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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  2. Originally posted by aldra honestly you should've realised what you were doing was very gay the minute you started

    U dont know how often I have to say this 2 ppl
  3. Originally posted by Grylls i respect you posting your shit but seriously ive got more better things to do with my life than reading all that

    Then get off this website faggot.
  4. Do you have problems with drinking? I don't remember talking about it. But I find not having any whatsoever helps me a lot. I used to stupidly put the last 12oz into a glass jar and lie to myself while drunk about it being a momento. Like It'd somehow be easier if i had some on hand. But then i start sobering up and drink that shit till its gone. Just stupid.

    If I had homebrew I'd probably wait a few days then drink it all in one binge. That's how I operate with drugs. Being drunk is so dysfunctional tho. I've switched to tossing down 12-18g of ground kava. I don't know that its doing any good for my binge habits but at least the process of swallowing it is so awful I tend to avoid it.

    Wish I wasn't so good at drinking industrial amounts of liquor.
  5. laying in girl to the movies, inviting to bed
  6. Originally posted by cigreting wat happen to proots

    He got stabbed while on vacation to his home country and died.
  7. Have not been drunk since the 1st. I bought a single tallboy last night which was nice. I think i will stick to buying a single tallboy when i want a drink. I won't keep more than one at a time.

    Did look at the liquor for a bit and debated it, then decided against it.

    feels good
  8. Originally posted by netstat So what?

    So fucking what?

    So now instead of paying $5 to rent a scratched up DVD you can pirate 1080/4K movies and TV series on demand. Yeah that really sucks.

    If you weren't mentally deficient this would be the peak of your life: old and experienced enough to have developed a degree of intuition and wisdom that just doesn't exist when you're young, still young enough that it's unlikely serious health problems have started afflicting you. Instead you piss your life away pining for a return to a mediocre era when the world sucked almost as much as it does now.

    How is this a bad thing?

    Because CRT is an antiquated technology that only nostalgic retards from /v/ want to use.

    They did in 2005 too.

    This is the only thing you've listed that actually sucks about the modern world.

    The world has been going to shit since the industrial revolution gave us the power to create and normalise an unsustainable way of life, and irrevocably fuck up our habitat in the process. That you hold a slightly less dystopian period of late capitalism in such high regard demonstrates your lack of perspective.

    What's stopping you from using judetube to discover and sample music (it's really good for this) and then just downloading FLAC rips?

    Maybe you should stop caring so much about what other people are doing and try to understand that you still have a ton of freedom to build a life you can be content with. Either that or kill yourself, faggot.

    Did you really just break down a shitpost
  9. I have also always been gay
  10. Originally posted by stl1 Would you eat her taco?

    Nah she's probably white and makes bad tacos
  11. Originally posted by Fuck Your World Says a cock goblin

  12. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny D.

    bad copy pasta.

    I posted the video you dumb fuck
  13. Meat is not murder. It is delicious.
  14. i'd chop her tomato
  15. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Holy shit I just realised it's 2020.

    welcome to the future

    can you see clearly now that trump is gone

    can you see all obstacles in your way
  16. Originally posted by CandyRein

    wtf how u get this picture

    delete it
  17. Dug up sploo's info and I can't find anything about his death.

    Although I have his dad's home phone number, which I am tempted to call.
  18. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood let me know if you need any graphics done here is my work

    I'm using this for my next album
  19. Originally posted by If you didn't put any effort in to respecting yourself and looking respectable and presentable I would not hire you, and if you already worked there I would fire you.

    I wouldn't trust you to make a good impression on clients or take pride in your work, and I would be concerned your work attitude would cause low morale.

    Do you even brush your teeth everyday?

    He does but he wears a safety vest and hard hat
  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood the stuff i got for hts was like this.

    Not sure if it's legal in the USA though

    It was 250mg for the whole thing? That seems super weak
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