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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal It's funny because your collection is literally nothing but discs of poverty.
    Anyone could buy your collection for under $50.

    x20-30 that $50 poverty bill.

    You had what, 20 cds? Less? LOL.
  2. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Thanks for proving my point

    You wouldn't have a point if you had a sharp knife. Bringing a spoon to a gun fight.

    Can I get an F in the chat for hikki
  3. Originally posted by Octavian Drink your coffee mom beater.
  4. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal You are none of those things and your vinyl collection is just a bunch of shitty rock and mexican music

    Actually, I am. And my vinyl collection has the best music in existence. Oldies, ska, Disney tunes, and punk rock.

    You have what, noise? LOL. You don't even have vinyl it's just poverty discs.
  5. Originally posted by Slacks, collared shirt, tie, shoes is hardly $1000.

    You said suit.
  6. >be me

    >be incredibly attractive

    >be talented

    >great singer

    >impressive vinyl collection

    >be hikki

    >be hikki

  7. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Check out my lolicore project and let me know what you think ^_^

    Btw when I get moved I'm bringing that project back and will be working on a new album.
  8. Originally posted by Splam If you'll be working in a suit, fine as you're showing off your work attire. Like showing up to the McDonalds interview in a McDonalds uniform. Not to mention, you look like a tool buying a 1000$ suit to a job interview that pays 20$ - 30$ an hour. Going with a 200$ suit you'll just be looking like you've got a court date. It's a fail-fail situation.

  9. Originally posted by Octavian Lol I don't care what some tranny shagging loser like you has to say. I'm glad sploo is dead hahahaha.
  10. Originally posted by CandyRein Great post :)
  11. Originally posted by Misguided Russian Hello. We are all niggas, we are all in space.

    Post nude selfies; nigger, kike, handsome and well tanned individual, etc.
  12. Ask Helladamnleet how well it went
  13. Originally posted by Tails, PGP, Tor etc is very insecure if hiding from government.

    Fucking amateur
  14. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 And that's cool. I would watch material speculating on a topic like that and be entertained. But Spectral and so many others are the types to convince their brains that it is factual information and then let that belief influence other aspects of life.

    Then they want to be taken seriously in a factual discussion. They can fuck right off.

    I feel like SpectraL is the type to watch mockumentaries and come out believing every word. Remember that Mermaids one that got a bunch of people believing in mermaids, so they added a disclaimer to the start of the film

    I've seen ethereal orbs of light with my own eyes, with other people who saw them too, and I'm still not dumb enough to say what they were. Ghosts, weird ass reflection, shared hallucination, I don't fucking know. The people i was with called them will o wisps. I only know the facts. Which is that I saw a thing. Doesn't make it real.
  15. Originally posted by Octavian Lol I don't care what some tranny shagging loser like you has to say. I'm glad sploo is dead hahahaha.
  16. Dress shirt and nice pants and shoes are all you need. A suit is overdoing it. Maybe that was true in the 40s but not today.
  17. I can swallow at a 15g load. Jesus. I remember when I was a kid and couldn't even swallow pills.
  18. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Same thing

    No its not.
  19. Originally posted by Bill Krozby that sounds nice.

    I'm in a lot of pain though right now I think i ate bad pulled pork that was spoiled last night and I also had a couple shots of vinegar afterwards then some hot and sour soup where I crushed up a bag of ghost pepper chips into it

    Lol what a retard diet.
  20. Originally posted by Bill Krozby hoboken is a major city in new jersey.. lol..

    Wow a city in new jersey amazing
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