Lol, since when did the police start going after customers when they bust dealers? You're supposed to roll drug busts upwards, not down. And the cops don't give a shit about some yuppie who quietly buys small amounts of drugs and holds down a 9 to 5. Also a drug conviction would probably hurt my career but wouldn't ruin it, especially in this town,
It's not alcoholism until it becomes a problem so no, but I do drink more than I should and it probably would be a problem if my lifestyle were different
That's a sin against gods creations. As per church of trianglism dogma you must do 666 lashes to yourself and cut a triangle ∆ into any part of your body preferably the forehead If you turn your back on crib leg bag crib leg bag will turn its crib leg bag on you
How would you feel if they caught you with methamphetamine and the other drugs you have and have had in the past? What if one day you ended up being forced to give a urine or blood sample while driving?
It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that in 2015 drugs are not illegal in the US, only certain patterns of use, particularly the poor (as in wealth) patterns of use, are prohibited. I have a tremendously low chance of ever being arrested for drug crime given my current lifestyle. And if I ever were arrested for as much my chances of facing life-changing consequences is very low. I don't drive but if I did I certainly wouldn't do it under the influence of drugs, I think people who abuse drugs while operating vehicles that can easily kill people largely deserve the punishments our society deems fitting even if I don't agree with the drug policy at large.
And I'm not trolling. I may not think this state of affairs is right but it doesn't change the fact that I'm the beneficiary of it or that it exists.
It sounds like an interesting project but I'm not sure how much use it will be. TCP and UDP are all people really care about because there's basically only one interesting question you can ask after the IP level and before implementing useful systems which is "do I want to provide consistency guarantees or is that an application level concern?". If it's the former then TCP is pretty much king of the hill, it gives you everything you want and probably better than you could do it and if it's the latter then every interesting data guarantee can be provided for at the next level up. They represent two extremes and pretty much every middle value is over optimization for a narrow use case.
Also I love the police, they defend my interests, protect my safety, and generally make my life better. If you don't like the police then you're basically a nigger
Why do you browse /pol/? Need your daily dose of cuckoldry, enjoy a glimpse into the dark side?
I only pop in from time to time. It's pretty funny, even if you don't agree with the politics, and I'm convinced a sizable minority of posters there are just satirizing the right which is my own MO on the rare occasion I post.
There's this vending machine at work and I generally avoid the things both because the price and health considerations but every now and then I pick up a bag of hot cheetos that shit is insanely good until like 30 seconds after I finish them. Tastes like cancer and styrofoam in the best possible way.
"whaa, there exists a mildly negative stereotype about me which I'm completely isolated from by merit of geographic region, why do niggers have it so easy?"
The real question is why is Bill Krozby such a victim.
Also when was the last time you had a face to face conversation with an actual european who had anything bad to say about the US?
spectroll, go make your own thread for your cunt pasted skiddy shit you've been bragging about for years instead of hijacking this one so we can ignore you in peace
100 pages of a longecity thread is hardly compelling evidence in itself, I've read a few dozen out of that thread and that majority of it is really bad hodunk pseudo-science and just really bad critical thinking skills in general. That's of course not damning of NSI-189, it's just to say longecity has a lot of gullible/desperate posters who overestimate their own intelligence.
I'm taking 30mg daily, single dose, if I go up to 40 I might split it because the head pressure is kinda annoying but whenever I do morning/night dosing I forget/neglect the morning dose as often as not.
I've read the phase 1b paper and, like I said, a sample of the longecity commentary. It's true the trial looks good for neuralstem but to date it's the only human study and has a small sample size of people with clinically diagnosed depression. It also failed to demonstrate statistically significant increase in hippocampal volume which was supposedly the remarkable outcome from the animal model. Also neurogenesis does a poor job explaining the effects I experience (and those reported by a lot of other people taking it) in terms of the timeframe (effects are felt in minutes and fade in hours rather than the days to weeks we would expect to see significant neurogenesis happening in) so it's either a placebo or there's some other mechanism of action (not necessarily to the exclusion of neurogenesis though) which should be at least a minor cause for concern. I'm not saying it's on par with grabbing a bottle of pills at random and downing a handful or something but there's really only tentative evidence it's effective with diagnosed depression, which I don't have, I wouldn't even self-diagnose because the symptoms and time frames involved. I don't think I can really justify the use beyond just curiosity, which is a pretty poor reason to take it.
I have to say there's pretty much zero reason to believe OP. I mean what exactly are the chances that Oplus killed himself, his semi-estranged brother (who he talked about this random periodically moving niche community to for some reason) somehow found a book full of his passwords and decided the right thing to do was log on and tell everyone about it? The posting style is a bit different but that's easily faked, tone is close enough. I mean the only thing that would make me think otherwise is posting "he was a great guy" talking about himself and calling himself an "eccentric genius" is further lacking in taste than I typically think of Oplus as being but it's a far cry from compelling evidence. Smart money says yall're being rused