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Posts by toz

  1. toz African Astronaut
    Beards are out of style during summer.. The new look is pencil but not pencil in

  2. toz African Astronaut
    I am so fucking confused now.

    if you're an alt, Wariat. you trolled good. you can have Troll of the Year on this site.

    Lanny, make an emblem patch for his Avatar.
  3. toz African Astronaut
    Wait.. there's more

    Bogart Movie Trailer

    play both at the same time if you can.. it's purdy cool

    prolly more later on.
  4. toz African Astronaut
    Apparently people have seen my post (i'm fairly transparent about who I am) on several websites.

    I talk about having dreams of how Alameda is sinking.. then it turned out my elementary school was sinking and they closed it :(

    effects property value if such a story gets out. but trust me, Alameda is still a value able place to live. it is Mayberry in the middle of the bay (literally.. it's an island city). lots of cool bands came out of the city. it's hidden. it's basically South Oakland turned into an Island. has draw bridges and a mote (that's the towns joke I guess). surprised no one built a Castle along the estuary (mote)

    and how a major Earthquake on the ring of fire would gobble it up with a tsunami

    How esoteric occult formed.

    has one of the largest collection of Victorian era homes with Queen Anne and Queen Victorian painted ladies. something like 2000 of them still. has a Historic society to keep them all from being ripped out by people from other countries who want to tear them down and build newer homes. or used to. but that's progress if it happens. I hope not. they're all hand crafted and not stamped out like shitty modern homes made with particle board and whatever.

    People say this about .. not so much the lyrics but the title.
  5. toz African Astronaut
    Earthquake 89
    A-7 Cors Air

    Sad. R.I.P. Everyone in the apartment and R.I.P. to the pilot.


    Many Feared Dead In Alameda As Jet Crashes Into Apartments

    By JIM WASCHER A Navy A-7 Corsair jet fighter crashed into a 36-unit apartment building in Alameda last night. The building housed at least 80 people and authorities reported early this morning that most were missing and feared dead. The crash reduced the building to rubble and a spokesman for the Alameda Fire Department said it was still in flames nearly four hours after the 8:25 p.m. crash. The spokesman added that two and perhaps three other apartment buildings adjacent to the crash site were also on fire.

    Witnesses say a fireball shot hundreds of feet into the air after the jet slammed into the top of the wooden, three-story structure and exploded. Flames were visible from rooftops in downtown Oakland and from the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. The crash was within two miles of the Alameda Naval Air Station. The Associated Press reported that a young woman sitting on a porch across the street from the crash site said, "There were two big explosions. The ground kind of shook. I went blank for a moment and then I looked

    over there. There just wasn't a building there any more. Then there was a fire and people screaming." 'Flames On The Wing' Another witness told the A.P. that he saw the jet come in "with flames on the wing, hit the place and explode." Rev. Milton Geyer of the Baptist Church of Alameda, who lives across the street from the scene at 1809 Central, said, "My wife and I saw people hollering for help from the third floor. I think only a small percentage could have gotten out." Navy journalist Jack Lee of the Alameda Air Station's Press

    Information Office said a single-seat Navy A-7 Corsair jet assigned to the Lemoore Naval Air Station near Fresno was missing on an evening flight to Sacramento. Although the jet was not scheduled to land at Alameda, it "was to have passed over Oakland," according to Lee. He identified the pilot of the missing plane as Lt. Robert Lee Ward of Lemoore, but added that he was "unable to confirm that the missing plane is the one that crashed in Alameda." 22 Treated Alameda Hospital spokesman Joyce Jacobsen said 16 people, including one fireman, had been treated there as a result of the crash. She added that most were suffering from "anxiety and hysteria" over relatives trapped inside the struck building. Jacobsen said five others had been admitted to the hospital. One other crash victim was reported hospitalized in "satisfactory" condition at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland with first- and second-degree burns. James Williams, shift commander at the Alameda County Coroner's Office, told the Daily this morning that rescue teams were still working the perimeters of the crash site. Rescue Operations It was still "a little too warm to really handle things" at the scene, he said, adding that he expects rescue operations to continue "well into tomorrow" — meaning today. The center of the crash site is still "quite hot," Williams said, and he called the area a "cinder-type scene." It was almost four hours after the crash before rescue workers were able to bring in cranes and begin sifting through the still-smoldering wreckage of what had been the apartment buildings.
  6. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator Who the figga nuck

    0_o durrr whaaaa
  7. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat Why do you keep assuming things or making kies about me? When did I ever fuk children?

    yeah ok.. w/e

    get help, bra
  8. toz African Astronaut
    I want to vote for the first lady to lead this country. and her doing oval office speeches in a teddy and stockings.

    is this so wrong? Got damn she's hawt. why don't we just have threads non-stop about the first lady and all the other russian'esque women who are fucking hawt as hell. I should move to the Ukrain or Russia. get a Russian wife. get fat with her and her big ass Russian Titties.

    I think I am part Russian on Moms side. maybe look up distant cousins and fuck them. is this so wrong?
  9. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat Have you been to bradys in santa cruz?

    I don't think so. what is Bradys?

    Is it a beach.. like a surfer's lane?

    I live closer to HMB but still havn't seen a mavericks contest. they don't have any specific date.. it happens when the time is right and everyone gets the call. they probably have an app for that.

    please stop fucking children. get help. I know this because I suffer from the same thing (not fucking kids. but racy mind syndrome). You can probably fix your racing mind by taking adderall or ritilin. and perhaps calm yourself on lexapro? do your urges speak to you?> do you have knee jerk reaction. anything from sexual to wanting to fight all the time to your urges with voices. You're all over the fucking place.

    take slow release adderall if you can get it in Poland and ask for a cocktail with olanzapine. I used to want to hit people all of the time especially in traffic. I was easily triggered and now I get tired when a fight thought comes in mind. It shuts it down. that's not a bad thing. it doesn't affect your natural protective response to fight if need be. you just don't do it with anger which I now find myself asking people "Whats wrong and found I can calmly talk it out first"

    it works for me. Also the Gabapentin should be added to this cocktail. I honestly believe it could work for you. perhaps it wont since not all people have the same receptors positioned the same way, but I know it's fairly common.

    Talk to a psychiatrist. drink some coffee and or tea and chill. go on a MILF search and get laid by some rich single cougar. no games. just "Fuck me now" and your urges are done. roll play if you want. dress her up in pink and pony tails.. though that's probably not idea if you have an attraction to kids.. maybe just stick with Teacher and you're a college student. no harm.

    or be the wolf and she can be Little Red.. oh wait. No just stick to some other theme.
  10. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat Bro you are talking a lot of shit here and proving my point in a way. First of i never penetrated the chick in question. All it was was a catfished cops ting when her mom found her secretly talking to me in some hick county and town out of her own will and cops making a new profile again nothing against the will like you me tion yourself even worse they added me i just accepted. You dont even know the fine details about the case or her wants and desires for me to begin with. Maybe i dont know either cause a lot could be lost in translation with digital communication tools but th fact is the cop once he got involved Sean something his name was, he even added me and claimed ro be sad no thst i dont want to talk anymore? So how would that be diff from your scenario girls mature even faster so everything you said would be proving my point or at least it is dommon thiught girls mature faster and some like or are curious abiut sex thats just facts. Secondly i admitted two yrs before i got in any trouble i made out with a girl that age but she was super developed and in a way was the agressor maybe because i was foreign and interesting to her and you know how in that time eastern europan girls threw themselves at americans heck even barely legal or illegls by california standards and way older men than my 22 yr old self at the time. So nithing you say disproves my point. The only reason it is seen not bad for older girls or women to fuk teenage guys is because of crap like feminism and the metoo movement they literslly get away with any crime or any action. At clubs they routinely assault men for instance and look what happened to me at that bradys bar after i was surrounded by local drunk good ole boys.

    Dude, I have a serious ADHD issue. Can you please use some short paragraphs for me. I have to reread a single line 5-6 fucking times. this is like a wall of noise. Great for Pink Floyd fans but come fucking on.
  11. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how does one wear a dick.

    or an ass.

    how does one grab a pussy?

  12. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist yeah totse you tell em mate, keep their own germs. i don't want their staphylococcus aureus coz their staphylococcus aureus is different to my staphylococcus aureus. so let them keep theirs and i'll keep mine, ok? good.


  13. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats GET FUCKED

    Skull fucks Fona without ripping his eyes out first.

    Seriously man. go get a BJ from Shell. your (snickers) Old Lady.
  14. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

    umm.. you know how Hollywood will take a popular song and change out the notes or displace them so it still sounds like a popular song to get past that copyright law?

    that's what the Paki National Anthem sounds like. Like they ripped it off from G-d save the Queen or it's American version.
  15. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist clearly copius amounts of drugs were involved


    they told us they don't do drugs or drink alcohol.


    Sorority's aren't allowed to host parties. that should of been the first flag to warn us!

  16. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Oh please Maharishi Yogi, do tell.
  17. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "Yet again, I feel a sense of returning to a sense of being more serious about whatever life I have left on this mudball and what I can successfully or creativity offer this world before I perish "

    don't bother. for the 100 billion lives that have already been extinguished only a tiny fraction of a single percentage point made a notable difference.

    You wonder why only the homo aliens visit this planet. they're just fucking people in the ass then use one of those "Men in Black" Brain zapper lights and tell them they were probed by medical equipment but will experience a hazy memory of it being done. then they release their little Arkansas-Purdy mouth piggy and go back to doing what gay aliens do. Disco on the Mother-ship.

    I wouldn't be surprized if that's what it really was. Imagine being advance and only a group of edgy- types going to the planet that is viewed as a swamp of low educated knuckle draggers as most of us are probably viewed by the intergalactic community.
  18. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Yes. Stop being a schizophrenic and being obsessed with losers in TC and Jeff hunter and become a Trianglist that practices fasting and spiritual enlightenment

    How does one become a trianglist.

    room for another eBook moment I take it.
  19. toz African Astronaut
    Also OG, regardless if we playfully razz each other (or whatever it is) on tinychat.. I am here to listen to anything that bothers you. maybe one day we can hang out and hit the club scene in the Yoch. we can drag Luigi along. But My ex is in that area. and I'm trying to avoid it for now.

    yet if you come up to the bay area we can frequent the City, maybe see a band at one of the clubs in the SoMa just let me know when you're up here visiting.
  20. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat To be honest last time I was in Berlin about a yr ago or not too long after getting out I had multiple chances with younger girls and this young Asian one kept talking to me and her friend kept trying to pull her away but there was a language barrier I think that was the last time felt life running through my veins. And I mean she was young young and she thought I was 24 lol and still talking to me. All I did was like say hey.

    Do you speak German? is your Mom or Father German by chance? I know the Military probably offered classes.

    I always wanted to learn it yet I cant' seem to commit to learning Spanish. German is a whole other beast to learn. and there is something about Upper and Lower German?

    I might do that google program (cost money) babble and learn Spanish first

    then French (since it's fairly close being latin)

    then German and finally Mandarin.

    all of these languages along with English are the languages of business. and with those skills, one can get a fairly high paying Job. especially if they have code set skills.
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