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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So I picked up some NSI-189 on a lark and partly because I've been feeling pretty down lately, going back to socal for my dad's funeral, thought I was dealing with it pretty good but as the funeral date gets closer it's hitting me more. Anyway it has some interesting effects or maybe placebo effects, don't know, pretty different from what other people report but it came from a tested batch, fits the taste/numbing profile. I want to say it helps me focus but that's not quite right, after I take it for 2-3 hours I can read uninterrupted without feeling distracted or like I want to do something else and I can exercise longer and more vigorously although after about 2 hours I start feeling pretty tired so it's nice at night. But it's not like stimulated super-focus, it's almost more of a sedated/mildly dissociated feeling that makes me not care about the usual distractions. Outside of that couple of hours after dosing I don't feel any noticeable change in mood. Kinda weirds me out, might stop taking it because I don't really need it and you know, random internet chemicals.

    Serotonin definitely effects the perception of time. It's a very interesting and strong effect. I've mentioned this in the past, although it wasn't a memorable post(s), noticed levels likely plummeting based on behavioral correlations, after the shroom trip that triggered this depressive spiral about 2 years ago and caused depersonalization/derealization afterward, then a reversal when taking Zoloft.

    Shouldn't mushrooms and zoloft have functionally a similar effect on serotonin? Like they should both increase levels available for use right?

    Lanny, a while you sent the invites for and bibliotek to my secondary email address. I didn't check it in time and didn't know the links would expire in 3 days. I was too embarrassed/bashful to ask you to resend them.

    Could you resend them to [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL], and any other private trackers you think I may find useful? I'm in need of them.

    So apparently my bibliotik account got suspended for inactivity (I generally go to #bookz first, bibliotik second, been buying physical more lately just for kicks) and I can't be stuffed to go through the resurrection process right now. I sent the invite. So I probably said this last time but they're ratio nazis at what and there's a whole slew of rules around seeding and uploading. You can actually lose you account if you don't read them so you should do that.

    The only other place I have invites is AnimeBytes which is bretty good, want an invite there? I don't have the user rank on BtN or PtP to invite people, mostly because I never have any content to upload there. The real strategy with private trackers is to get poweruser on what which gets you into their invite forum, almost every other private tracker out there has open invites from there. You have to do uploads but with a little patience and lurking bandcamp it's not too hard.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Lanny, what do you use to open wine? I asked because I bought this on Amazon for no other reason than I wanted it, "used" and cheap:
    The waiter's style is fun to use, but the mechanism for this is just so cool and efficient. If you can find it for a few bucks (I remember your thrift store hobby), do it. Being a programmer, I assume you have fragile wrists and hands that will eventually be afflicted by carpal tunnel, if it hasn't already occurred, and due to being a wino the speed and efficiency only increases the benefit.

    Just a whatever $2 butterfly style opener, it's never let me down. No wrist problems partly because I'm a decent typist and partly because I've mostly eliminated mouse use for dev work (actually rigged up a foot pedal setup for focus management, it works surprisingly well).

    As for the sweetening wines thing, the majority of wines aren't supposed to have any real level of sweetness and most wines that are supposed to be sweet suck, port is probably the only major exception and most ports are shit as well. Never in my life have I had a sip of wine and been like "shit, this needs to be sweeter".
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Why is HTTP preferable to SMTP? The latter would seem to be the simpler solution
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I realized today it's been like a solid 4 months since I've done any amount of work worth a shit. Like I dusted off one of my hobby projects to take a look at it, got into the guts of it and thought "hmm, this is an interesting problem, what was I thinking when I started this?" and realized 4 months prior was the last time actually had to think about anything. Hmm, "think about anything" sounds dumb, obviously I've had to think of things between then and now but I guess it's "flow state" or whatever and it's the only time I ever do anything worth doing and I haven't gotten off my ass to do anything in literally months.

    Maybe I should take my shitty almost-od is a sign that this lifestyle isn't sustainable, I need to find a job I couldn't do in my sleep and something actually challenging to do with my time. I feel like I've been bored non-stop for months. I hardly even program at work, just send endless emails vaguely related to writing tiny amount of actual code. You'd think being a code monkey would entitle a nigger to actually write some code at some point. And I could probably make up for that in my spare time, got a lot of it, but it's all too easy to burn it on whatever, video games, drugs, distractions. My mind is going to rot at this rate. I think I made a mistake not going to grad school. I remember being a student, poor and depressed but at least I was working, putting my mind to something I cared about, but at the time all I could think about was how much I hated the same shitty clam chowder meal after meal and how I didn't want to eat that same shitty chowder ever again. At the time it seemed to color everything, waking up in the morning was just the prelude to the inevitable conclusion of that same old cheap ass canned chowder, it felt like misery and poverty and awkward living arrangements made into a dish on sale for $0.99 a serving but in those 16 hours between my groggy hungover awakening and miserable dinner at least my mind was occupied in larger things than fucking how to word my response to code review #73 politely or if some stupid widget was going to work right on some esoteric combination of device and OS no one actually owns. It largely wasn't even novel work in any field, but it was challenging for me, I was getting better at it every day. I haven't actually done enough work to get better at anything besides polishing a chair and passing responsibility via email in the last year. Bleh, I'll take it back, even if I need to eat that shitty fucking chowder again I'll take it. Fucking intellectual decay in comfortable well compensated lifestyle can blow me, it's a waste of a life if I can't at least spend it on something interesting.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Makes sense, but why is the function called isogram? Or is it an argument to the function. I literally have no idea.

    Oh, lol, didn't even notice that. That's not the name of the function, it's the argument list. So this:


    Is what is called a self executing anonymous function. It just means a function that's executed as soon as its defined, usually not good for much but because of javascript's closure semantics it's fairly common to see. In this case it's just a minification strategy, a sort of compression strategy. It renames a handful of variables to something shorter, for example the "i" argument is referred to 6 times in the self execution function, "i" is bound to the value of "window" so you save a total of 5(the difference of length between "i" and "window") times 6 (number of uses) bytes in script length. The fact that the argument names spell "isogram" has no semantic significance, it's just a kinda funny pun the author of the minification lib (the program that turns more human readable code into compressed shorter code) came up with, or the human who did the hand-minification (rare). An identifier can only have one referent in a given scope so in minification you have to ensue you never re-use the same var name as you do in isogram construction. Most minifiers start with "a", followed by "b" but whoever minified this had a sense of humor.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    ITT: Capt' Falcon on damage control duty
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I agree. The secret is to add sweetener, preferably artificial. This causes a dramatic improvement in the taste of many wines. I use pure sucralose, although I should make a highly concentrated solution with propylene glycol, it would be very useful for wines. I could enhance an enhance and entire bottle based on the ratio. Acquired taste my ass.

    An explanation of how acquired tastes functions (Ignore the site it's hosted on, the researcher is a great writer on health and nutrition):

    That really is pretty heinous. You know you could just buy wine coolers or something, that shit is cheap as hell and sweet. Also there's a couple of problems with that article. Firstly he gives some studies that show caloric content can condition flavor preference in children and then claims it's a full account of acquired taste which is an obvious non sequitur. And it also fails to explain taste acquisition in the absence of caloric fortification like in the studies: alcoholic drinks are largely devoid of nutrition and actively toxic, their consumption poses minimal evolutionary advantage.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    The etag header and that javascript are unrelated. Etag is used for caching, the value is opaque to the useragent (meaning there is no spec-defined semantics for the value) and generally changes as the relevant resource changes, useragents can request a resource conditional on if its etag has changed. So like for a thread, the etag might change every time someone makes a post but the useragent sends its last cached etag with each request so if the etag hasn't changed between two requests (if no new posts are made) the server returns a response clearing the useragent to serve from the cache.

    The JS is just google analytics' normal loader logic. It loads analytics.js into the page which is a whole other gob of code which defines the `ga` global and then sends a request with a bunch of user data back to GA with the site's id (the 'UA-...' thing) so it knows who to show the data to.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You're so damn gay.

  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    One beer is nothing. Weed has a bit of a reverse tolerance to break through– takes a couple of tries before you get high.

    Yeah, this, with a slow metabolism and a decent body weight even a person with no tolerance isn't going to get anything out of one beer and most people don't get high the first few times they try smoking weed. I couldn't enjoy weed until I started smoking on my own, whenever I smoked with people I just got nervous because like new drug, unknown potency, social situation and just ended up spending the whole high trying to act like I wasn't. The true spirit of cannabis only presents itself when you wake up, start smoking, spend an entire day watching shitty tv and playing video games badly while covered in crumbs from the junk food you've been eating all day and go to sleep absolutely disgusted with yourself.
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Don't fuck wit entropy yo
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    He died.

    Lol, felt like it at points. Threw up like every 20 minutes for a few hours, swung between feeling like I was going to pass out and being restless, dizzy as a nigger. Damn, would have been embarrassing if I had died from stupid poppy seed tea overdose. Kinda scary because I still have like more than half the tea I made and didn't drink in case it came on too strong, had I just downed the whole thing I'd probably have passed out and choked on my own vomit or some shit. Lasted for like 12 hours too. If that's what OD feels like then those euthanasia niggas who are like "you just drift off to blissful sleep" are full of shit.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Are you gonna order some trucks? :D

    hey guys, I think he means DRUGS


    actro, you are the living end
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So I tried the poppy seed tea thing and it's certainly not wanting for potency but so far I don't like it at all. I just feel sedated as a motherfucker and a little nauseous, no discernible euphoria. I guess I took too much, half a pound sounds like the low end from what I've read (and I probably only drank half the tea it produced) but I guess with zero tolerance it's still a lot.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I kinda forgot about TC, maybe I'll hop on later today. Is it empty all the time or just during the day?

    Also yeah, daydrunk is bestdrunk.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Devil's tritone? What, is this a joke? These niggas be ripping off black sabbath who invented that shit. Geez, learn2culture
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Did panny actually make that? That's actually some half decent editing. Like weird film student who sits in the back and is into german expressionism tier stuff.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You think I didn't send this to her? You are gravely mistaken.

    Should I send her this thread as well or is that 2far

    You should, but be careful niqqa, when ashley sees my mirthful witty posts she's going to be all up on my dick like you don't even know, which will make you officially stalker-cuck'd
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Something worth considering but what actually are the effects of SSRIs and how do we know about them? There's a special issue with discovery here since most people able to report side effects are going to be mentally ill in some capacity. It's true you can be depressed without dreaming up side effects of medications but going on heresay of a handful of individuals taking these drugs seems like pretty weak evidence of anything. I have no horse in the race but I'd be interested if there were any rigorous studies to support the "SSRIs are satan" hypothesis.
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