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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. google translated. Not even gonna bother lol. At least use a better translator next time, kid.
  2. Originally posted by Sudo Wow, komo it's cool you're proud to work in retail and ride a bike like a 19 year old arts major who just moved out of her parents house but this thread isn't about that. Thank you peddle along

    Doesn't he live in Austin? It's a pretty good biking city I hear. I'd definitely ride a bike everywhere if I could. It's a lot cheaper, good exercise, and good for the environment. All cities should aspire to have a biking culture so great. Fuck cars. Big noxious money pits.
  3. Originally posted by Sudo Oh my god

    You are incredibly stupid Β§m£ÂgØL. I really can't. I don't know where to start. If you're not trolling I genuinely feel bad for you for being so stupid. I can't even imagine what that would be like. Please keep your stupid self to your stupid self from now on and don't post overtly retarded falsehoods that aren't clever or funny. You're pathetic. Thanks.

    Are you having one of those OPIATE RAGE things I've read about on the news? I hear those can get quite fierce. Maybe if you stopped lying to yourself about having pain you could get clean and sober like me n casper and then you might actually feel what it's like to be yourself for once in your drug addled life. Opiates are haram anyway. As is buying illegal drugs. You are supposed to obey the laws of the land in your religion, no? Haha! You should get clean from islam too. It's probably worse than the opiates ya sheep.

    baa for me sudo

  4. Originally posted by Sudo What is your incredibly stupid and naive ass attempting to convey? That you shouldn't buy suboxone because you think it might be illegal in my particular locality?(it isn't) Thanks officer, insightful contribution but next time remember that you don't know what youre talking about and no one gives a shit faggot

    Schedule 1 nigga. Associating with scumbags selling it, risking fentanyl POISONING, all because of 'pain'? LOL.

    Find me in real life and Ill snap your spine, kid.
  5. Originally posted by Sudo You're an incredibly stupid person. Stop gaying up this thread with your mediocrity and ignorance. Suboxone is literally the best and most innocuous opiate replacement.

    Not when you buy it off the street. You're the one justifying your addiction because of some minor pain.
  6. SpectraL posting more bullshit as usual.
  7. Originally posted by Splam You know what Disney should do after Mandalorian? Merge the Marvel Cinematic Universe into Star Wars!

    Then Buzz Lightyear comes in to save the day.. Next time, on Ancient Aliens

    You're watching a lifetime original movie, only on fox news
  8. Originally posted by Sudo shut up. You clearly don't know anything about opiate withdrawals. Eating some legal powdered leaves isn't the same as boofing hydros when you have legit pain that's exacerbated by withdrawals.

    I used Crouton to get off opiates.

    But yeah, I'm not a crippled bitch. Healthy as a clam here. But pain isnt a good reason to use street opiates or get high. You have a prescription dont you? Ran out? That means youre abusing or selling em. Find some legal shit thats actually safe.
  9. Originally posted by Technologist Problem is parents don’t want to bother with their kids, so they let computers and video games babysit for them.

    Eh. Sploo would've been fucked either way.
  10. Originally posted by Sudo I'm gonna buy some street suboxone soon and try that route. Taking edibles helps but when I take enough to chill me out I end up writing my whole day off. At least with suboxone I can have a relatively productive day. I also feel like a loser junkie when I take box so that helps motivate me. I rack dissaprin

    Find something better nigger.

    And by better I mean worse but less addictive/inebriating

    I've slowly learned to deal without nicotine or opioids by using patches/Crouton. Now I'm using kava to learn to deal without GABAdrugs. I don't know if it's working yet. It probably won't.

    Anyway I'm learning music theory instead of drinking. Learning to make triads (sun on yee represent) and play piano without having to look up or memorize chords like I have been doing. I wanna learn to play what's in my head because I got some good shit in there. If you'll niggers got a piano and wanna make triads just start on any key and press the 4th and 3rd key to make a major key, which will sound happy, or 3rd and 4th to do a minor key, which will sound sad. So you can do C,E,G for a major chord, or C, Eflat/Dsharp, G for a minor chord.

    It's really basic shit but this is probably what I should've been doing from the beginning with piano instead of just memorizing everything and learning to read music like a fucking retard. Also writing this is helping me remember so fuck you faggots. One day I'll be able to speak in music.
  11. I would let her beat the shit out of me
  12. Originally posted by CASPER The Mandalorian was so good

    Reminds me I need to get back to The Outer Worlds. God damn that game was good.

    Is it over? I'm not caught up yet.

    Outer Worlds is great but i dunno. I can't get into the universe. The dialogue is amazing.

    I'm on some planet with those mantis queen things everywhere and it's incredibly dangerous. I am scare
  13. Originally posted by mmQ Viper is like a combo of actor and 4j.
  14. remember to turn on captions
  15. This guy is honestly great. There are some others like it on his channel if you liek this

  16. Originally posted by cigreting prove it

    No. I don't give a fuck about you.
  19. Originally posted by Bill Krozby ahhh man i love emily yoocis, she's so fucking hott, if there was one woman I could ride all night long it would be her


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