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Posts That Were Thanked by SBTlauien

  1. Originally posted by SBTlauien Yes, there is no cure. Just keep catering to yourself in life and you'll be fine.

    Also, some of us are special types of people. We know we're very different. Not just in some typical way, but in a way that make us unique within the small percentile group we're in. Maybe not in a way that most would consider 'good'.

    so *mystical*
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Post on
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    kill yourself

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  4. Just clicked on bling's profile and saw his ban log. Shit is beautiful.
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  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ever need to serve some files locally for whatever reason? Well i do. So i made a script to do just that. I also added an option to invoke a quick OS shell in case you need to move or copy some files into the dir the files are being served from.

    I decided to post it here in case it may be useful to you. Dependencies are -> blessings, SimpleHTTPServer.

    #!/usr/bin/python 2.7

    import SimpleHTTPServer
    import SocketServer
    import time
    import os

    from blessings import Terminal

    t = Terminal()

    def quickshell():
    cwd = os.system('pwd')
    print "[" +"+") + "]OS Shell in " + cwd
    print "[" +"+") + "]Enter 'Q' to quit"


    while True:
    command = raw_input("\n<" + t.cyan("SERVER") + ">$ ")
    if not command in ('q', 'Q'):
    print "\n[" +"!") + "]Exiting shell."

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print "\n[" +"!") + "]Critical. User Aborted"

    print "\n[" +"+") + "]Basic HTTP Server.\n"

    default = raw_input("[" + t.magenta("?") + "]Default Config? [Y]es/[N]o: ")
    if default == 'y' or 'Y':

    PORT = 8000
    IP = ""
    print "\n[" +"+") + "]Default settings loaded.\n"

    elif default == 'n' or 'N':

    print "[" +"+") + "]Specify custom values.\n"
    PORT = raw_input(int("[" + t.magenta("?") + "]Enter port: "))
    IP = raw_input("[" + t.magenta("?") + "]Enter host: ")

    print "[" +"+") + "]Invoke a shell to make adjustments in server directory?"
    invoke = raw_input("[" + t.magenta("?") + "][Y]es/[N]o: ")
    if invoke == 'y' or 'Y':
    elif invoke == 'n' or 'N':
    print "[" +"+") + "]Done."
    print "\n[" +"!") + "]Unhandled Option."

    print "\n[" +"!") + "]Unhandled Option."

    print "[" +"+") + "]Starting Server.\n"

    Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
    '.webapp': 'application/x-web-app-manifest+json',

    httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer((IP, PORT), Handler)
    except Exception as e:
    print "\n[" +"!") + "]Critical. An exception was raised with the following error message"
    print e

    print "[" +"+") + "]Serving at", IP, repr(PORT)


    Post last edited by Sophie at 2017-12-26T03:57:23.945355+00:00
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht vote for a presidential candidate who isn't retarded.

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  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    There isn't much of a solution to be had, besides political, but then that's not much of a solution either since democracy is dead in this country.

    Systems that piggyback on the telecoms infrastructure in the vein of TOR work up to a point but they're not hard to crack down on if any one becomes sufficiently popular. Crypto is next on the chopping block of liberties we're going to lose anyway.

    Mesh networks are cool and I totally support them but you don't need to thing very big to see they break down at scale. Ignoring the fact that vast swaths of the american territory don't have the population density to support a route (like literally there is no path of residences within consumer WiFi range of eachother that connect San Francisco and Los Angeles, a purely citizen maintained mesh network can not connect the two largest cities in the most populated state in the US) the prospect of running anything resembling modern internet traffic over a network that requires on the order of 20 hops between consumer hardware to cover a mile is insane. It just doesn't work. I mean the idea of mad max internet does have a certain allure, where the cost of distance is high enough that it motivates locality in internet communities and centralized hivemindery ala reddit and facebook are non-existent but it's not a replacement for what the internet is today and it's going to satisfy the masses.
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  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Pedophile Tech Support, at your service.
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  9. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by SBTlauien Well its good to know. Also I frequent that place.

    Documented in case I'm a fed
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  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So if you are using Dream Market you should be aware that they are not very good at security. Just by going to http://ecleg2gwe2edwiuf.onion/phpinfo you can see the entire PHP configuration that they are running on. Just a heads up.

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  11. Originally posted by Captain Falcon Colorado has a bunch of good ones. And legal weed too.

    I want to go to a Floridian spring on two tabs of acid though. That would be real fun IMO. But there's gotta be no one around or it'd ruin it.

    I don't know that they have as many. I think they tend to be a lot bigger too, and thus not as empty? Not sure about that though, just going off what I can see from maps.

    I've been to a Floridian spring on two tabs of acid (yes, exactly two.) Here is an unedited photo of me at that spring:

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  12. mso8 Houston
    i dont think too much about that kind of stuff
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  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Definitely organized-personal. I feel like anybody who says they'd be an impersonal serial killer probably is probably not being honest with themselves. Like, realistically, if you decided to kill somebody and you aren't mentally deranged, you'd probably kill someone you know because that's what it would take to drive you to kill, you DIG?

    Excuse me. You misunderstand.

    Besides killing someone you know has bad news written all over it. Also for me, the act of murder would be to a specific end. The death of the victim is secondary. I'd kill for infamy.
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  14. D4NG0 motherfucker
    this much loneliness. such virginity. wow.
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  15. HampTheToker African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Nil Also, remember a very small tip is more insulting than no tip at all.

    That's what she said.
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Definitely organized-personal. I feel like anybody who says they'd be an impersonal serial killer probably is probably not being honest with themselves. Like, realistically, if you decided to kill somebody and you aren't mentally deranged, you'd probably kill someone you know because that's what it would take to drive you to kill, you DIG?

    the point of an impersonal serial killer is that it's the murder that's important, not the victim

    an organised killer makes a point of avoiding leaving patterns

    with no desire to kill a specific person and a desire to avoid detection, family, friends or known acquaintances would be last on the list
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  17. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by SBTlauien Strange too, as he was a college grad…but he did work fast food…

    I can't find much more on him.

    That should tell you how important college is.
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  19. Originally posted by hydromorphone Actually, I'm not fat. I've lost a lot of weight, and muscle mass. I don't use amps either, not regularly anyway. Last time I used an amp was 4-5 months ago, and even then, it's always a one off night.

    "I don't use amps"
    "Last time I used them was only 4 months ago"

    You're trash.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by nonarky what can i do to further fuck up his life? any suggestions?

    Associate with him.
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