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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by mmQ

    this sounds like one of those weird Chinese superstitions
  2. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 it's a wonder to me, why that you have never provided anything, when i have asked you to prove me wrong?

    and that by the way, is the action, from someone suffering from accountability and responsibility traits. or in layman's terms: you avoid anything that proves you wrong. which ultimately is broken down to, you're full of shit and afraid that everyone knows it.

  3. Originally posted by aldra yeah I figured he was all talk, tried way too hard to impress and/or intimidate people over the internet. also made a point of believing the most absurd and outlandish theories

    He's literally schizo. Like, the dude said he could control reality with his mind. He offered to meet up with me once to prove his powers. Refused to just record a video because evidently the CIA doesn't like it when he uses his powers too often.
  4. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country proots was Greek, but other than that no idea.

    Proots never used library computers. He had a nice house bought with mafia money.
  5. wE aRE ElEcTRiC bEiNgs
  6. Originally posted by Octavian In all honesty I like Fona, he's harmless and a good staple to this forum of fucking arse holes, myself being one of said arse holes.

    fona is a menace he ruined my minecraft base
  7. that's where my family is
  8. Wouldn't date or fuck someone that young
  9. Originally posted by Octavian Are there any good tutorials for guitar playing? I'm talking ground Zero novice. Everyone I have looked at my retard brain can't comprehend.

    Just buy one and start fucking with it. Accept you'll sound like shit for a good year. You'll learn eventually. I always thought it was one of those things where if you didn't start as a kid it was kinda pointless but here I am 4-5yrs later playing La Vie En Rose

    Still can't sing for shit though
  10. wrong again LOL
  11. Trump is the swamp lmao
  12. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny wasnt he the one who wanted to leave mid-east and the only thing that held him back was the swamp ?

    he didn't leave...
  13. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 if a job offer was a contract, there would be no next step to piss!!
    therefore, IT IS only a promissory note that can become a legal tender by judgement, if not honored in the scenario of not passing a piss test.

    If it's not legally binding, it isn't a contract.

    Who the fuck gets a job offer right at an interview? You're making shit up. You only get the offer once you're accepted for the job and get a CONTRACT, which is legally binding, but not 'legal tender'

    Jesus you are probably the stupidest person on this website.
  14. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 a judgement in this scenario, also refers to money, or legal tender.

    Wrong. Just because money is involved doesn't make it 'legal tender'. Legal tender refers specifically to what is used to pay a debt. A contract is not legal tender.
  15. some more passion

  16. Originally posted by ORACLE Belt sander prolapsed anus

    dick is glued

    and the pain is
  17. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 it's a Legal Promissory Note, which is a legal tender upon judgement

    legal tender refers to payment. money.

    Not just any random legal document
  18. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 that's because the jobs you have ever had are minimum wage jobs.

    in the fields like Tech, myself, and others, you get a hard copy of your job offer that typically includes salary, benefits, start date, and whatever the company uses to sell themselves.

    with this hard copy, that is a legal tender.

    now, if a company gives you an offer with such a hard copy, they have to be specific in their reasoning to refuse employment, because this hard copy proves they only had good thoughts about you before knowing you would fail a piss test.

    you know judges and lawyers are awaiting this cash cow when companies can finally be sued over breaking this law!!

    'legal tender'
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