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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Depends on what I'm drinking. Most alcohol is fine. Whiskey is bad. Jagermeister is the worst. They add a bunch of psychoactive herbs to that shit - not good.

    Like what??

    Whiskey never makes me 'angry' like most people say it does. Same for tequila. Never understood the different drunk things people say about boozywa. Ethanol is ethanol.
  2. bc he's sooper qwt
  3. Originally posted by Octavian I plan to depart this site by 2020's end

    oct are you in the group
  4. I get the same way when I drink though. I just want to take care of everyone and have everything be awesome. I've only been angry drunk maybe 2 or 3 times.
  5. Originally posted by CASPER Yeah I’m such a nice drunk. I’m nicer drunk than I am sober. At a party I always kinda stick to myself around the periphery of the action, but when I get drunk I raid the kitchen and start making people waffles and hash browns from scratch. Lol.

    At one party I had people lined up at the bar and eating at the pool table like a restaurant. Pouring beers from the keg in the kitchen and calling out orders. Was so fun.

    I asked the girl where their baking powder was n she said they didn’t have any so I was like “WHO THE FUCK DOESNT HAVE BAKING POWDER?” So someone had to run to the bodega to grab that and eggs.

    This is beautiful. I wish I was at that parties. I would have asked you to make has browns, eggs, bacon, and cut my grapefruit.

  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL That didn't scare me.

  7. Originally posted by -SpectraL Kids, especially infants, should never suck on charging cables that are plugged in.

    first spectraL post I agree with
  8. Originally posted by Octavian If she's really kind then how can she be such a dick?

    Why the hell is she choosing to live like a fucking homeless degenerate when she has white privilege?

    Did she slam her inheritance between her toes?

    I bet her vagina smells.

    she's bipolar
  9. Originally posted by WellHung Jesus Christ ur threads are terrible.

    Max gets real stoned and tries to make it work, but God knows he's got no balance
  10. Originally posted by WellHung U are still so fucking butthurt over this girl…isnt it time u move on? The Harborer of animosity suffers more than the target.

    Idk I don't really feel anything anymore.

    I just think the world would be better off without people like her. I do have her to thank for teaching me how horrible people can be, so I guess she does serve some cause.

    Originally posted by Octavian What's Hydro's back story. Has she always been homeless? I know her mother has a rectal tumor.

    Was she halfway decent then got in with the wrong crowd?

    How old is she?

    Fuck these stories make me depressed.

    She's like 30 now

    When I met her she was 25 or something and I was 20. She was living at her grandmother's house in Florida and had been working min wage jobs all her life. She met her ex 'husband' at Subway (being in the south you have to lie about being married if you're together for a long time)

    She was a junkie since like 16 because of her father who she lovingly would remember as the guy who woke her up with lines of oxy ready to snort. She was always crazy and explosive from what I hear. Her grandfather spoiled her rotten and she never got over that phase. One time she said she wanted to go to Hawaii so he just bought plane tickets and took her there.

    She's extremely kind but that's how she gets you. She posted the other day about how she's as kind as she is evil, and she's VERY VERY kind. Probably the most true thing she ever said. I should've listened to her when she straight up told me she was not a good person.
  11. That picture looks bad but i bet it tastes great.
  12. Agreed on the rotating. it's essential to maintaining a Crouton addiction
  13. or he won't get laid.

    Cuz mayayayayaax can't serf
  14. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny something is wrong with you for looking at a dick.

    -guy who looks at more dick than an actual homosexual
  15. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood because i was very drunk and being beligerant and mean for no damn reason. It was really bad and I woke everyone up at 1am on christmas drunk stumbling around the house and when they tried to help me i just yelled at them all and acted rude, not cool.

    jager is bad

    That's not cool at all.

    Why are you so mean when drunk? I've never understood it. I'm always a super chill drunk. Most people can't even tell when I've drank.
  16. Originally posted by hydromorphone I wish I still did.

    I'm seriously considering getting a port either done by someone on the side, or taking a trip to Mexico. That'd be the ticket.

    I wouldn't really need new rigs, if I had a PICC. Just syringes. Insulin needles for right now though.

    Glad the fag spic gets some humor from my happiness. Its just jealousy. I can be happy like this, yet he can't be happy in his life, which should be miles above mine.

    I've learned a lot, I've grown, and well… I'm just gonna cherish each day.

    I know how you are, and how you never publicize your misery to others. I know what your real life is like. Probably groaning in pain each morning when you get out of your tent. Sleeping on hard surfaces. Eating garbage food.

    How ironic that you want to go to Mexico to get your port but still call me a spic.

    Please, please, PLEASE go down to Mexico and start calling them spics. I'll give you some advice. When you meet your healthcare provider, call them a mamamhuevo.
  17. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I got very drunk and called her and her parents retarded

    why did you call them retarded?
  18. Originally posted by HTS Yeah, except I bitch about green skittles constantly and make it pretty damn clear that I don't want green skittles, and then someone goes out of their way to get a bag of exclusively green skittles.

    You sound exactly like Hydro.

    I really have to thank her for this. She taught me ALL ABOUT red flags and now I'm able to avoid them with precision. Like a hawk.
  19. Originally posted by Lanny it really enhances creativity. My startup has really benefited from the natural cognitive enhancement of jenkem microdosing

    how much jenkem do you usually brew for a microdose? I was thinking it would be easier to brew in small batches rather than playing pinball and relying on the mystery of air to huff your MD.

    Is 1gshit/750ml piss too much for a microdose or should I be OK
  20. what are your opinions on this?

    I was thinking of making a brew and maybe just taking a sniff here and there

    Looking for mild euphoria and a sense of purpose

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