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Posts by toz

  1. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist was it a full moon party on koh phangan?


    LOL it was a party. A koolaide party

    "Dink, don't drink the Kool-aide" as I whispered it in ear.

    Also the young moon "leaped" from the 17th floor balcony somewhere in Nevada.

    Sure he did. And this is where things turned when they leaped her as well. but that's a whole other story and when I'm done with the 9/11 and get it out of my system, I will spend much of my life researching leap.
  2. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I guess that is much more serious than selling 20 percent of our enriched uranium to our longest standing political and military adversary in return for 125 mil in donations.

    Who did we sell 20 percent enriched uranium to?
  3. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Same thing with Wangs?


    show the manifesto archives you selfish fuck.

    Got damn Canadians with their politeness for being stubborn
  4. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist well no shit sherlock, why you think everyone does drugs for?


    I will admit the 60s counter culture was pretty cool as was the 70s and the coked out 80s. But I don't need to do cocaine to fuel the 80s retro love that many of us are still stuck in. Probably because it was one of the final moments of great music.

    maybe the early 1990s.. notice where technology stepped in and good music stepped out. Not saying there isn't good music still.. but it relies heavily on human interaction and not all digital boards and turn tables (hell turn tables were still a skill and a form of music just by making scratching sounds) or even a fucking i.pod with the latest hits.

    Yet, Kr0zd0g shows me that at least in parts of the USA such as Austin Texas, the music scene is still going strong. especially with rock music. The bay area has a secret experimental thing going on that's still underground a bit. and I know the UK still has some decent rock backs too.. they're just not "mainstream" anymore.

    the radio stations are barely staying alive today because of Satellite Radio. and so they are all forced to play hip hop and weird techno shit.

    Techno isn't a bad thing. It was fun in the electronica days of 1970s and 80s. when the Drug use was at America's all time highest (haha--highest)

    Krout rock. Yeah what does this have to do with Drugs? it is an aide in creativity, yet one can probably meditate and push their psychodelic juices on without the drug being the catylist or the easy route.

    but whatever... do you drug thing I suppose. it's not hurting anyone else if you're in an area alone and busting out a Fender Strat or a Pro-Art' brushs or any other known brands and their median of art type.
  5. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator Fuck you

    Fuck you, me or fuck me, you or fuck the world?
  6. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat Holy fuk he lives right next to toz and look how blatant this motherfuker is with it. He’s like saying come get me I dare ya try my French foreign legion skills or something. This motherfuker was fuming 11 yr old and being in his 40s:

    He is even on Facebook lol all open with that article out there. But he was living da life you gotta admit he felt power and enjoyed himself at least and never did time.

    Well a lot of pedophiles live in the San Francisco bay area (sadly) including the group NAMBLA

    But I guarantee you they're on a watchlist of some kind. Sadly, in Europe not so much. in some European regions I wouldn't be surprised if it's almost as acceptable as child-brides are in the middle east.

    trust me, no one accepts this. It's the kind of taboo that people sometimes joke how uncomfortable it is to have sex with their spouses knowing the kids might hear it in the other room and rush in.

    It's something you want to keep a distance between their young frail developing minds and the adult world. I know they have to learn at a young age to protect themselves from getting VD or HIV at a later age yet you clearly don't give them a "hands on" approach especially with another adult.

    and you're saying "I never said an 11 year old" yet she was 12? not a lot of room to (no pun intended..much) play with their Wariat. Yet I digress, sir. Just because Pedophiles exist here doesn't wipe the slate clean and rewrite the laws to excuse your acts against a child. You weren't even 15-16 with a 12 year old. that would probably be seen as wrong. you were 22-23?

    And to be fair, I lost my virginity to a 23 year old when I was 14. It's viewed as just as wrong now a days. But women don't penetrate men. and I was very much a willing partner in this act. but it wasn't right looking back on it now. I was even getting high 5s from 2 of my brothers when they walked in and saw her leaving. they jokenly said "The walk of shame" to her. she gave them the finger and told me to call her later. But to mention, we were friends and both interested in film making and arts yet not that it matters. it was wrong for her to do this. I should of had memories of my first time with someone closer to my age and probably later at age 16 or 17 with another 16 or 17 year old.
  7. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Thotgirl *clicks shotgun*


    and the robber runs away
  8. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor if you shrink the world until it is the size of an orange it will be smoother than the smoothest ball bearing in the whole entire world

    you could never polish it to be as smooth as the miniature earth

    wow, just wow

    because of the density the ball would level itself out to perfection?
  9. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Nil Fighting entropy.

    is that word entropy like when the heat of a glass of water cools to that of the room temperature but then the room's temp will rise to that of the glass or until they both meet the same temp which neither was before?

    like parts of the car is not where it should be and the blank spot on the ground isn't blank anymore?
  10. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers What a lovely dog. Is that your gift to me?

    No he was just mirroring my "What?" face.
  11. toz African Astronaut
    O M Gosh

    starting to feel like old times from totse

  12. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls why u mad

    Well there is a plate in front of me and I have a lot of different shit I have to eat off of it. One at a time.
  13. toz African Astronaut
    Alla Akbar Jack

  14. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Two Wongs don't make a white either.

    They can if a progressive father takes her surname
  15. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby chlamydia is the clap

    No Bromo

    The Clap is Ghoneria
  16. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat First off get your facts straight. I was 24 and the difference as only twice his difference was he was like three times older. Secondly I didn’t do anything with her I did with one other one back in the day when I was 22 but it still was no full on sex or oral even though she claimed she wanted to to me she left for another country to Austria while I was on vacation in Poland (lots of making out and a bit finger action). And I also had the ability to coax. I used to look very handsome like aryan and young for my age plus I was foreign so that was interesting to them. In fact I am and was always superior to anything that midget Polanski. There are many Turkish Polanski’s here in Poland who look like that and go to those stupid Warsaw social meetups trying to get some. And guess what some do. The fact is being foreign or American is enough coaxing for many of these stupid pollacks.

    Anyone here knows I can be a really nice person and though I never tell people this I give to Charity (like I'm sure others on here do) and I usually am a good listener.except when it comes to this specific topic.

    Either you're trolling and it's not funny about young girls getting raped but the audacity that you are trying to come across like it's perfectly normal is what I'm laughing at..

    if it's a troll then OK we get it. You can drop this shit.

    . If it's not you trolling, I have to tell you to get help. You're lucky that when you went to Jail you weren't murdered or beaten to the point of vegetated state for this. It is the one thing that Prisoners don't take kindly too because even prisoners have young kids.

    Seriously, Get some fucking help with this sick addiction of yours. I'm concerned you will seriously harm a child.
  17. toz African Astronaut
    My brain is blank, I was trying to think of the term yet your driveway under nearly all US cities has an ordinance to allow vehicals to use your driveway to make a safe turn-around. you legally can not tell someone they can't do it. However, they are allowed to enter your driveway for a brief time before you request that they leave. if they for whatever reason say no, all you can do is call the police to come remove them. and even then it would be a ticket and request for a towtruck.

    You can't just shoot someone for stepping on your property either. they have to be in your house with intent to harm.

    In places like Florida and others down south it seems it's easy to just shoot someone and say they were trying to harm you. but then again you can do that just about anywhere it seems.

    The funniest thing I experienced was a rich dude asking me to move my car I was parked in front of while taking a lunch break. "Yeah, can you move your car please, my wife is about to come home and she needs this spot"

    I was about to laugh and tell him to fuck off but I get a lot of business in that area and so was like "oh yeah, sure.. no problem". I mean you don't own the street and have a fucking 2 car spaced driveway. park on that. maybe her car leaked oil. Rich people have this weird entitlement thing going on.
  18. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Admin Are you from Cali?

  19. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Fought a bear last week and that's exactly what I said to a bystander who witnessed the whole thing. Just got a few scratches and a scrape on my elbow, where I bashed him in the ribcage. The bear, not the bystander.

    photos or it never happened.
  20. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist why?


    To secretly move weapons onto them without Russian Sats picking it up.

    there were other reasons as well. I think you have to push through Canada in some areas which the USA may have not wanted? I don't know what river goes from the east coast directly into the lake. also perhaps it was easier to transport an east coast vessel through this port .. and like the Panama Canal it required flood gates to lift the subs through high country.

    and the fact the story tells of it being secretly built under the guise of the Great Highway Expansion (or as a shell of the expansion) made for interesting reads.

    most of these were small articles. easy for someone like me with serious troubles readind a bit easier.

    totse had some long reads but many were like Readers Digest. lol TOTSE the Readers Digest of Conspiracy Stories.
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