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Grab the Lube...Irma Is coming...and Shes Wearin' Her Best Codpiece
2017-09-07 at 12:08 PM UTC
Originally posted by Kolokol-1 i'm in greenville sc and everybody in my family and place of employment are losing their fucking minds over this shit
we're 200 fucking miles inland the worst we're going to get is a fucking thunderstorm
you should see the cluster fuck going on where I am, right on the coast. it's a fucking nuthouse.
I'm sure it's on the news -
2017-09-07 at 4:08 PM UTC
2017-09-07 at 4:12 PM UTC
Originally posted by benny vader your going to need those 50gal industrial sized lube.
I just want to point out that they actually sell this on Amazon, for anybody who thinks it isn't available commercially. 55 gallon drum.
Don't wander too far into the suggestions or you start seeing like, baby circumcision practice dolls. Seriously. -
2017-09-07 at 4:20 PM UTC
Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 I just want to point out that they actually sell this on Amazon, for anybody who thinks it isn't available commercially. 55 gallon drum.
Don't wander too far into the suggestions or you start seeing like, baby circumcision practice dolls. Seriously.
i know it as a matter of fact that it exist. -
2017-09-07 at 5:28 PM UTCPeople need to quit freaking the fuck out
2017-09-07 at 5:45 PM UTC
2017-09-07 at 5:46 PM UTC
Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 I just want to point out that they actually sell this on Amazon, for anybody who thinks it isn't available commercially. 55 gallon drum.
Don't wander too far into the suggestions or you start seeing like, baby circumcision practice dolls. Seriously.
I have several of KY -
2017-09-07 at 5:47 PM UTC
2017-09-07 at 5:54 PM UTC
2017-09-08 at 2:56 AM UTC
2017-09-08 at 3:12 AM UTC
2017-09-08 at 3:14 AM UTCI hope Florida floats off into the Atlantic.
2017-09-08 at 3:34 AM UTC
2017-09-08 at 3:41 AM UTC
2017-09-08 at 3:51 AM UTC
2017-09-08 at 3:58 AM UTCStill feel confident you'll be fine?
2017-09-08 at 4 AM UTC^retard kiddie diddling dogfucker
2017-09-08 at 4:04 AM UTC
2017-09-08 at 11:04 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2017-09-08 at 4:17 PM UTC
Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Somebody at HAARP must be drunk as fuck
passed out with his forehead on the 'launch hurricanes'button
anyone that is bored and wants to have some fun...call grocery retailers and home improvement stores all along the east coast and ask if they have water and plywood.
I literally called walmart asking for plywood then became irate when they said they didn't sell it. she hung up on me.