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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    ^^ Yee, that's pretty much it. Cap't said he'd donate to the site if I would fix it, I said I'm working on a fix for a few of the major issues (namely a migration back towards vB3 or 4 which have less buggy/broken approaches towards things like PMs), he said he has cancer and wants to give his money away and I said it'd be better spent with givedirectly, my personally preferred charity which operates by making direct cash transfers to the extremely poor primarily in Kenya and Uganda (a preference made based on the empirical efficacy of the strategy in improving human lives per dollar spent).

    Considering the personage in question I think it's safe to assume cap't donated a few bucks and used either photoshop or the browser dev tools (either of which would make it trivially easy to falsify the amount donated) to come up with the screen caps in OP. But my skepticism aside, donating any amount to a good cause is a commendable deed, I'm happy if even a couple of dollars went to helping people who could make better use of that money than people like me or CF.

    I could rant for a while on why effective altruism is a good thing, on why first world citizens wildly underestimate both the amount of happiness their money can buy for others, and the happiness they can get from helping others, but that's largely besides the point. The relevant facts here are that starving niggers just got somewhat less starving and that's a good thing. A better thing than you're going to feel all month. A thing which, if you invest in it, will justify your depressive suffering because no matter how bad the exetencialist sense of emptiness we feel as a product of who we are, our upbringings, the albatross of western intellectualism about our necks, something good has been done and even if we are so emptied of a meaningful emotional existence we can at least acknowledge, on a purely intellectual level, that something good has taken place here.

  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Don't make me laugh, you were so cucked by my last post you felt the need to edit yours ex post facto just to look better.

    heu heu heu
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Bernie is Ron Paul as a democrat. He knows he's not going to win. He just wants your donations you stupid goyim.

    Lol, you realize politicians don't actually enjoy the campaign process right? It takes up a lot of time and effort and doesn't make them (personally) a corresponding amount of money. It's true that you can accomplish things even by losing but if Sanders were just after money he has a lot better options than running for the democratic nomination.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yeah, the basic idea of frame interpolation predates digital video but only became feasible generally in the last 20 years or so. The obvious approach is just a linear blend between source frames so your intermediary frame just looks like the two source images overlaid on each other but it often doesn't look that great, especially when you don't have a static background and on jump cuts. The modern approach is kind of a grab bag of tricks, static vs. moving content detection, frame diffing, cut detection, stuff like that. There was a desktop application that did it for home viewers that got some popularity a while ago, here it is:

    I've tried it, never did much for me and the off places where it falls down didn't really justify it to my mind but it can kick out some good results with a little tuning.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Without risk,competition, and selfishness, life really probably wouldn't be much worth living. I don't really know what you meant by ""we made it perfect but you didn't like it", but that is exactly what would happen.

    It was part of the matrix, maybe one of the sequels, but a representative of the robots at one point says that they tried making the matrix that was a utopia but no one liked it, they rejected it and woke up. Implying that suffering was so endemic to human psychology that we couldn't exist without it. It's an ugly but popular head of the essentialist hydradic dogma. The matrix represents the triumph of the subjective, the honest admittance to our fundamentally subjective existence and acknowledgement of the significance of that, the admittance that we are what we experience and nothing more. It's only through small minded, conservative and fearful mindsets that we fear a utopia. So beaten are we by this world that so many of us think anything better must be a lie, secretly terrible. Go take some crazy ass drugs, learn what ecstasy is (the experience, not MDM), come to learn how fundamentally we are subjective and realize that there is no natural bound on subjectivity, that we can experience anything at any time. Physical correspondence means nothing, souls who have truthfully confronted the limitations of their experience, their subjectivity, realize there is no reason utopia is beyond reach, why suffering is no necessary part of the human condition.

    People would be miserable and disaffected in a true, perfect utopia, and we would definitely not thrive and might even eventually die out as a species from ennui or self-destruction.

    That's exactly the kind of small minded fear the prevents no only our society from being happy but you personally. You think there is no good without the bad but that's a slave mentality, an inexplicable love of what is bad for you. So broken are we that we can't even truly imagine a life that isn't as dysfunctional as this one, that's the real tragedy here.

    P.S. I'm drunk as shit
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Have you ever watched space dandy? There's a running gag that's basically just "random algebra = boobies" and some other themes that remind me of your sthick (radical mathematical platonism with some screwball recursive mysticism thrown in for the lulz). Also I took the time to look spacebar-spam to read all the equations in the ED and they're obviously something from some nigga who got a C in calc1 but was in an intense relationship at the time so the residual dopamine burned the subjective impression of higher mathematics to a novice into his mind as an endurinly deep meta practive who then switched to being a basement mangaka because he couldn't hack it
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You're the reason we'll live in The Matrix in 50 years.

    The matrix wouldn't be such a bad place to be if it weren't for ridiculous essentialist notions that informed things like the whole "we made it perfect but you didn't like it" plot.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    As far as I am aware there is nothing after death, having served the collective good would provide no benefit to me in a state of non-existence.

    Did you miss the point about the policy being harmful even on the individual level due to means? You're more likely to be victimized by a car with exclusive preference for its driver's well being than one programed to act in the way that maximizes utility.

    Rationally, wouldn't any punishment/negative outcome be superior to non-existence, from an individual's point of view, as there's a chance for improvement of their condition or prior beliefs being proven false?

    If you were a purely rational and self interested agent agent (protip: you are neither) then you'd elect the course of action that maximizes your gains given the knowledge you have. Since you have no knowledge of wether you'll but on the winning or losing end of an automated sacrificed but that more people are on the winning end when there is altruistic programming then you ought to prefer that programming. It's just like Rawls's veil of ignorance
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I think it will happen and it'll be a good thing. Not because I have any particular faith in tech companies or regulatory authorities but because it's a convenient thing that will make an incremental improvement in the lives of first world citizens i.e. it's the type of technology who people who are involved in making technology actually give a shit about.

    When I was in school I took an ethics in sci/tech course and one of the hypotheticals that came up was this: you're in a self driving car going over a bridge. A school bus in front of you full of children hits the breaks, your car has this information and also knows it can't stop in time to avoid the bus. The car has a "choice" to hit the bus likely killing all the kids but deploying airbags and saving your probably or swerving off the bridge almost certainly killing you but keeping the expected death toll low (one person vs. the majority of a full bus). What is joe programmer writing implementing the car's logic supposed to do? I thought the answer was pretty obvious, responsibility to minimize loss of human life far exceeds a company's duty to its customers. It seems pretty uncontroversial that a pharmaceutical company manufacturing like thalidomide for example, knowing the risks and marketing it to pregnant women, is doing something wrong even if its customers understand the consequences. Likewise we shouldn't sell people cars that are going to increase the total deathtoll just to soothe their anxieties (indeed it would even, in aggregate, put such customers at greater risk since they're more likely to be on the other side of that kind of dichotomy). It was surprising how mixed reactions to that case are, a lot of people really believe that there's something wrong with a car that might sacrifice its driver for the greater good.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You don't know what you're dealing with here, son.

    Hey, spectroll, if I showed you an example of a buffer overflow attack where the payload could be larger than 7KB would you admit you were wrong?
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You are right, I age exactly like poppy tea: I'm spoiled, and sort of an off-white color, but I will still fuck you up.

    Do you have any poppy seed vendors at the moment? You mentioned getting a line on heroin so maybe not but it seems like something worth giving a whirl.
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Like what

    Stills from the most intense porn you can find, or print outs of random threads from this or prior communities
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage

    I see you reverted

    but not on the mobile site

    Should be a black penis everywhere, probably your carrier over-caching assets it thinks are static. Mobile ISPs will do anything to protect their shitty mobile data up to and including blatant disregard for specs and faustian MitM black magicks
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    why is everything from australia so fucking stupid?

    Clearly you've never heard of the distinguished emu

  15. Lanny Bird of Courage

  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You don't even "talk" to people here

    You just "post content"

    It's getting on my nerves

    Start talking to people that aren't Malice or I'll fucking Vex you. Chris "Blood Magick" Hansen showed me how.

    so is darg bag crib leg considered talking to people or posting content?
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    No, but I do believe in dope ass trips and spontaneous hallucinations. Aquinas probably had a stroke towards the end of his life that caused him to experience intermittent ecstasy until he died and that was some of the most fruitful work of his career, supposedly he would dictate three different essays, books, or different parts of the same book at the same time to three scribes, dictating to one while the other two caught up and would do this for days on end without sleep.
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Because that's the maximum attack buffer size.

    Haha, all your supposed legendary experience and you've only ever seen one particular buffer overflow and now think that 7KB is is some natural limit on direct memory alteration attacks. That's rich.

    objdump -d ./PROGRAM|grep '[0-9a-f]:'|grep -v 'file'|cut -f2 -d:|cut -f1-6 -d' '|tr -s ' '|tr '\t' ' '|sed 's/ $//g'|sed 's/ /\\x/g'|paste -d '' -s |sed 's/^/"/'|sed 's/$/"/g'

    Does anyone know what all the string processing after the objdump invocation does? I got as far as "process lines that potentially have hex files but don't contain the string 'file'" before my eyes glazed over.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Pull over, call the cops on them. If I'm really fine to drive just chill until he's picked up but sluring and driving well usually don't go well together
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yee blood, they're just those random over-sweet japanese pastry things. They're only a daikazoku if you have a bunch and draw the eyes on them tho.

    Also clannad a shit. I made a thread on AB about how shit it was, maybe will x-post
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