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  1. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian yeah I bet. probably shows it on his gaped fuckhole, proudly exclaiming how once upon a time he managed to fit an entire fire extinguisher in there.

    hehehehe, queer.

    When you post/think more about gay shit than actual gay people.
  2. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Needledick Needledick Needledick Look it up.

    What does it mean to look?
  3. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian dont forget to list your anal scars too, faggot.

    Don't have any. Do you?
  4. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    What is speech, even?
  5. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Probably like 45 I think. The last ten came this year from my accidents. I'm missing a piece of my mustache due to it.

    Jesus that's fucked. You must do a lot of stupid shit.
  6. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ A baker's dozen or so. Lol. A baker's dozen of a baker's dozen I mean. So 13*13. I have so many scars on my forearms from grease splatter. I mean they're not like huge obvious ones but they are there. They tell a story. Like if you were blind you could touch my arms and read them like braille (is that spelled right?) and you would know the story of my life.

    I also have a babby scar under my eye from when this native American shot a BB gun at me when I was 7.

    You'll shoot your eye out kid?

    No, I'll shoot HIS eye out.
  7. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    I have 15. One from surgery that runs across most of my back. I have another big one from my hip to my knee. Then one that goes about 1/3 of the way down my palm.

    The rest are inconsequential and tiny. There may be more I'm missing. A lot of them are from one stupid event. Girls like them.

    Wat about you guys?
  8. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I'm drink a lot and I'm still way more healthy than a lot of people

  9. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by blaster master Glam, I can tell by looking that you didnt let that chili simmer long enough, it needs about 4-6 hrs or else its kinda just a thick soup.

    Lol correct. It was the backup dinner plan. Next time it goes in the crockpot.
  10. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Like a child
  11. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Good job Narc
  12. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Sick fuck.
  13. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    What an unbiased and truthful site!
  14. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    I've never noticed earthquakes. I want one where the lights are swaying.
  15. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ok so where did you learnt this kind of drunken agression ?

    His uncle made him get naked at gunpoint
  16. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Here is a chilli I made last week. First time making it.

    Ingredients: Pinto beans (boiled), kidney beans, black beans, diced red pepper, crushed tomato and diced tomato, fresh garlic, fresh onion, cumin, paprika, salt, pepper, bit of olive oil, chilli powder, bit of cayenne, and red pepper flakes.

    Ground beef cooked seperate because vegetarians exist. I ate it with fresh French bread, some sharp cheddar, and pickled jalapeƱos. Healthy, filling, and tasty.

    Instructions: fuck you its chilli.
  17. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Jesus Christ
  18. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian people should post more about what they cook

    I'd outshine all of you. My meals are delicious and nutritious. Perfectly balanced.
  19. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc only in your imagination. in the real world hydro's told me all about you and you've continuously refused to post one pic to prove to the contrary. and i make one obvious troll post and that's your 'overwhelming evidence'. yeah ok fatty, whatever lol.


    Hydro called me anorexic constantly so I know she didn't say shit. Plus people have seen me on cam for years, I am far from fat. You keep doing you tho boo
  20. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Good choice
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