Big Wig
[the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
Fon needs to prove its really Fon and not some other alt AGAIN. You see Fon we get alot of people pretending to be other people,they bring up an old name like I don't know Truckfixer or some shit but its really just some guy on bundy playing games. So if its really you fon prove it. OK now I'm going to log in as Slaveofthebeast hold on. I'll be right back.
Big Wig
[the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
When I was in High School I could bring in a gun. If you belonged to the rifle club you just dropped it off at the principles office and he would lock it up I shit you not. We also had a smoking area so we could smoke cigs but everyone was getting high and dealing drugs. We didn't even know what a cell phone was because they hadn't been invented yet.
Big Wig
[the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
Why do they hand out ssri's like fucking candy???? Fuck I went to a new doctor today,told him I'm a friggin alcoholic and the first thing out out his mouth was "you need Zoloft". I was like no way tried that been their so he say Wellbutran,I,m like no! Why is that the first thing they think of? Why ssri's? That shit made me psychotic I hoping for a script for some benzo bullshit and plan but nope. Plus this dude could speak English but his accent was very heavy Asian,he's from South Korea. I have severe tinnitus and can't hear shit,half the time I cant even understand my wife. I think I might be the next next Greyfox give me your address and I'might mail you something cool. I'm shooting for a script of antibuse stay tuned.