to outdo a shitpost about literal shit.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Lanny, what's your favorite thing to do, or just the most enjoyable thing you've done in the past, with IRL friends? Just curious what intelligent people in major metropolitan areas do. I literally have zero social experience, none. Ultra-autist level.

    I mean there are different types of enjoyable. "Sex" is probably the most literal answer in pure hedonic terms.

    I remember spending summer afternoons with a pair of technical friends programming, we'd often start a given session with trying to solve a randomly selected problem from a "interview questions" book which was pretty fun/challenging if not really representative of what gets asked on the majority of interviews these days. I also used to hang around both the CS lab and the "philosophy lab", the latter of which was just a room with a coffee pot and a bunch of couches where people shot the shit, sometimes drank, and sometimes talked about philosophy. All three of those things were a lot of fun in their own way, probably the realest way, intellectually challenging and generally unexpected.

    All those things require a particular interest though. If you're looking for something fun though you should go to a concert, live music is a great way to interact with new people. There's a social script you can follow and be fine but it's still human interaction. We've all had some level of social isolation, when I've felt most anxious about dealing with other people I've found the experience of seeing a show to be kinda cathartic: no real expectations on you but a way to get out in public, acclimate to the presence of other humans. I'm sure things like sporting events would fulfill the same desire, I just enjoy music more. I've been getting into board gaming a bit lately, might be a good choice for you, again a situation where you can act like a robot and be fine but which still involves interaction with people.

    It's like, I'm not sure if at times I genuinely came to the realization of what was missing from my life that made it worth living, enjoyable, for normal people, or if it was only speculative, that it seemed mundane, but was essentially akin to a vital piece of nutrition for psychological well being, or if it was something that I may not realistically be able to bring myself to enjoy, similar to the very low brow things proles are captivated by, the mainstream society I'm completely isolated from, or that there's really nothing there for me and I may have permanently ruined the world for myself by going too deep into the void/abyss.

    Thinkers who, by all available evidence, were much smarter, further removed from the proles, than you are found a lot of meaning in social interaction, human relationships.Going by the facts it seems likely this is something you could almost trivially overcome given the earnest desire to do so.

    It reminds me of something McKenna may have said about DMT and the phenomena of the "elves" diving into your chest, that when they're doing this they're experiencing entire human lifetimes. Like, what if I was able to do this and was like, "That was it? That's what I was missing? That's all there is?".

    What if it was the opposite? Like what if you realized the mundane life was deeply meaningful, happy, and fulfilling? I mean you don't even have to be a DMT elf to do that right? You've tried the social isolation thing for a good while now. You're free to try out the alternative and see how it compares. It's not like sociability is an essential trait of people, it's something we're all born without and develop in a few short years. It's only your own sense of dramatics that holds you back from experiencing a different way of living.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    living them ends

    mixed feelings on emmy stone. On the one hand she's severely overrated, on the other she's not bad fantasy material. Liked her in zombieland even if she was an apathyblob (the west's moral equivalent to a moeblob).
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Unfortunately no. I can get threads for you that you specifically request but opening up the whole forum won't happen. It was closed due to being backstabbed and having some utterly terrible members who wouldn't calm down or screw off.

    You had the "utterly terrible members" from day 1, you didn't close the site until sigma thoroughly cucked you. Mind you he was a cunt-lord and you didn't deserve it but being honest it wasn't the userbase that broke the camel's back. There is nothing that was posted on sanc, rdfrn, or here that was above and beyond what got posted on totse in terms of objectionality or user obstinance. I'm not going to dick stroke too much seeing as I run a desolate fifth incarnation of a forum that went bust years ago but I've banned one user from here I think, and it was a spam bot. I'm yet to be arrested, ganked, raped or whatever else it is that admins fear. My PI has been in circulation since zoklet, I'm still looking forward to the day I explain to my boss how I pretended to be a girl for years on a drug/crime board. The userbase isn't half as "bad" as it's been made out to be and from an observer's perspective it had basically nothing to do with the sanc getting shut down. Like yeah, if the user base had all been singing your praises you might not have felt the need to take your ball and go home in the wake of the drama that preceded the end but is that a realistic expectation to have of any group of posters? What kind of users would you have needed to keep the doors open after the fateful backstabbing?
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