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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage

  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Ah, Lanny, let me bug you for a moment on an old subject. You may find this amusing:


    Kind of amusing.

    So are the other significant divergences. The only one that isn't explained is impersonal/less aversive:
    There are other charts. This would make for a god thread and discussion someplace just to start a shitstorm. The differing interpretations would be the funniest aspect, each side attempting to argue why they were superior.

    It is amusing. The trolley problem was originally formulated as an action/inaction dichotomy, the fact that libertarians fail to relinquish themselves to the Kantian position of inaction (that is to say, taking the position that one is not morally responsible for situations one does not bring about) shows they're convinced by the proposed ends of libertarians more than the actual intellectual arguments for that position. For what it's worth the whole population is susceptible to the push/pull dichotomy, we've know that result for a long time. I think it was JJT that conducted the original study but I'm not sure.

    Additionally! The obvious interpretation here that would seem to be relevant to me is that liberals are shitty utilitarians. I don't particularly disagree with that assessment, even outwardly I frequently express disappointment with the american left in out/their love for emotional appeal rather than hedonic calculus. However, a potentially deeper issue is the bifurcation of "conservatives" from "libertarians". From my perspective such a split is arbitrary, you might as well have split the american left into utilitarian leftists and democrats and we could guess how these findings would turn out. The study is fundamentally apples and oranges.

    Good, alcohol is the shittiest drug ever.

  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What are you afraid of Lanny?

    I mean, being autistic obviously? I'm sure you understand the stigma around the condition. It's like asking why someone's afraid of when they get tested for cancer. Surprise: it's having cancer.

    You know it won’t change anything. Intellectual cowards are the worst of all. People afraid of ideas, knowledge, thoughts inside the privacy of their own minds. I don’t respect those who choose not to know a diagnosis. With knowledge you can attempt to ameliorate it if you find it/certain aspects a problem.

    Well does a diagnosis do something for a patient or not? What are some effective treatments for mild autism in adults? What does a diagnosis even mean? It's not a statement about some physical state, for all the interesting theories of neurological origins for autism spectrum disorders the best among them is at best post hoc. It's a behavioral disorder, diagnosis is a mere statement of symptoms conveniently grouped into disorders for the sake of treatment. That may be an efficacious clinical practice but in the absence of meaningful intervention it doesn't represent real benefit to potential patients. You should read Carnap, Schlick, other logical positivists. They're kind of laughed at by post-analytic philosophers today but they really helped clarify standing issues around meaning and language. While they have have been over ambitious, in limited contexts (and I think medicine is not a bad example) their proposed systems of language and meaning find real applicability even if psychology is cited as a popular counterexample (positivist interest in medicine was treatment, not diagnosis per se).

    The third major factor in suicide risk is desensitization to self harm, which I’ve never engaged in. Unfortunately if you don’t feel anything from physical harm it becomes much easier.

    I don't deny that self harm is a real problem for many people but sometimes I think our society stigmatizes voluntary induction of pain unfairly. I think it can be a valuable. A sort of reverse sublimation, the transformation of complex psychological pain into a baser, more easily resolved physical isomorph. I think most people who look at self harm as a psychological disorder would accept preference for pain in a sexual context as being healthy which I think is an inconsistent position. Sure context matters, but I don't think sexualization is the exclusive force that can justify the pleasurability or desirability of pain.

    On a side note, have you ever watched I Heart Huckabees? There's a scene that relates to that, but I'd be interested in your opinion on the film in general. I'm still undecided on how I feel about it. It was really just stupid in a low of ways but it got a genuine laugh out of me now and then, bordered on authentic aburdism at points although the flavor went untastefully pseudo-acedemic at points.

    IIRC those in solitary confinement or something of that nature, maybe just isolated people, referred to themselves/used the word “I” around 10-15 times as normal. Not surprising if know no on else to talk about.

    Aw shit, I totally do that. I have this annoying speech (any typed speech) pattern of hedging every sentence with "I think" or "as far as I can remember" whenever I want to make a deceleration. I kinda hate it, but I don't really know how to speak/type differently. When I was a kid I remember there was this one off class on "conflict resolution" (some kid probably beat the shit out of another so the faculty felt this was necessary) and the only thing I remember from it was the advice to use "I-statements" like instead of being all like "you're a fucking cunt nick" you rephrase it to be like "I feel like what you did was highly cuntly". I wonder if I picked up the habit from there.

    I was actally atttempting to find methods to inflict high levels without causing physical damage because I felt it might be therapeutic, distract (It reminds me of a scene from House, over 8 years ago, where he enacts blunt forcr trauma to his hand in order to distract from the pain of his leg, possibly when going through withdrawals from vicodin, IIRC).

    Hey, I remember that. He specifically used a pestle, then lied about slamming it in a car door. And I remember being like "wait, why does he have a mortar and pestle in his office?", sure he was a doctor but it wasn't like he was making medicine in his office or something. Gotta say, that show has not aged well.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage

    I'm not giving those cunts even a fraction of a penny (probably multiple pounds when converted to the newly worthless britbucks). I double checked that I have precaching off just to make sure they don't get anything from me. Nothing reeks of degeneracy and ignorance more than the telegraph. It's like malt liquor and fat housewives with nothing better to do had a retarded hate child and that kid smeared it's shit on a piece of paper which was then published incredibly widely with uncanny SEO so the general level of discourse within western civilization could be maximally degraded.

    I'm almost convinced it's a plot by the chinks to justify nuclear war against us and if it's not it probably should be.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Ostensibly that reduces to your go-to alcohol, the kind of thing the bartender starts making when you walk through the door if you're a barfly, beer doesn't count. Also, if you know it, what are your parents drinks? I was at a bar with some people a few weeks ago and a dude ordered an old fashioned, people looked at him kinda wierd because this is San Francisco and people are into faggy drinks that involve flowers and eggs and not a lot of alcohol, and his response was "it was my dad's drink, now it's my drink" and I thought that was kinda interesting.

    Anyway, for me it's a gin gimlet. My dad was into vodka martinis because he was bitch made when it came to drinking, my mom drinks gin and tonics.

    Something kinda funny; my grandpa was born in Tennessee but moved to California as a teenager, grew up in the depression era in a very poor household but managed to work his way up to fairly high society, belonged to various professional societies over the years, lives in one of the nicest (by popular opinion at least) areas of southern california. Once you get to know him the tension between a "low class" upbringing and his current situation is clearly an important part of his psychology. Anyway, he drinks bourbon manhattans, the kind of symbolism there always tickled me, like I think of bourbon as being generally cheap, vaguely southern, proletariat, but mix it with some french wine and serve it in a cocktail glass and it becomes something you'd find in a tastefully decorated, if somewhat dimly lit, bar with aging patrons.

    Now u
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I've already done the dank method excluding that shitty "communicate via memes" shit. What the fuck is that? Fucking h3h3 generation.

    Uhh, remember that time you posted pretending to be a robot for like two weeks?

    Actually, remember basically your entire posting history?
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    /mu/ circa 2013 was pretty entertaining, sharethreads had good content and genre generals had actual discussion, or at least sufficiently humorous shitposting. Everyone called it shit for being a hipster board which is exactly what turned it into an actual shit board.
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    IA feminist group at the local university recruited me to join their rally against the rape culture in america. And I'm going to do it.

  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Is there anything you don't think is a conspiracy theory?
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Outlines are for pussies. Stream of consciousness is the only acceptable literary form in 2016. The secret to success is to handwrite everything because that's what makes it authentic.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I've never tried killing myself but I'm pretty sure that doesn't get me out of the failure category
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    It's wierd, you talk about MDMA like it's some transcendent thing and classical psychedelics like they're nothing.. Can't say I've tried anything labeled MDMA directly but MAPB-5 and 6 and FA-4 and all of them were fun but nothing even touched on the mind-fuck transformative experience that lysergamides have been for me.

    Regardless tho, Dickens is, always has been, and for ever will be, shit.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I just had to read through like most of a 5 page wiki article about some washed up kung fu nigger to learn that fag died of the ole choke and stroke.

    Jesus, I'll google some dumb shit for just about any old reason these days.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Never read The Great Gatsby! It was always set up in contrast to Catcher in the Rye which is a book I never really felt any love for but have sort of come around to have a certain nostalgia for, obviously a book you've read. I probably don't use most those words very often, and authenticity is something that I think about a lot, but then I don't use any words very often and I don't really know what an authentic person looks like any more. I don't really see how MDMA is going to make the quality of posters on literature fan forums improve and correspondingly how it's going to make me happier, but hell, if it's a drug I guess I'll give it a try.
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I have this routine, I read a book that engages me on some level. Maybe I like it, maybe I don't, but it has the positive quality that it makes me want to talk to someone about it. Sometimes I want to yell about it, sometimes I want to speak quietly about my feelings around the subject of that book. But in any case it feels somehow significant to convey my impressions to someone else. In these dark moments of my life, wherein I don't know any real flesh and blood humans who have read this particular work, I turn to the internet to engage in conversation. It is at such times that I am confronted with "internet literature forums" and I come to doubt the fundamental faith in humanity that previously underlined my participation in society. Here I see people who not only manage to spectacularly manage to miss the point of the book in question but manage to embody it's (fairly shallow, obvious) point in their vapid fucking heinous replies. Like I read what these people have to say and I think "why the fuck did this dipshit even bother reading the book? Why not just watch american idol or something and save some time?". Man, intellectual elitism bothers me but on an authentic level I just can't sympathise people who take time out of their day to post on a forum who don't apparently have then capacity to read a book on a fucking book forum. Like jesus, I get it, sometimes my gut can't handle literature or whatever, but ostensibly these people have actually managed to grasp the skeletal structure of the novels they think they're making commentary on and yet the most simple devices of allusion or allegory are totally lost on their frankly transparent proletariat psychologies.

    Like yeah, I'm up my own ass with self indulgence but got DAMN you'd think people who went through the effort of seeking out a literature forum would have the base level intelligence to discriminate between INTENSE STUPIDITY and not obviously bad taste
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    kek, Bill Krozby, I don't know if you planned it but the steel reserve really makes that picture
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I want to trip but nobody has any shrooms,I'm gona grow my own and trip for a week.

    I've only once had enough psychs on hand to trip for an extended period of time although it never occurred to me. I don't know if I could convince myself to do it, even the best trip needs to end after like 8 hours it only gets darker and darker.
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Tripping balls (the saturaday before) and spending the afternoon reading a book on my roof. Might wonder north at night to see the show if there is one but don't want to spend time with bitches trying to find a place to put their idyllic ass picnic blanket so I'll probably spend the evening with a wine bottle on the windy/cold-ass beach or I'll just give up and call it a night. Such is life.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Hahaha, what? Did I really say that? I mean, it's definitely the kind of thing I might say, but I did a search for dungeon here and via google and found nothing. I want to know the context. There's no way I'm serious.

    I don't have a link but I definitely recall the idea of kidnapping and unwilling prostate stimulation co occurring in the same post and that was probably enough to count as gay sex dungeon to me.

    I also do genuinely believe you may have many high functioning autistic/Asperger's traits, even if mild, and don't consider that an insult. I'd genuinely be curious to see what you would score on an autism quotient test under optimal circumstances, being observed by a quality professional who specializes in the condition.

    Obviously the reason it bugs me is that it seems within the realm of the plausible, although we may differ on what would constitute positive evidence.

    Not only that, but you've denigrated people to a fairly brutal extent countless times, behaved extremely elitist and condescending, and IIRC you stated Rust was your favorite poster on Totse/Zoklet, who did the same thing.

    Fair enough. I loved Rust, his posts were like a formative experience for me, but it certainly goes over the top sometimes. I think there's a definite flaw, I see it in myself, in going after an opportunity to argue something just for the sake of whatever, proving your right. I'm not saying I'm the model of intrapersonal relationships but you have to realize this is an issue in getting along with other humans.

    you should give up now because you're always going to be a second-hand faux-intellectual compared to those in academia, and you're already too late for the latter.

    Now it's obvious you're just trying to be hurtful. Which is fine, that's what you do. A lot of what you posted is true, or represents a real insecurity for me. It doesn't particularly bother me to have you point it out mostly because I obsess on my own failings plenty in my own time, I'm sure you know how hearing it from someone else doesn't really add anything.

    I don't know mang. I love you malice, even if you hate me (which is a position I'm totally sympathetic to), but clearly nothing you say is going to make my opinion of you change. However I'm not sure it's healthy to have that kind of relationship, even internet-buds-tier relationship, where nothing you can do has impact on the opinion of the other party. Actual human beings have feelings and as hopefully evidenced by this thread, contingent upon them are people's perceptions of you. You know it's in your best interest to try and be civil now and the.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Unenhancemented but completely delusional. I don't care about interactions like that.

    Malice is hard to deal with but I just ignored all that and cared about the person behind the autism and augmentations. He was my weirdo buddy and seriously I connected with a lot of things he has posted over the years.

    If he doesn't apologize like a normal friend he can fuck himself.

    I mean, lucidity varies from post to post, sure, but that's not the end of the world. Even arriving at the conclusion that malice is delusional is an epistemically challenging task. Everyone posts some off the wall stuff when they're in a mood.

    On the other hand you can you can accept what there is, what he is, and be happy with that or just stop paying attention. I don't really think there is a "person behind the autism and augmentations", for anyone, all we are is what we do, how we act. Hardly an exchange goes by where malice doesn't do something that would be considered wildly insulting in a normal human interaction, between enumerating logical fallacies he thinks I embody, insinuating I'm autistic, and threatening to kidnap me and lock me up in a gay sex dungeon he can get under my skin at times. But when I weigh that against the positives I think the harassment is just a reasonable price to pay. Maybe I value someone who can catch my interest on a forum too highly or take insults too lightly but ultimately the math works out, it's better to just accept someone's flaws with their virtues than to act like they're better than they are and get hurt when they're not.
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