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The Retarded Thread: Get Rekt, Faggot!

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Malice Have you seen the 2nd mugshot of lsd that was posted on Zoklet? He looks reminiscent of Che Guevara. There was also the more recent pic he posted showcasing his magnificent facial structure, the superman chin.

    LSD’s lack of a girlfriend could well be due to a schizoid disorder.

    More like being due to not asking out a qt waitress cuz some people were being all critical and shit
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Sploo, you’re unattractive in every way. Your lack of self-awareness is amazing, you’re constantly accusing people of possessing negative attributes which you display to a far worse degree.
  3. Originally posted by Malice Have you seen the 2nd mugshot of lsd that was posted on Zoklet? He looks reminiscent of Che Guevara. There was also the more recent pic he posted showcasing his magnificent facial structure, the superman chin.

    LSD’s lack of a girlfriend could well be due to a schizoid disorder.

    do you understand the psychology of other people beyond inaccurately applying DSM labels to every slightly unusual behavior?

    of course you dont, if you could understand how people interact, think, and socialize, you wouldn't be an autard.

    you can only put people into categories because you've never even had a friendly conversation with another person, and can't comprehend the intricacies of the human mind that most non-disabled people experience CONSTANTLY.

    you aren't logical. you're logical only in the sense that you try reasoning to illogical conclusions in a logical way. your entire way of perceiving and interpreting reality is limited to a screen, so you don't have the background of real human experience to make any logical conclusions about them
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Sploo, anyone who's ever interacted with you has to have had some kind of mental deficiency by merit of having failed to avoid being in the same room as you. You know about as much about psychological health as a piece of coral knows about outer space.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Originally posted by Malice Sploo, you’re unattractive in every way.

    Your lack of self-awareness is amazing, you’re constantly accusing people of possessing negative attributes which you display to a far worse degree.

    im like a 7/10 turned into a 5/10 70 pounds later, i know for a fact im not physically unattractive

    if im hypocritical about what i say in some cases, it's because i dont care if these things apply to me. the people i say it to seem to get butthurt so that's all i need.

    in your case though, i dont have your disability so the reasons i point out you are inferior genuinely don't apply to me. (inb4 ohhhh you scored slightly above average on self-administered online autism survey hurrr durr autism spectrum recursive loop)
  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Imagine if Vice did a documentary on sploo’s mental illness and outbursts. They would have so much material to work with.
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Lanny Sploo, anyone who's ever interacted with you has to have had some kind of mental deficiency by merit of having failed to avoid being in the same room as you. You know about as much about psychological health as a piece of coral knows about outer space.

    How much does a piece of coral know about outer space?
  8. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by mmQ How much does a piece of coral know about outer space?

    About as much as a frog knows about fractions.
  9. Originally posted by Lanny Sploo, anyone who's ever interacted with you has to have had some kind of mental deficiency by merit of having failed to avoid being in the same room as you. You know about as much about psychological health as a piece of coral knows about outer space.

    >a computer scientist by trade who doesn't know how to program

    i want my psychological health to get worse, and drugs will help me get there. not in a "i want to feel bad" way but that I want more brain damage words popping into my head like AJAJULA KUHMJALA and become more of a degenerate because i always like to laugh at how far gone from regular existence i already am.

    i've studied psychology on my own (and could practice it better than some doctors i've met because im not a fucktard), and i guess malice has. but i understand peoples feelings, how they react, their subtle facial expressions, and their personality quirks within a few minutes of meeting them. i understand psychology on the intuitive level like how most non-retarded humans do, while malice's understanding of other people makes his talent as a potential psychologist "take the autism test" and then claiming the person has autism regardless of the results
  10. Originally posted by Malice Imagine if Vice did a documentary on sploo’s mental illness and outbursts. They would have so much material to work with.

    I mean i see people far worse off than me every single day. You probably would too if you left the house. I'm sure if they wanted to do a mental illness doc. they could just find any random schizophrenic bum like Bill Krozby sleeping on library benches
  11. Originally posted by Malice About as much as a frog knows about fractions.

    frogs would know more about fractions than a coral knows about outer space because:

    carefully coordinated jumping and catching prey would require some rudimentary subconscious understanding of distance, and thus numbers and fractions. not that you could ever get a frog to solve 1+1 on paper, but they're not inanimate objects so they have to have some logical ability. corals do not have brains, they have nerve nets, like jelly fish, which is basically GOOD/BAD tier reactions to stimuli
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Plonko! im like a 7/10 turned into a 5/10 70 pounds later, i know for a fact im not physically unattractive

    I promise you sploo, from the bottom of my heart: you are physically unattractive. And don't you ever forget it champ
  13. Originally posted by Lanny I promise you sploo, from the bottom of my heart: you are physically unattractive. And don't you ever forget it champ

    you've said as i quote before "aww you're so cute looking sploo" several times

    which also means you're a fag

    im better looking than you for sure i dont have autism/molerat eyes
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Sploo, if you aren’t autistic then why did you once have an autistic girlfriend, especially is you view autists as inferior and mentally deficient? How do you explain this? Doesn’t having been in a relationship with one of those people lower your own worth? It’s like pedophilia or bestiality.
  15. Originally posted by Lanny Yes sploo, I think you're cute in a boyish way.

    You have a peasants features though. I do too, don't worry. Sometimes I look in the mirror and thing "damn nigga, your ancestors farmed the shit out of those potatoes". And you've got that look, round chin, wide face, big eyes and a round nose. A look like you'd be gaunt if you could, a lowland plebian only ascended from toil by industrialism and volatility of the times. You see yourself and you think "ashes to ashes, a long history of being little more than a lowland ape, destined am I to return to the earth and humble origins above which I am a mere generation-wide blip. Raised above my position and made to breathe among my betters, animated by a societal impulse yet naught but a fading mutation that erects as much as it destroys". The fields take what is theirs, everything returns to dust in the end. You can't avoid your fate, you can't escape what you are.
  16. Originally posted by Malice Sploo, if you aren’t autistic then why did you once have an autistic girlfriend, especially is you view autists as inferior and mentally deficient? How do you explain this? Doesn’t having been in a relationship with one of those people lower your own worth? It’s like pedophilia or bestiality.

    because having an autistic gf made me realize how fucking retarded they are
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Hahaha, oh Lanny.

    Fun fact: In my mind I often refer to you as “my main twink”.
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Plonko! because having an autistic gf made me realize how fucking retarded they are

    How so? It was probably that couldn’t function normally in a human relationship.

    What did she do? How did the relationship even begin?
  19. Originally posted by Kinkou Sploos pretty cute not gonna lie

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Sploo, you're a cute kid. Getting a girlfriend is not hard, you just need to not be a weirdo, get some confidence and partake in social activities. Find out if your college has a gardening club, go and honestly participate, and talk to the chicks there like a normal human being until you can ask them out.

    the proof is in tapioca pudding

    i put "sploo cute" into the searchbar

    do you realize how rare it is for anyone to compliment anyone on this site

    i clearly am i strapping young lad

    next time i'll put "sploo hot" into the search bar to make you squirm like a farm worm
  20. Originally posted by Malice How so? It was probably that couldn’t function normally in a human relationship.

    What did she do? How did the relationship even begin?

    long story; too retarded

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