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  1. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Wow wow wow! I love owls too, they can rotate their necks to see from every angle. So cool. 🦉 I'd definitely be an owl if I had a choice.
    We are a lot alike !

    Not even the coolest part of an owl.

    Their faces are like radar dishes that concentrate sound and funnel it into their ears. Some owls hear so well they're able to snatch up mice under snow and brush. Their eyes are also giant tubes instead of balls, so they collect tons of light and information from the world around them. And the way their feathers are structured makes them near silent in flight.

    I'd type more about owls but I have a headache.
  2. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Tennis elbow comes to mind.
    Thats a muscular thing not a scar thing
  3. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice Try those Bentagouise or whatever it is that you liked.

    Bentuangie. I ended up just getting a small bag green hulu.
  4. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    What kind of accidents can you possibly have on a tennis court?
  5. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III what if you usually meticulously take off your socks before bed, but one time you have been awake on a meth bender for 5 days and you forget to eat the whole time and you need to go to the liquor store to get something with calories so you don't die during hibernation and so you grab 2 jugs of half n half and go back to your apartment, take off your shoes, go to your kitchen and slam both the cartons of half n half, then you run to your room (still with your socks on) but on the way, you trip on the couch and its also night time and you fall on the couch and immediately fall into a deep sleep and sake up with your socks on?


    Originally posted by Technologist Guess you’re gonna be motherless because I have to kill myself.

    “Hello, my name is Janice, and I wear socks to bed! Please help me change this addiction.”

    But seriously, I never wore socks to bed until about 6 years ago. I hated having socks on at night, but alas, things do change.

    Mommies are excluded from the rules. You can live

    Originally posted by mmQ Neither of the sox even made the playoffs this year. White and Red.

    Thats because all the players KILLED THEMSELVES
  6. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian I feel bad for HTS honestly. This is not the first story that I hear about random crackers converting to Islam; most of them usually do this after abusing drugs and having gay sex for years at a time. I recall one story about a guy who lost everything to drugs and gay fucking, at which point for some reason he decided to convert.

    Really makes ya think.

  7. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny 3 syallables.

    Yep like the title. He pm'd me and told me he misspelled lol
  8. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Lanny should remove CP
  9. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
  10. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Show us on the doll where the owl touched you
  11. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    I've never been in daycare
  12. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby My feet sweat a lot sometimes so I like having moisture wicking socks on sometimes at night. I don't see what you have against people wearing socks.. geez man, get a fucking grip already

    Kill yourself.

    Originally posted by mmQ I usually fall asleep with them on and then take them off while I'm sleeping because theyll be laying at the foot of my bed when I get up.

    Foot of my bed. Lol. That's a sock pun somehow .

    If you take them off in your sleep that's okay I guess. But if you ever wake up with them on, you need to kill yourself immediately.
  13. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Yep. You heard me. I don't care how cold it is or where you are. Take your fucking socks off or kill yourself.
  14. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    There's already a war going on
  15. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    I could not give less of a fuck what they choose to do and neither should you.
  16. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    they did the mash

    they did the monster mash

    (the monster mash)

    it was a graveyard smash
  17. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Technically, that assbaby is now a US citizen.
  18. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice Hey! Islam is a religion of peace! Just not that one tiny part where they're told to kill anyone who doesn't believe the same thing as them.

    Not true! You just have to pay the Jizya if you don't want to convert to Islam. Otherwise they execute you, which I think is quite fair to be honest and very forward thinking.
  19. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Meanwhile I pay 75 for about 5 month's supply of Crouton.
  20. GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You should totally link their resources page and partner with them.

    We might all do a lot of drugs but most of us are still alive. Accidental overdose isn't very common around here because we practice harm reduction

    Except for mark and pwp

    hopefully hydro soon
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