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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

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    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR † A 14 year old girl needs love, too. Don't be so simple-minded.

    go back to bosnia you dirty handsome and well tanned individual pedophile faggot nigger
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  3. When they fucking buried Bin Laden at Sea man.

    That was the moment in my life where my perception of reality broke and it was obvious they just didn't give a fuck who knows that the whole terrorism thing was fake.

    How was I ever supposed to believe those ISIS beheading videos?, MAYBE IF THEY DIDN'T BURY BIN LADEN AT SEA I would be able to trust groups like

    Seriously have you ever watched the beheading videos? NOBODY GETS FUCKING BEHEADED!! ITS FAKE BULLSHIT!!! I grew up on the internet in the early and mid 2000's I have seen one guy one jar, Two dudes one hammer, YMC gore videos, Actual fucking beheadings and extreme brutal shit, US marine videos of them shooting off the legs of children and laughing about it, people torturing and abusing animals, setting cats on fire, child abuse. I have seen some very dark shit and it makes the ISIS videos look like a youtube prank channel.

    In my mind ISIS is not some evil jihadi group that kills the innocent for allah and is brutal and sadistic. I picture them more like a bunch of Bankers huddled over a table in a bunker in the middle east somewhere and they are financed by various governments and Murray stands up and says "Alright, these goyim won't know what hit them..."

    Seriously Though, How am I not supposed to applaud when someone drives a truck through a crowd of people or bombs and airport or something?.
    At least I can actually believe in terrorists because it's real, not some bullshit made up by a bunch of suits trying to trick me.

    Who was the fucking idiot that said "Hey guys let bury him at sea, I'm sure this won't start like a million conspiracy theories and make us look sketchy as fuck"

    I don't even think anything shady was going on with the whole Bin Laden thing until they decide to bury the body at sea.. that makes me question EVERYTHING I know about global politics from like, the past 100 years, which in turn makes me question a lot of other things and I have spent this entire time becoming more and more disillusioned with the world.

    I now believe there are multiple dimensions and basically nothing is real anymore, triangular logic.

    I am just now realizing how much this has affected me.
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by gumbo Flynn. He tried to set up a back channel so he could talk to the Russian military without knowledge of the authorities. Also took money and such from Russians without reporting it. Got subpoena'd. Took a plea deal. Good plea deal too.

    Flynn did nothing but start his job before he was officially appointed. The reasonable course of action would've been for Trump to have him disciplined internally instead of being fired, but he took Pence's lead on that.

    Do I even need to mention papadopoulos? One of Trump's former foreign policy advisors. Literally aiding the Russian collusion investigation.

    You can if you want. All he was arrested for was talking to Russians who may have had government connections and not thought they were important enough to go into detail - that's what was used to force him to work with the 'investigation'.

    Are all these people found to have Russian connections simply just a coincidence? Nigga please. Manaforts and gates were both charged with conspiracy against the US.

    you do understand that their job is international relations, right?

    I suggest a fact check before you post again. Maybe stick to talking about Syria?

    Don't be cheeky, and if you're going to post a source try to stick with a credible one.
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by gumbo People are flipping and taking plea deals.

    none of which have anything to do with 'Russian collusion'. go ahead and find one.

    Hilary Clinton's investigation, might I add, has already ended, and was completely fruitless.

    that wasn't an investigation in any sense of the word
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  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Not necessarily. For example, the rabies vaccine can be 100% effective even after the person has contracted rabies.

    there are a lot of technicalities in that. if a person contracts rabies without immediate treatment, and the symptoms start, they die, not counting some of the recent treatments that may or may not actually work.

    the post-exposure 'vaccine' isnt technically a vaccine. meaning...a 'vaccine' is a weakened/dead sample of a specific infectious organism that is 'shown' to the human immune system, while not actually creating an infection, to 'teach' it how to kill the specific infectious organism in the eventuality the body get infected.

    while there is an actual vaccine for rabies it only works before a person is exposed to the rabies virus.

    if someone is exposed to the virus, then they not only have to get a vaccine, which doesnt do anything to help with the virus, it 'teaches' the immune system what to do then the immune system kills the infection, but they also get something that actively goes after the virus in the body to kill it, relieving the host immune system of some of the workload.

    on a side note, ive been trying to find out details of this ebola vaccine and so far what im finding is its not entirely accurate to say its a true vaccine, in that the 'vaccine' has a genetically modified organism that isnt ebola, but the immune system doesnt know...or still will 'learn' to kill ebola. i have to figure out what this shit even is or how it works.
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  7. True that specs. That's why yall should welcome the date hoteliers with open arms. Were all we got now mane. We're a dying breed.
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  8. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]

    These pussys hate invaders.

    We know theyre just fucking with us.

    So we fuck back.
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  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock Calling on me would make more sense. So this is photoshop fakery

    "Call me" I mean really? People were to "Call on me" not "Call me"

    fake as hell.

    stfu idiot. they didnt have telephones or the same meanings for terms in those days. thats why he listed two locations where someone could leave a message or potentially find the poster (that was the origin of the term 'posting' as well as 'bills')
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  10. One thing about DH. Losers in multiple fake accounts and crews over 5 years spent all day flagging out members they hate and eventually their accounts were useless. No ability to defend or free speech. Ell, Psych, LJ, Kitty, Rock, Tyron, myself and many others never was only lying trolls like Tech who did it and were afraid of the truth. So far I haven't reported anyone here and I'm sure Pole did along with a few lurkers. I don't believe in reporting, flagging or blocking as most complaints are tainted from both sides...I think a good owner should decide what's extreme and not like the owners of FB who are destroying free speech and want to hire Hillary Clinton as the CEO. Funny thing about DH also...when assholes like Herpes Mike would block unable to fight either praising himself or being a coward, when idiots lied about others we'd post replies in other threads or make threads to counter was hilarious and the sick trolls always lost and would just make up more BS.
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  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR † I make the best threads.

    you make shit tier threads
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  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    well it never it never did... yes yes we all saw the video. someone post it again lol
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Shadow Warrior (1997 video game/FPS)

    my favourite one from the shadow warrior remake was

    "you mess with the bull... you get the wang!"

    then they ran it into the ground in the sequel
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  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by infinityshock sounds like you want to play doctor.

    you be the patient. ill be the proctologist.

    no…both my hands arent on your hips

    You tour hospitals around the country getting free prostate exams just to get the fingering ya FAGG LOLLOL
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  15. EllariaSand African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    Discounting the Official Narrative as the absurdity it so clearly is, there are just two organisations on the entire planet with the expertise, assets, access and political protection necessary to have both executed 9/11 and effected its cover-up to date (ie the means).

    Both are Intelligence Agencies - the CIA and the Israeli Mossad whose motives were arguably the most compelling.

    Those motives dovetailed perfectly with the Neocon PNAC agenda, with it's explicitly stated need for "...a catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor" in order to mobilise US public opinion for already planned wars, the effects of which would be to destroy Israel's enemies.
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    1. haha look at all these backwards sandy apes, look how easy it is to make them fight each other and steal their stuff
    2. oh no why are there so many of them? and why are they coming here?
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  19. cartof Yung Blood
    Muslim here, with a message for you islamophobic people. The West created this mess. It was you who divided up the land. It was you who put in the puppet governments. It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    tfw when too angry how to respond just because thinking of animal abuse

    nigga when I left for work the other day there was a new sign on the door so I had to check it out obviously.. it was a missing cat thing and I read it all like some tabby who's really friendly etc etc and there was a 50 dollar reward and when it then at the end it said 'we miss her so much' and .. I just had to fucking leave and walk to work to start my day off like that, thinking about that little cat. lol. Like what the fuck and the address wasn't even actually close to where I live, so this person who put the signs up loved that kitty so much they walked all over town

    i thought about it all day like where is this little kitty and what is it doing ya know? Like torn between should I care or do I ignore this or what the hell, obviously I wasn't gonna go looking for it but just thinking about it

    then I got home that night and the sign was like turned upside down cuz the tape had worn off the top and it made me feel even more bad like nobody even care about the sign enough to fix it so I took it and went and got a tack and put it on the bulletin board in the entry way to at least give it some fucking dignity ya know. POOR KITTY. I hate missing animals. ETC.

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