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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Giving back to nature is important.

    and avoids publicity for martyrs and NGOs complaining about mass graves.

    there are no mass graves for fish poop
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  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL A lot people don't know that prisons are not operated by the state, even though they might call them a state prison. These places are run by private companies. That's why their lobbyists push to get longer and more strict laws and pay billions to get laws changed by their lapdogs in Congress. That's why pot laws exist, and that's why the courts are a joke. These clowns make trillions for themselves off the suffering and misfortune of others. And they are so greedy they are not happy just billing the taxpayer to high heaven for their crimes against humanity, but they also put their victims to work to make even more billions for themselves. In my world, they'd be the ones hanging from nooses.


    anyone accepting 'lobbying' (read: legalized bribery) from a private-prison, private-trash pickup, private-electrical utilities, etc, needs to be incarcerated and banned from any public office upon release.

    prediction: the USPS is being groomed to fail so that it, too, can become a privately held corporation.

    fact: it is impossible for a private entity to provide a service for a lower rate than a government/public entity and the common lie that 'a private company can do xxxxxx cheaper than the government' is a ploy to encourage tax payer theft. thats the proper term: theft.
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  3. CandyRein Black Hole
    I’m here too.. but I’m about to go to the park to workout

    Never thought I’d be one of those people
    When I was younger I thought those people looked crazy as hell..smh... but here we are .. here
    we are ..

    Have a great Saturday SpectraL
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  4. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Also first person accounts are important. Not always reliable, but if somebody shoots a gas station cashier in broad daylight, with multiple witnesses, I would think their ability to identify him would be pretty spot on.

    you havent been watching mission impossible ...

    have you ???

    your face can be scanned and a high accuracy 3d mask can be printed and be worn by anyone who wanted to immitate you.

    your voice can be synthesized by AIs to say anything that anyone wants.

    its no longer possible to determine everything you see and hear, on tv or in person is real or otherwise anymore.
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  5. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by DietPiano 1337 hax

    Ear wax.

    This is a nice reference to the original totse BBS, spectral. Not everyone gets it but I do. Haha. Good stuff.
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  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Enterita What do YOU believe in, speckle tits? IIRC, nihilist, correct?

    No, he has some conspiracy theory gloss on the bible.

    According to him angles and satan are literally ancient aliens who have super advanced technology and hare having a war and manipulating us for some reason. He's a sleeper agent who's going to be called on to fight on the side of God at some point for which he'll be rewarded with eternal life.

    I really wish I was trolling you about this.
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  7. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Sophie is a man who likes loli's 4 to 11
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  8. Archer513 African Astronaut
    Women care about the weight of the bank account 👍🏻

    “Can this nigga make my life easier?”
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  9. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Putin is actually a great leader fighting against globalists and the illegal migrants who are nothing more than radicals and terrorists invading the EU. Just like Mexican criminals and BLM and ANTIFA in the US who Obama, Clinton, Waters, Pelosi, etc ., support even being legal immigration and the Constitution...traitors and their supporters are just as corrupt. Pedos in Hollywood and rapists like Bill Clinton. Socialists are against freedom and everything patriotic,
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  10. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    With millions of illegal votes...they're already registering non Americans with no documents or origin for the next election. Socialists are doubts whatsoever. Filling up the welfare system with law breaking losers who should be deported and a fair amount of gang members, terrorists and radicals.
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  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by stl1 I plan to by voting in the mid-terms.

    Join the swell to overthrow this dufus!

    youd rather have clinton in office?

    move the north korea, you fucking pinko
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  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by joerell The fuck with Europe…they're falling apart with poor chance of recovering in the next 10 years and think of your own families first.

    the handful of countries that are resisting the handsome and well tanned individual invasions are the ones that will get the most attention from the aristocracy to economically attack them.

    the rest of europistan...most especially france then UKistan...are so fucktarded there is no chance of redemption short of a french-revolution-esque revolt
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  13. Technologist victim of incest
    I disagree that these food changes have put millenials at a disadvantage. I believe that too many parents let video games, tv, and computers babysit their kids. We’re in an age where it can be scary to walk out our front door, depending on where we live. Parents instilled those fears in their children.
    Put the phone down, get away from the tv and computer, and go outside. It’s a whole other world out there!
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  14. S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover The compensatory economy provides that when bankers and speculators clean out the people and bring them to their knees, government agencies shall step in and help them up so that they can be fleeced again.

    This is the function of such agencies as the Securities Exchange Commission, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and dozens of others.

    The theory of the compensatory economy supplants all morality in public life, and is responsible for much corruption of officials in Washington.

    Thus, also, the predilection of the international bankers for putting ignorant provincials into key positions is not an idle fancy, and is perhaps reason for much incessant publicity for democracy.

    It suits the internationals that public officials should be of the stupidest type, and the guise of democracy effectively controls them.

    there was nothing our forefathers wrote into the constitution as being a democracy. it is a Republic. Laws set in stone.
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  15. S6x African Astronaut
    Those monkies look like elves.. haha so cute!

    the adults look like Lucile Ball in her old years wearing lipstick
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  16. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    What did the father buffalo say to his son when he left for school.

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  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Should just paid a little extra and had him taxidermy'd.
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  18. Originally posted by aldra Miss Niggaverse

    No no that is Lanny
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  19. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by -SpectraL We could ask you the same thing.

    And I'll answer:

    Because I got fucked up on phencyclidine analogues, and, in a fit of paranoia, deleted my account.

    I'm Juicebox, happy to meet you (again)
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  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Grimace Holy fuck. You might know code, but you don't know how to speak to people digitally or in person, you fucking power-nerd. Your videos sound like a grainy, VHS quality version of a Linus Torvalds speech.

    wow man, you've really given me something to think about. I thought between highly scripting my content, rehearsing beforehand, and generally making a strong effort to make top quality content my video about drunkenly adding a feature to forum software that less than a hundred people use I was going to really come off as charismatic and produce a polished product. But I guess I'm just really not cut out for the youtube celebrity business after all. Another dream I guess I'll never realize.
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