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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. So you have sex with corpses... good to know.
  2. Originally posted by Cheyes Humans require cholesterol, a vital nutrient. There are no known plant or non-animal sources of cholesterol on planet Earth. Therefor it is not immoral to eat meat, as it is an act of survival.


    Your body makes the cholesterol you need tho.

    Also eggs have cholesterol. Eggs are not meat.

    \open thread
  3. Originally posted by Solstice You should eat a high dose of mushrooms to reboot your brain and then start microdosing after. That's what I'm going to do again.

    Microdosing is the best anti depressant. It showed me how to be happy again and showed me it was possible. I quit Crouton and nicotine around because of it, and even stopped drinking for a bit.
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I have been told that topical CBD oil makes vaginas extra loose and wet.

    Originally posted by Solstice I got my mom to start taking CBD gummies for her…

    …Planning to get some quality CBD oil and ingredients for making a homemade cream/balm to see how that works out for her.

    Originally posted by Octavian My mum suffers the same. I'm just thinking of sticking 2gs of bud in some cakes. She doesn't smoke it so I'm hoping this is strong enough.

    Originally posted by Octavian She doesn't like putting it under her tongue

    You guys r kinky
  5. Says guy who supports vape ban
  6. Smores

    All cereal? I don't know I've never had cereal.
  7. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Then get off this website faggot.
  8. Bill Krozby writing erotica about me.

    You're not desirable, kid.
  9. How to dox yourself and have everyone find your email
  10. Itt: dumb criminals who got caught.

    Meanwhile I have never been caught, and have always acted morally.

    Komo literally siding with a rapist lol
  11. Originally posted by Cheyes I just get opioid dependence meds, rehab, and antipsychotic ads

    google thinks I'm such a winner

    I can't get it to stop suggesting Chinese porn. Like, with Chinese titles. It's actually teaching me a lot of dirty words.

    I also get lots of nootropics ads from places i already shop at.
  12. Originally posted by Cheyes you're literally addicted to reddit drugs

    No im not.

    Also hilarious how you say this while meanwhile youre smoking crack and shooting up opiates
  13. Next death thread is gonna be about komo
  14. Originally posted by komokazi Won't happen hanging on my wall or an attempt to steal it while I'm actually riding it downtown in on of the most populous metros in the nation.

    So I guess you just ride it around and never go into any stores right? Obviously crime can't possibly happen in a populated area!

    I mean you already said you lost thousands because of it... so lol.

    Maybe a dirt bike or mountain bike I could understand. Keep it inside, pack it up, take it out. But this is something you use to get around and lock up on bike racks where anybody can come around with some bolt cutters and cut it in seconds and ride off with your 5,000 dollar thief magnet.

    I mean you can still get a nice bike for like a 5th of that price lol.
  15. Originally posted by Bill Krozby yeah his self righteous opinion was bound to show up in this thread, which is really rich considering he's so smart he let two junkies use him as a human condom.

    Says absentee father with an illustrious criminal record. When did you last see your daughter? October, was it?

    See its funny that all you have against me is stuff that:

    1- isn't a crime

    2- doesn't hurt anyone

    3- happened 5 years ago

    You're STILL a shitty father today. Just last year you did so much meth you had to be confronted by cops while standing on top of a shed at a golf course. You're such a massively shitty person, I have a video of you trying to steal a phone at a jack in the box after failing to buy heroin from some people. Then you got your ass knocked to the ground lol.

    You're an all around shitty person.
  16. Originally posted by komokazi Retains value at the end of the day. I can still sell these parts for near retail. However it doesn't help I ride more than most people drive. This is my REAL hobby.

    And if someone steals it you're out 5k and the cops won't give a flying fuck about your fancy hobby bike. Nobody is gonna run your bike's plates or ever find it. Some hood rat will steal it and probably sell it off for 100 bucks.
  17. Originally posted by Bill Krozby not true, even smart people get caught all the time.

    Says guy with a laundry list arrest record

    Originally posted by komokazi "Smart" people didn't commit the crimes. GTFO. I hate when stupid, clean noobs who have never even shoplifted place their ability to evade law enforcement on their record of never commiting real crime.

    Says guy who took unknown substances and went psychotic in a public place

    Shoplifting? LOL. Yeah that's some pathetic shit for dumb people.

    Like I said, smart people don't get caught. They commit the right crimes, at the right times, in the right ways.
  18. Originally posted by Sudo §m£ÂgØL you are a living joke and your insecure negativity is really boring. Next time you pretend to know about something, just don't, go learn about it first or you risk looking like a dumb, gay spic over and over again and nothing is gained or learned because everyone already knew that.

    Sorry, why aren't you speaking Arabic? That is your God's chosen language isn't it. Have you even read the koren in Arabiya?

    what a pathetic excuse for a muslim.

    I know what you're addicted to, and it's being a hypocritical toxic addict. You know it too.

    Me? I'm perfect.
  19. Originally posted by Sudo yawn/weird

    this is such a sputterinly pathetic post. Stop addressing me it's depressing knowing someone as stupid, ugly and naive as you exists keenan. It might make me relapse

    You'd have to get clean to relapse, junkie.

    Tell me, do you plan on cheating on your girlfriend in 2020? Or did you get it out of your system in 2019?
  20. Squeaky clean. Criminal records are for idiots who need to go to criminal school and learn how not to get busted.

    Smart people don't get caught.
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