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  1. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    She's not fat in the slightest.

    Meanwhile you are objectively overweight and bordering on obese according to the BMI index.
  2. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Played my first game yesterday and today. I started as leader of Kiev and got lots of territory and joined the evil society.

    Then I got a Mission to choose someone to bear the spawn of Satan so I chose myself and named him Scrawny. When I died my daughter became heir and the dark prince scrawny started his own country

    Then he got taken over by khazars and now he's still a pain in my ass on my third ruler. He has amazing stats and he keeps trying to kill me even though I can choose him to be my heir because he was my son lol

    This game is weird as fuck but very fun.

    I don't understand how to have to fight in this game still. I always play as a Muslim and have lots of wives/kids and I'll play favorites with the kids, sometimes locking them up at birth and releasing them when they're older so they start a coup. Plus, the incest is pretty cool.
  3. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein What you call trolling into oblivion
    I call being a buggaboo with no life …

    You hate to see me minding my business like I am in here interacting with non butt hurt homosexuals

    You just gotta waddle your fruit loop ass in here tryna get attention lol

    and you give it to me every time ;)
  4. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian i troll you into oblivion

    by following you around and making daily threads about you

    stupid faggot

    ya ok russkie
  5. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Meth bad.
  6. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    buy now buy today
  7. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Got so mad you had to write a thread ey?
  8. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein But you don’t find it trashy that you continue to say what you say about me?
    Fuqn lol

    So true that it’s scary


    I troll you into oblivion nigger.

    You bite the hook every time.

    Russkie over there too.
  9. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc I would suggest the same to §m£ÂgØL only i know the flabby ripple would act like a shock absorber.


    You're stuck on this fat thing but can't provide even a shred of evidence.

    Meanwhile we have overwhelming evidence that you are a pedophile. A creepy old man who preys on teenagers.
  10. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian sad, fat, messicant homosexual.

    None of that is true. I'm in fantastic shape lol. Way better than your fat, vodka swilling, potato and red meat eating ass.
  11. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Trashy to be sexually and emotionally satisfied?

    Who determined this? A sad homosexual ?

    No it's trashy that you keep saying it.
  12. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
  13. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
  14. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Sexually and emotionally satisfied individual…

    You realize how trashy this is yeah?
  15. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
  16. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Daddy long legs are not actually spiders, they are arachnids. They do not spin web, are non venomous, have two sets of eyes, and their carapace consists of only one rounded part called a cephalothorax. Some species have multi-jointed legs which allow them to wrap around their surroundings much like a monkey tail. This gives them a great maneuverability that spiders do not have.
  17. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
  18. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Termites build their mounds out of dried poop, and are able to digest wood thanks to a special protist in their digestive system which ferments wood into something they can actually digest.
  19. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Sand dollars are a relative of the starfish. They have tiny little suckers that they use to eat the algae off granules of sand. They also seek out bits of iron when they're young as it helps them grow.
  20. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Please be kind
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