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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 thanks!!

    i just knew living on a farm would force me to move, work, and that would lead to more weight loss and enough exercise to achieve what had to be done.

    outside of eating better with correct portions.

    Fuck you faggit I hope your heart is as thick as an elephant's
  2. Originally posted by Grylls

    Why don't these exist anymore?
  3. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i am not at all pleased i allowed myself to get that fat and heavy, but i can promise you it can happen to anyone (not my same size and weight but much bigger than you are now). and i did change my diet. i did cut out a lot of bread, gluten, and starch items. the hardest part was not dropping the weight, but getting your skin back in shape. that took longer because i refused having the surgery to correct it. being on the farm is what did it best for me. nothing is light, easy to move, and it's 100% physical in every aspect. but i am glad i did it this way because it also strengthens the heart muscles.

    Exercise does not 'strengthen' the heart muscles. Building muscle eases stress on the heart, which is what you want. If your heart muscles are too strong/thick it will result in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which is something both runners and the morbidly obese suffer from.

    I have a congenital heart condition and I was advised specifically not to do cardio, but to lift weights instead. You want your heart to have an easy time pumping and not have a high heart rate where your heart muscles are thickening.
  4. Originally posted by stl1 It blows my mind that we're strong allies with Japan after what they did on December 7, 1941 as well as the abusive treatment they gave to POW's.

  5. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    you have unhealthy fetishes for chineses.

    Originally posted by Octavian Don't worry, just about every relevant poster ignores you.

  6. More like people need to be protected from him...

    Feb. 8, 2009
    At 19, Brown punched, choked and bit his then-girlfriend Rihanna, leaving her with visible facial injuries and in need of hospitalization. Brown turned himself in to the police and later plead guilty to one count of felony assault.

    March 22, 2011
    Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts asked Brown repeated questions about Rihanna during his visit to the show, after which the artist stormed off set, and threw a chair through his dressing room window.

    June 14, 2012
    Brown was involved in a brawl with Drake and his entourage at a New York nightclub, in which about eight people were injured due to broken bottles and punches thrown. The fight was reportedly over Rihanna, whom Drake has also dated.

    Jan. 27, 2013

    Brown was involved in an altercation with Frank Ocean over a parking space outside a recording studio in West Hollywood, California. According to police reports, Brown pushed or punched the singer. Ocean did not press charges, though Brown also reportedly threatened to shoot him, and a member of his entourage used a homophobic slur.

    Oct. 27, 2013
    Brown was arrested for felony assault after punching a man outside the W Hotel in Washington D.C. Brown and his bodyguard allegedly punched a man and broke his nose after he had tried to get in a picture with him and two women. Brown was quoted saying, "I'm not into this gay shit, I'm into boxing," before taking a swing. Brown's charge was reduced to a misdemeanor and he voluntarily entered a rehab center while awaiting sentencing.

    Nov. 10, 2013
    Brown was kicked out of the rehab facility -- where he had been expected to stay for three months -- for "breaking program rules by acting violently." He had, according to the facility, thrown a rock through his mother's car window following a family session, in which she said she wanted him to stay in treatment.

    Sept. 14, 2015

    A Colorado woman filed charges for third-degree assault, alleging she was forcibly thrown off the artist's tour bus for not giving up her cell phone, which was reportedly broken during the fracas.

    June 2, 2016

    Following a nightclub performance in Las Vegas, Brown was accused of punching a woman in the face for trying to take his picture.

    June 23, 2016

    Brown's former manager Mike G filed suit in Superior Court of the State of California, alleging that Brown assaulted him in an unprovoked, "drug-fueled rage" on May 10, 2016. On Instagram, Brown posts, "N---as is getting mad ... because I fired them, because they're stealing money."

    Aug. 30 2016

    After an all-day standoff with police at his home in Tarzana, Calif. and a subsequent search of the residence, Brown was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. A female alleged the singer had pointed a gun at her face in his home earlier that morning. In a three-part Instagram post, Brown declared, "I'm innocent. I'm tired of this shit."

    May 9, 2018

    Brown is named alongside rapper Young Lo (born Lowell Grissom Jr.) and an unnamed woman in a lawsuit filed by Allred on behalf of a Jane Doe and others accusing them of sexual battery, gender violence, hate violence, assault, interference with exercise of civil rights, intentional infliction of emotional distress and more in connection with a 2017 sex party at Brown's Los Angeles home at which the woman says she was raped multiple times by Grissom and forced to participate in sexual activity against her will.
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's because people on food stamps are dumb as rocks and don't understand simple things like nutrition. Eating well doesn't cost anymore than eating bad, in fact it can be cheaper…though the fat fucks will argue about that.

    A TV dinner costs what, $2.50 or so…For 2.50 you can get lbs of fruit and veg.

    And your point?
  8. Women are so worthless when they're black haha
  9. Originally posted by Technologist Feeling kinda down today. I’m sure I’ll snap out of it. Have a lot going on that has my mind preoccupied.
    Well I’m off work for almost 2 more weeks. I set up a bunch of appts during the two weeks, so I can get some stuff outta the way.
    And so goes the days of our lives.

    Love u mommy :) I'm always rooting 4 u
  10. Of COURSE you listen to cardi b

    Bet you love chris brown too
  11. Every daiph
  12. Seriously 400lbs...
  13. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i could afford more than beans from a can and a pack of corn shells, messican!!

    People on food stamps get fat. This is America.

    I know you just ate frozen meals anyway.
  14. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 why even respond to me messican, nothing you say will i believe.

    after all, we all know what true psychiatrists from john hopkins claim concerning you mental midgets. you're fucking insane, just like every post you make, reveals.

    Oh yeah? Which ones. If I recall, last time you tried to prove this you quoted some Indonesian legislation lmao.
  15. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Have you played Fallout Shelter?
    It's really fun and relaxing, it's one of my favorite games in a long time.

    Lol are you fucking serious
  16. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i was 400 pounds at one time.
    i was in an accident and was limited for over a year and just ate like a pig.
    when i finally was able to move, i was out of shape.
    so, i went to my doctor and we fixed it.

    Lol what you got up to 400 in a year? The fuck were you before, 350?
  17. I want to invite some Chinese people from r/sino on here just to counteract hikki's hapa superiority shit. Would be hilarious to see him in a room of racist Chinese
  18. Originally posted by RottenRobert So Rimmer you admit to being 400lbs and a corpse fucker. Yup that is definitely an unstable subhuman being.

    He already admitted to the mentally unstable part. 45 days in a psych facility because they thought he'd hurt himself or others LOL.

    He also apparently did 3.5yrs in prison so he definitely fucked a corpse
  19. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 hey messican, whats the difference between a fag fucking a dude in the ass and someone banging a corpse?

    One is natural and beautiful and the other is a federal crime
  20. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 plants and beans provide estrogen in massive amounts.

    kind of explains why most messicans look like brown midget queers.

    Wrong again. Phytoestrogens are not very metabolizable
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