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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. I’m sorry you are going through that AngryOnion. I’ve always thought you were a decent poster. Best of luck. :/
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I think he'd much rather you hold his hand and walk him through it.

    his preference is for anything that results in intimate physical contact with a male
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  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny Definitely, always slurp it up off the spoon. Sometime try to suck in as little at a time as possible. Don't know what it is about jello but it just seems like the right way.

    someday youre going to make someone a good wife.

    in the mean time im sure youre keeping your boyfriends happy
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  4. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    poor fucker,, does he know you met the next guy at the new job yet?
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  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Zanick You should check his phone and computer.

    you should set your phone to vibrate, shove it up your asshole, then post your phone number here.
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  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Errr… what's the other half of the battle?

    Wait a minute… I don't think I want to know.

    thats why its only half of the battle.
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  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You and infinityshock should meet up.

    im not really interested in meeting him but my testicular-goo probably is
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  8. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Remember that time you showed us how Lil Sporty was publishing everyone's IP address(s)?

    The guy is up to no good for real this time, either publishing my info himself or colluding with his fun bunch to do it. All because he can't deal with criticism I guess
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  9. Originally posted by Red_Woman No? How rude of you.

    So, there is a physical place for Nis? That's great news.
    Where is it, so I can go and sit there 24/7.

    yeah the servers are currently in low earth orbit

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  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    kid looks like he's 12 or something - I'd doubt there was any point to dragging it out like that, the guy just got really into it

    I don't enjoy or seek out stuff like this, but I feel like seeing it is important - it forces you to comprehend how bad it gets and how awful people can be. It's easy to parse newspaper headlines like 'cartel violence' as normal or a novel story from far away, not so much if you're forced to watch it unfold
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Sophie Nah nigga, nah dawg. It's just that your spiel is so transparent, you should consider yourself lucky you're not banned yet.

    but this isnt about spectral ...

    this is about finny, and Bill Krozby before, and sploo before him, that got banned becos they addressed lanny in a way she did find favorable or to her likeness.

    this is about that.
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  12. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Hey it wasn’t a “little” thread. All right? We’re talking about THE premier discussion on the morality of eating meat and animal rights. Probably gonna be featured on NatGeo pretty soon

    actually lanny was pretty lax about finny until he began to attack her and that lacerated her ass and repeated bans ensue.

    if you cant take the heat, get out of the nuclear reactor. this orgy does not have a place for people with tender, uncalloused ass.
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  13. I think Lanny should ban himself. See how he likes it.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I've inadvertently gotten around this by not clicking direct links from lazybone users too lazyboned to embed.
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  15. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by aldra just ctrl+click

    or press the scroll-clit on the mouse.
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  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny Guys, there's no rule against name calling but if your post is 100% insults and 0% discussion of the thread's topic then please take it elsewhere.

    you delusional retarded bottom-fag unterbeta, stop flattering yourself thinking this site has any more value to anyone other than as a shit-posting repository. you grossly overestimate your significance in anything other than being the beneficiary of your well-deserved derogatory comments. its only your drug-addled state of mind that lets you see this shit-thread for anything other than a steaming pile of shit. the sole purpose of this entire shithole site is for shitposting and anything else that may get posted is purely incidental.

    nothing surprising, you run this site the way 99% of every mod/admin on the web does: a bottom-fag unterbeta with the testicular fortitude of a slant-eyed ladyboy sex-trafficked by jedis about to get gangbanged in a seedy nigerian crackhouse that gets the unnatural opportunity to extend its influence beyond its natural lack of ability. you overlook or ignore shitposting in 'serious' treads/subforums, including threads created in the wrong sub-forum, and even then dole out bans that are based solely on your estrogen-fueled rages instead of any guidelines set up for an orderly management of this shitsite.

    i make a perfectly valid and wholly relevant post in a thread made by some delusional mentally-defective bottom-fag that has about as much serious intention as the typical Bill Krozby-diarrhea post and you have the audacity to consider what i post banworthy, especially considering the mass-quantities of shit coursing throughout that shitthread like the lower intestines of an obese mexican after a weeklong taco-bell and tequila binge.

    you didnt learn your lesson when you tried pulling that fucktardtastical idea of word-censoring that had virtually no effect other than showing what a shitadmin you are, but resulted in shit being shatted like a rhinocerous shitting into the suction side of a woodchipper and you looking into the shit-shooting side.

    you overestimate your...and your agglomeration of digital diarhheas...worth. i was permabanned from totse twice, ive been permabanned from more sites than i can remember, and ive been permabanned from sites that shut-down before you were even born. you could permaban me and it would have less significance than if i stepped in some unknown goo on the sidewalk and had to wipe my shoe in the grass to clean it off. if im going to get banned for shitposting there are countless other sites i can do it on...and have the ban be whole lot more meaningful than the likes of your puny little ban-twiggy. not even a twig. whats smaller than a twig. your moms dick. or even, one of your moms pubic hairs.

    you dont know shit posting. i can show you shitposting that will make a zoo full of poo-slinging primates green with envy. or more accurately, brown. i could give you a shit-tsunami that would leave your dreams filled with crap and you waking in the morning with the taste of shit in your mouth and smell of shit in the air. youll take up a scat-porn hobby and wont be able to maintain an erection to fuck your neighbors cat in its shithole without the smell of shit on your upper lip. you wont be able to suck-off your boyfriends dick until he's fucked you or someone else in a shit-filled asshole first.

    its your shithole rodeo, feel free to shit-admin till your labia gets that warm and tingly sensation but you can be shit-tastically assured that itll be reciprocated in kind with a shit festival of flying shit, you shitty little shitbird.
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  17. There's only one quote you should read from his thread

    Originally posted by NARCassist man i might even suck a cock lol

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  18. You look like a dull poster
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  19. I've said it before a million times, but if -SpectraL's a troll account, he's a fucking comedic genius & I'm blessed to have known him.
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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    three inches inside
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