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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL We need trials.


    Witch hunts.


    Judges with white wigs


    and vigilante juries


    wearing pointed hats


    and holding pitch forks.


    Stake burnings.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]

    Finny has now been captured by elite Zocalo Lesbian Rangers. We have confirmation he is still alive. Last transmission...I WANT TO FUCK ALL OF YOU UP THE BUTT HOLE. General CP is sending in Cup a double agent and she'll report back within a few days indicating whether or not an extraction is possible. SAT images show he is being held in a Gay bar and hasn't stopped dancing since being captured.

    More news as it comes in.

    Joe Rell reporting for NIS news.
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  3. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I am in peak physical form. My mind is still as sharp as a knife's edge. I could take any one of you kids physically, mentally and socially. None of you scare me in the least.

    I support you, buddy.
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  4. Originally posted by HTS the ban is for 9 years, that above picture is photoshopped.

    I just want the Ghost ban to be applied to Scrawny the Ghost. It would literally take 2 seconds just change the ban for scrawny the ghost and permaban Ghost. That is too much to ask from him, he doesn't care.

    So I don't care either.

    No Scron, the toll you're imposing on Lanny is more than what you're admitting to. When you make 2000 accounts and then say "Oh, I just wanted to use this one, this is the only one I cared about, I don't even like Tony Hawk", and then you say the same exact thing about guy puking in a restaurant, and now the same exact thing about scrawny the ghost, you aren't adding up all the patience and tolerance Lanny has actually been showing you for quite some time.

    When you posted about your latest account and Lanny said "I don't care lol" it wasn't even that Lanny doesn't like or care about you, I think he's probably having a difficult time forcing himself to cut the ties with a longtime member, Kinda like with infinityshock. Moreso than infinityshock I'd wager. It's more that you've been running him out of patience, and this is the straw that broke the camel's back.

    Do you HONESTLY, truly expect him to believe that Scrawny the Ghost is the only account you really care about after pulling all this crap, and that you would have stopped spamming had he just let you keep that account?

    No one wants to see you go scron, but what happened was understandable, even for a freedom of speech site such as this, given the circumstances.

    Maybe lanny did finally kick your football, Charlie Brown Nigga'. But not before you Lucy'd him 6 times in a row.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Originally posted by -SpectraL Way back in the '60's, 70's and '80's we warned about how these Fascists were coming, the Thought Police - a tyrannical group of thought-opposers who will stop at nothing to shut up any and all opposing opinion, or if they find you don't fit into their nice, tidy little group of radicals. Worse than the neo-Nazis. Much worse. Lemmings. Like you said, when one acts, they all act as a hive mentality. It's like a real-life monster with only one brain, and that single brain is riddled with corruption, deviancy, righteous hypocrisy, insatiable ego, self-serving indignation, two-faced arguments, and strictly one-sided politics. If they disagree with you they have a RIGHT to hate you.

    these are the fuckers that if they get too much power start concentration camps and book burnings...complete hypocrisy.
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  6. J.P.W Houston
    I am my own person
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  7. Just figure out what human consciousness really is and then how to upload it to a computer/robot and you're immortal.

    They already put a worms brain in a lego would be a niggers brain.
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  8. Originally posted by -SpectraL I find it at least suspicious that "she" popped right out of the woodwork like that. And when called on it, she said something along the lines of "Oh, a friend just pointed me in this direction". How convenient! Disappears for two years, then comes rolling in like a turnip fresh off the turnip truck.

    along with all the other fake accounts claiming to be people they werent at the same time frame
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  9. Originally posted by Scrawny The 👻 Nah you are both delusional.

    She posts the same pictures here that she does on Facebook.

    I know because I have her on Facebook

    thats how these freaks work. lanny went years pretending to be a chick.

    having a fake facebook would be no effort at all if he could get the original kinajedi to play along...and even less of an effort if he built of a large enough of a stockpile of her imagery
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  10. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Quit this stupid fucking "ban this person he slightly annoys me" bullshit.

    Its turbo autismal.

    Op should know better - he ran two or three forums in the past and each time wound up fucking them up by being a cunt to his userbase.
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  11. EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kinks Yeah idk what’s worse, the bad memes or the recycled shitposts other people have posted already

    Then stop doing it head upstairs, your mom has your dry popcorn supper ready.....

    Smooches 💋
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  12. iam_asiam68 African Astronaut
    the Beast has been identified as the SYSTEM.

    what is this system?

    it's how we are about to embark our daily lives through technology. let's use BITCOIN for an example because it leads us directly to Quantum Computer Technology.

    the BITCOIN is a system by which you put your money into the SYSTEM that allows you to shop, pay medical, buy fuel, go out to eat. IF the USA DOLLAR should drop in value, the BITCOIN dollar equivalent WILL NOT. so your 100 pennies still equal 100 pennies.

    but BITCOIN has revealed a secret no one knew about. and that is, it is a successful ONE WORLD currency for all nations and peoples. whether you buy BITCOIN in a shekel, yen, dollar bill, etc you can buy anything anywhere without the need to exchange currencies.

    this is where quantum computer technology becomes dangerous. because it is literally 100 times faster than normal computers. in fact, just ONE QUANTUM COMPUTER could control the ENTIRE POPULATED WORLD UNDER ONE SYSTEM.

    were any of you aware that by NEXT YEAR 20 NATIONS will follow Sweden and become a CASHLESS SOCIETY? this includes Israel!!


    because once it is set up [NEXT YEAR], everyone will need to be connected to the system. and RFD chips are now being set-up for this particular system. this is the implant injected into your RIGHT HAND that can be used for IDENTIFICATION, BANKING, CREDIT CARD, INSURANCE, TO CLOCK IN/OUT ON YOUR JOB.

    so, here is the question for YOU!!

    will you willingly join the system and take the RFD CHIP [MARK of the BEAST or NUMBERS of the SYSTEM (the BEAST)]?
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  13. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by EllariaSand I had no idea there were so many butt hurt beta males allowed to congregate in one place…..besides the ACI cafeteria

    You guys STILL haven't had the full NIS experience, and sadly it now looks like you never will

    For that, enter and infinityshock have to be posting at the same time
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  14. Originally posted by itybit In case you haven't heard the latest Beige

    "NASA scientists at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., effectively have ruled out the possibility the asteroid Apophis will impact Earth during a close flyby in 2036"

    We're all gonna die but it's unlikely by that asteroid :shruggyguy:

    That assumes the aliens wont redirect it, obviously if they are planning an invasion it would be smarter for them to simply redirect said asteroid and save them the trouble of invasion and all the headaches that comes with that...assuming aliens get aches in their heads.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I believe "aldra" was known as oddballz_194 at one time, a global mod on Zoklet.

    oddballz banned me for posting warez links, lel

    It just occurred to me that OP might've been referring to 'twilight sleep', which is a combination of high-dose morphine and low-dose scopolomine. It was used for a while as an anaesthetic during difficult childbirths and some other circumstances until it was found that it didn't block pain, it just interfered with the patient's memory so they didn't remember how much it hurt.

    The guy who discovered it liked to talk about how it made people say things they normally wouldn't, which is why the CIA and some police departments tried it out as a 'truth serum', but as it turns out he wasn't really telling the whole truth - sometimes people told the truth, most of the time they just talked nonsense.
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  16. Ghost Black Hole
    Hey look it's that guy that posts once month and thinks he's still relevant.
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  17. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    The day the laws of physics changed.

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  18. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
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  19. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    which was why ancient greek and roman men rub olive oil on each other before engaging in nude massages and then finishing off in each others asshole.

    olive oils are not erotic, its HOMOEROTIC.


    erotic, of the homo kind.
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  20. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Sarah was an insane male troll with numerous fake accounts pretending to be a transgender and lying everyday. Never stopped and harassed every one on and offline. Visited psych wards and even wanted to kill himself online. Probably worse than Finny...still they shared the same obsession and mental illness.
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