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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING It pisses me off how dumb these people are when it comes to the jedis.

    It's not just dumb, it's wilful - it's well documented that israeli media lie pathologically about their military actions and even more so about their failures, and yet a certain type of people want so badly to believe them they refuse to acknowledge it.

    That's not to say 100% that this happened the way I posted; there's not enough information to confirm but to refuse to consider it due to jedi denial is just... it should be recognised as a mental disability.
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  2. EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gumbo DH users didn't realize what they were signing up for when they registered

    True....however it did become quite obvious shortly thereafter....

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  3. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone As far as !u mother goes,yes I agree. I was in a desperate situation and needed to gtfo of where I was and yeah I never intended to stay.

    There's no chance she will get him. That's sealed in stone but I do appreciate the concern for him there.

    Drug addict or not, doesn't mean that makes a bad person or a terrible role model.

    This morning has been pretty bad. Doing nothing I'm out of breath and I got sharp pains in my left lung. Not good. Anxiety has been really bad too. Where I'm at all I've heard last night is 3 different patients screaming either in pain, calling the nurses niggers, or an old lady just being a screamo cunt.

    I'm really just ready to die now… Pain is just way too much.

    I hope everything turns out to the good, hydro.
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  4. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    You know the world has turned to shit when common sense needs "studies" to be verified
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  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sancho Bout beating it


    I bet those events smell like ass everywhere you go
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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    makes sense I guess, people with low intelligence have less recourse when they hear something they don't like - they're less capable of understanding, clarifying or arguing the point, so in a sense the bad words can touch them up with impunity
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  7. Originally posted by Grimace From what I have seen, only whining and crying, bitching and complaining, never offering legit anything. Just living to complain.

    …Ohhhh my GOD.

    Codebeta IS SPECTRAL!!!

    Well, if it cures your insecuriy I'm not Spectral whoever that is...but you can think as you wish. We have a country full of whiners, complainers, bitches, etc., so I'm just pointing out who they are. Technically you just complained also and hope you start adding something legit.
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  8. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    §m£ÂgØL wasn't on totse, or wasn't there long, before it collapsed. That is the real reason why he doesn't want to compare. It's silly to compare the father to the child, by your low-T example you put out.

    Also, Zoklet was far more active. Individual forums saw regular postings with decent threads, people were much more terrified of PI and as so, it was weaponized, it was such a "top, down" ran website that was ran poorly, despite it's popularity. Lots of different people to offer different viewpoints about any given topic.

    Now, NIS, is mostly a comedic relief website. I avoided posting here for the first year, almost two years for that same reason. It had no destination, no obvious reason for existing. I mean hell, the name itself is pretty embarrassing. This is Lanny's little project site, as Zoklet was Zok's, but at least Zok's didn't harbor an embarrassing, adolescent name choice. One you might expect from a teenager or a 20-something year old.

    NIS is also dead as fuck. Since these DH users have come, which is really mrasbestos x20 on tor, but since they have come, 90% of threads are made and fed by them. Not native users of this website, Zoklet, or TOTSE. Kinda makes us look bad, honestly. They are the ones making this website breathe, not "us", so to speak. It's dead, dying, and decaying.

    Lanny doesn't give a shit. He gets drunk and does random bits of management when he sees fit, but otherwise, allows this place to run without any sort of moderation whatsoever (which I like, by the way.). Lanny is more aware of how his CODE performs, than the user's experience on it. That is a legit problem.

    And finally, we have people like §m£ÂgØL who make these low-T threads for no apparent reason other than to be retarded. You also did that on Zoklet. So I guess there is a similarity there.
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  9. Unfortunately legal guns are not the's how they're used and who uses them. Walk through LA and you'll soon see how many illegal weapons are on the street. A large number of migrants are criminals and yet Democrates don't want to block the borders. Venture into Mexico and what America is becoming is obvious. Globalists whether Democrates or Republicans if established in the swamp have only one dominate the world at any cost and steal as many funds as they can to achieve their goal. Trump, patriots and the NRA are in their way and the majority of good law enforcement agents who believe in freedom. The problem is at the top and traitors. Fake news is being exposed and what I find inspiring is the people willing to fight back. They are stronger and the left is simply falling apart even in Europe. Sanctions within Russia and China also want freedom and this may be the greatest hope for democracy. Eventually there will be another war and lets pray humans are not destroyed by the psychopaths we allow to govern.
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  10. It's also a good hook for remixes.

    "Hey, do you know where to get some?"


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  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The proper Totse meme is "die in a grease fire". Kids today just don't get it.

    *shakes head sadly*

    its 'STFUADIAGF'

    the good old days...
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  12. EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Honey these days the last thing I need is psychotropic agents altering my reality right now

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  13. a light at the end of an endless tunnel is a cruel joke
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  14. Well Bill Krozby has been lied to.
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  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Da Leg Itches i dunno why they had to be in each others pockets for this pic

    theyre bottomfags...thats the kind of shit theyre supposed to do. the photographer wouldnt let them go deeper to play pocket pool.
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  16. AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Smart. That way he'd even have an extra pointer.

    LOL first time Ive had a laugh in days.
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  17. tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Wait until he's at the company picnic, then run in screaming and yelling and pointing at him as the cheater.

    Do this^ in the nude for extra points
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    don't like a challenge?
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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by jillvalentine What the fuck is totsee? And Z?

    And what's is BBS?

    totse was our original home, the temple.

    totse was way more fun and games than this place is to be perfectly honest and had thousands of members back then. when it closed in 2009 a nigger called zok started zoklet as an intended replacement.

    zoklet was better than this place but still it wasn't quite the same as totse was. you'll see some of the users from this site are mentioned in those encyclopediadramatica pages, including HTS, malice and you can see the mugshot of LegaliseSpiritualDiscovery(LSD) and the details of when he was arrested for beating his mom up for drinking his coffee incident. we've had many members die and OD, many arrested and jailed for various shit from assault, hacking, fraud and terrorism, plus myself for drug dealing. there have been some epic trolls that have gone down in internet history including pickwicks jenkem troll where he trolled the national media and law enforcement agencies into believing of a completely made up and absurd new 'drug' called jenkem which was produced by brewing human piss and shit and huffing the gas released from it. they actually did a news piece on tv reporting on it and the local cops raided someone and released some kind of warning thing or other which was also reported, they totally fell for it hard, lol. there was bloodydaiperman who who ate a whole toilet roll and a box of nails then run for mayor of cinncinatti, plus way more lolz than i can even remember off the top of my head right now, loads of megalulz were had on those sites, this place is a sad shadow of our former incantations tbph.

    the south park episode 'major boobage' was inspired by the jenkem troll btw.

    the previous sites are mentioned in the about section here as well.

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  20. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by -SpectraL It was a man named, Onan. The account is found in Genesis 38. He refused to propagate offspring for his dead brother.

    To be fair, this was a problem because he was fucking his brother's wife for the purpose of procreation and intentionally spilling his seed on the ground to avoid getting her preggo.

    "I'm going to fuck you until you're pregnant" and then making sure you don't get the bish pregnant is fucked. Dude deserved it.
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