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Posts by General Butt.Naked

  1. lil kim used to be hot now she looks rough like an alcoholic space alien
  2. I work tomorrow n then imma go to a blues bar n be retarded
  3. ScronnyBSlippin
  4. Its called trap/ phonk
  5. Originally posted by DontTellEm Sure u didn’t, tfw she went to the restroom & never came back. I see u boy

    April dont take offense I didnt mean you. Im sure you still look smokin hot once the lights dim n the vrocery bag comes off.

    Wont u let me melt your cold lil country heart with song?
  6. nigger rich

  7. Originally posted by aldra I used to know a guy who said this

    came to find out he did very gay things for money

    Maybe ive still got timeto be a huge fag
  8. Originally posted by Xlite Your fingers has tips but your toes does not, your toes can tip but your fingers cannot.
    Why is this?

  9. Just got back from a shitty bar.

    Tfw a woman asks you on a date, and then you realize you never actually saw her whole face irl. And then you do and youre like holy fuck ive made a mistake.

    Yeah. That.
  10. You guys are terrible.

    The real answer is Wario
  11. Originally posted by stl1 What are women good for?

    Idk i know some pretty cool women. And theyre nice to look at and smell nice and make babies. They drive like retards and cant shut the fuck up but besides that i think women should be allowed to stay.
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson If you were at a very attractive woman's home (say a neighbor or you were buying something from her on craigslist ect) and used the toilet, say you spotted the dirty laundry basket in the bathroom, would you help yourself to 1 or more pieces of her sexy soiled underwear and take it home for demented doings?

    No sniffing clothes isnt quite my bag. Im pretty boring. But i might bust a load in her toilet just to have me be close to her vicariously, thru my jizz.
  13. GHB finally got me a good nights sleep after a year of bullshit but now i cant find any so fuck me i guess
  14. Originally posted by POLECAT its obvious you are not working enough,, if you were you would crash within minutes after coming home from work and you would sleep till time to get up.
    perhaps you could get a second job tripple win nigger,, no weed bill and extra loot from the second job = 3 times more money,, possibly enough to rent ur own house or apt cuzz Chell is going to dump ur ass for being a cunt without weed.

    Nah i fall asleep the min i walk in the door then awake up 2 or 3 hrs later n cant get back to sleep
  15. gnarberry lol

    canadians are like gayer californians with bigger wildlife
  16. Put jagermeister on ur holez
  17. Originally posted by Bradley when red was here me him and Bill Krozby had a beer together and i put the cup in a fish bowl cuz i din't wanna spill it and i'm keep it until it grows mold on it then i'mma hurl it into the yard and wash the cup.

    That's what he woulda wanted

    Bill Krozby went to wisconsin?
  18. Originally posted by Bradley based on the aggregated data i have determineed ur name is Andrew Jay Poleshmoker. Good game.

  19. I am laying in bed trying to summon strength bc despite sleeping for 5 hours im still slightly drunk. Gonna take my stoner neighbor to breakfast for being nice enough to trim my tree while i was at work,
  20. Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga 1 parenthesis = 1 intensity

    I missu on telegram bb
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