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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Cheyes RHABZORZ

    Ya but that's st louis


    That doesn't mean they only surveyed people in st louis
  2. Originally posted by Sudo shut up loser you are a child who is not mine don't address a man

    Well you dont even address your own child sooooo
  3. Originally posted by Fuck Your World Shut up Stupid.

    Where is toiletduk,smeagle n Hank Hallucination..aka Concord boys… Blake and Vick have the same last names … Workaholics.. Concrud High.

    Boomer say what now?
  4. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Then thank the gods you don't have children.

    He has 6 actually
  5. Gay joke


    Sky blue

    Water wet

    What else is new
  6. For only 1000 more we offer the big mac funeral special
  7. Live strong and pooper
  8. Originally posted by Sudo I think 7 people in my life are kinda pissed at me right now all for different reasons and I'm starting to think at least one of the problems lies with me

    Well you're toxic as fuck and a liar so yeah it doea you junkie shit. Be better to your loved ones
  9. 'who said who said who said'



  10. Originally posted by CandyRein It’s 2020 Hector ..sorry to burst your rainbow bubble ..and your family never owned chit but a sombrero and a corona lmfao

    Lol you wish. Space niggas who matter have seen I live in the uptmost luxury.

    Like I said, money has never been an issue for me. This is why hydro tried to rope me in.
  11. Originally posted by Misguided Russian I do not hate based on race, but anyone calling trump a white supremacist needs a bullet in the brain. He is a j'ewish puppet, not no white supremacist.

    Shut up ruskie. Go milk Putin's cock elsewhere
  12. Originally posted by -SpectraL Glad to hear you don't fill them with cheeseburgers and then have them offed by strangers.

    No that's what they do in Alabama
  13. Originally posted by frala I remember my first mind meld when I was a kid and realizing the vastness of space, then subsequently arguing with my teacher that there had to be an end point bc every thing I knew previously had an end point and finally succumbing to the fact that space did not but still struggling to process that and being 8 and real pist about it.

    Vulcan detected
  14. See above quote
  15. Originally posted by CandyRein Both of you literally only connect by hating me.. you hate each other

    I love bringing y’all together tho ;)

    Say it y’all..

    *mad bitches link up*


    This isn't power rangers. Get back to the field. Your master is waiting.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I'm the biggest pedophile in the world.
  17. If being a pedo means I love seeing kids pet my Cockerspaniel then I guess I'm the biggest pedophile in the world.
  18. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace It's not that complicated. You guys are just fucking stupid
  19. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ;picard:

    cesspools are shits and pisses but niether feceses nor urines are cesspools.

    your a retard for not understanding this.

    Use Chinese if you have to but nobody can comprehend your shit grammar and general failure to grasp the English language.
  20. Originally posted by CandyRein This is why you need to stay back in mehico..

    This is why you need to go back to Africa and leave America for the Americans.
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