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Posts by BeeReBuddy

  1. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Off to work. TTYL
  2. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    In conclusion, I drank too much coffee and smoked too many cigarettes today.
    I'm totally spazzing out.
  3. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I made some changes to my calendar and going to try to stick with it tomorrow to see how well they work.

    My goal for tomorrow is to do something programming related for at least an hour and a half before I go to work.

    If I stick with my schedule everything should hopefully work out fine.
  4. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Today I got some cleaning done.
    Not a lot but still I got some done.
    Spent most of today anxious trying to figure out what there wasn't to figure out.
    I'm so use to not having my ducks in a row that now that everything is okay again I am at a loss of what to do with myself.
    Hopefully I won't repeat this fiasco of a morning again tomorrow.
    Getting ready for work now and about to edit my calendar into something that might make more sense when I wake up.
  5. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by stl1 Why should today be any different than every other?

    Because I have the will.
  6. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I've shit posted enough for today. Time to get myself ready for work and maybe clean up my apartment some so I don't feel like I wasted my entire morning getting wigged out on coffee while reflecting on my past decisions.
  7. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    My head is discombobulated from being at home and not knowing what it was I was doing before I left.
    Selling shit seemed like all I was into last week but meeting with people to exchange money for goods was a hassle.
    One SOB asked me to meet him halfway to Cincy which was okay in theory as I was going down towards there anyways but he kept pushing his time back until I was like "I'm leaving bromo, you said 3 and now you say 5 and I'm tired of everything to do in this shit part of town" to which he replied "sorry man, my buddy is driving me around so it's up to him if he will take me to Dayton or not" and I just said "fuck it" because I am not going to wait around for some retard to uber his way to me after already waiting hours.

    I did sell off a PSU to a lady who met me at a Walmart and that went well.
    She was trying to put something or other together and walked out of Walmart with the shittiest keyboard I ever could imagine owning.
    Maybe she knows what she is doing but I was expecting her to call/text me "why wont it work" and I'd have to explain to her that they don't power on unless you actually hook everything up.

    Still though I waiting a good 10 minutes for that bitch to come out of the store and all for $20 friggin dollars.
    From here on out I'm going to only ship or you can pick it up at no farther than 3 minutes from my fucking apartment as all this shit is crap anyways and barely worth my time selling.
  8. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Gas $3.06/gal
  9. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    5 year plan, 10 year plan whatever.
    I have goals, yes, but they don't really include the "how" part.

    I've dicked around plenty and got a lot done but when it comes to long term goals I don't have much to say other than what they are.
    And even then I'm not certain.

    I'm 31 years old and right now I'm wasting my time not focusing and trying when it comes to doing myself.
    I'll go all out on some dummy shit like working overtime and making short term dollars but they get spent just as fast.

    Recently I turned down a better paying job because it had more hours and I would like to at least give myself the opportunity to have more time to make something more of myself than just another wage slave doing some entry-level cock sucker job.

    I've tried coding a couple times now like several of you do but damn is it boring. I like the money part of it though yet it would be a good long while before I see any of that. Also the doing it at my own pace and it not costing me anything to learn is a big plus.

    Looked into electrician work as there is a place local that will pay you to learn and work while you learn. I liked the thought of hands on learning and making money as I do it. I wasn't thrilled with the thought of being electrocuted...

    HVAC sounds like something easy to learn and fairly quick too. It would pay better and open more doors for me also but it doesn't tickle my fancy either.

    Whatever I'm going to find myself doing in 5 or 10 years I hope it is something I have worked hard to do and worked hard to learn to do.

    Honestly I don't feel like I've tried very hard at anything I've done other than waste my own time.

    I'm going to give programming one more go and see how it pans out this time.
    The only difference is that I'm going to set aside time each day and during that time all I'll be doing is working on learning to code.
    There won't be any other options or things that I'll let get in my way with it.
    If shit doesn't stick this time I'm going to be happy I tried and move onto something else.
    I'm getting too old to not know what the fuck I'm doing.

    Anyways, for the next week or 2 I'll be focused on setting myself up for success and will give it another go very soon.
    There isn't much prep work for me to get done before I start but I'd like to make a couple things in my life just a bit nicer for this final shot at it.

    Anyone else having an identity crisis?
  10. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Since getting out of rehab 4 years ago I feel like I have come a long way and accomplished quite a lot, all of which at one time I never thought I would get the day to see.
    This thread is about my work experience since then.
    My first job I was so grateful to even get I didn't even care at the time it only paid $10/hr.
    My thinking was that I didn't have many options anyways and to land a job close enough to my mother's house where I was living outweighed the lack of wages as I didn't have a car and was solely dependent on my own 2 feet or more often rides from people.
    My dumbass fell in love with it and didn't focus very hard on getting out of my situation.
    Even though I wasn't making enough money to even get out on my own or get a car at the time I could at least afford to get drunk enough to let my worries wash away.
    After a few nickel and dime raises over a couple years I realized that it wasn't going anywhere and although I made a bunch of friends I still was financially fucked.
    When it finally hit me that I needed to switch jobs I was regretting the fact I hadn't done it a year prior as I was switching to as job that I had been accepted to many months before but didn't take as I was holding out for something that I should have known wasn't going to happen.

    From there I moved on to a distribution center working with kid shoes. I was thrilled that the heaviest thing to lift was light up kid shoes and the pay was better too. Quickly I found myself financially more stable and a lot more relaxed. I got several raises in a few short months and thought it was a good job. Shit started to throw up red flags as the guy who referred me to work there had quit and advised me to quit also but at the time I was happy and content. Maybe he foresaw what was coming of the place but I didn't.
    As a precaution I started to look for other work and quickly found a better paying job only for another raise to come right before I was to officially start which kept me at the distrishoesion center another 6 months. During those 6 months work slowed to a crawl and my savings slowly vanished away as I held on for what once again I should have seen wasn't going to happen.
    At the end of last year things really sank in that I should have taken that other job as I watched my shitty employer fire 2/3rd of the work force the week of Christmas. The following month my pay went from $19 an hour to $17 an hour because my boss thought he could get the dumbasses (like myself) that worked there still to do the same job for less money. Several people immediately quit and within a week I was gone too.

    Now I am at my 3rd job in a year but I'm making double what I was making when I first got out of rehab. The work is a lot easier as I've gained some experience from my last 2 jobs and hopefully this time will be able to not throw a fit when it comes to not understanding shitty business practices that hurt workers and instead just immediately go searching for better.
    Right now I haven't seen any red flags at my new job. I thought I might have when my supervisor said that 3 weeks prior half our shift wasn't here but I found out that was not because anyone left but because they brought more people on board.

    The first day and a half of my new job consisted of some very basic training that had me working with someone else and it probably wouldn't have even been that long had a boss from corporate not been visiting. I got absolutely no instruction/training on how to use their forklifts and figured it out for myself while driving one as soon as I got clocked in which was sketchy at best but I've gotten better. It is another distribution job and the stuff they ship weighs a lot more but in return I don't have to pick as much as fast and I don't have to stack anything very high either as most of the product weighs between 50 and 120 pounds.
    My plan s to continue my new job and have a great time doing it but also to remember that when things just don't feel right it is okay to go feel out some other places and waiting around for something to happen is dumb.

    I'm going to keep chasing dollars and won't be listening to management anymore when they come and say dumb shit like "hang in their guys, next month is going to be better".
  11. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Lanny, please change the title of my thread to read 2-14-2022.
    I hadn't had my coffee yet.
    Thank you.
  12. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Emptied my e-mails.
    Ever since I started looking for a new job I have actually been deleting e-mails each day so I don't lose the important ones under a mess off spam e-mails.
    It's sort of turned into a routine I look forward too.

    Checked my bills and money.
    Some how I actually managed not to lose my ass which is surprising as hell to me given how shitty the last several months of working has been and how I had thought I'd already waited too long to switch jobs.
    Right now I still have enough money to pay off all my bills for another month which makes me happy.

    The Lancer situation sucks though as I am not expecting to make any money on it and might only get my money out of it by somehow driving it long enough to make it worth keeping.
    I can't afford 2 cars on my insurance right now but I filled up my Ford Escape this morning and it only got 14 shitty miles to the gallon.
    Hopefully the mechanic calls me with some options soon so I can figure out what I'm doing with it.
    Sure as fuck can't afford a new catalytic converter.
    Maybe I can still break even on it though.

    Going to take a shower and do some laundry now.
  13. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    Good morning.
    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is off to a productive Monday.
    My weekend was good in the sense I won't be doing half that shit ever again.
    I enjoyed getting to spend time with my girlfriend but the activities we did in our free time did not amount to a lot of enjoyment.
    I'll give you gonts a quick run down.

    Woke up Saturday and we headed to the liquidation center - FUN
    From there we went to get breakfast at a place neither of us had ever ate at before which turned out to be a gas station diner - NOT FUN
    After that we hit up Trader's World flea market which was just a bunch of over priced old garbage and a lot of walking around - NOT FUN
    We decided to get groceries with the remainder of our energy and hit up a Kroger's Marketplace in the ghetto - NOT FUN
    Dinner that night was fried chicken - FUN

    Dirty Walmart - NOT FUN
    Car wash - NOT FUN
    Visited my mom - NOT FUN
    Ate at a shitty restaurant (that I picked) where a homeless guy called my girlfriend a "bitch" - NOT FUN

    I guess that's winter for you though. There just isn't much going on when it's 15 degrees outside and the sun sets at 6pm.
    Shit happens but it was still alright because I was with my girlfriend.
    I slept a bunch both days too.
    14 hours Saturday night and 12 more Sunday night.

    Fresh as a fucking daisy now.

    Unfortunately today is Monday and it will be my first full week at my new job.
    One thing I've noticed about this job that hasn't happened but has with all my previous jobs is normally when I start something new I get all sore and wake up hurting from finding myself doing a different type of work.
    I haven't noticed any soreness or overly tired feelings from my new job. It sort of is the same type of work but it is different enough I really expected to be a lot more worn down last week than I was.

    But anyways, yea it's Monday and in 4 and a half hours I have to be heading out the door.
    I'll probably kill time doing laundry and a bit of cleaning.
    Might go ahead and run through my e-mails and check my bills.
    There really isn't much for me to do other than kill time right now.
    Maybe tonight I'll play some video games after work.
  14. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I will have to side with the Russians for this.
    Good luck everyone. Bonjour.
  15. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Got off work an hour and a half early last night.
    Had a really good first week on the job.
    Went to bed at a decent time and woke up at an also decent time.
    Drinking my morning coffee while I type this and get ready to go out and about.
    So much to do. So little time.
  16. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Im annoyed at how retarded of a day I am having.
    Not only did I have to go to the post office but I had to call the police to rescue my friend and they instead just left him there in chains.
    I turned down the highest paying job offer I've ever got in hopes my new job will work out better somehow.
    And now I have to go to work which even though I like it still sucks.
  17. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    The police called me back.

    They found him locked in chains in his backseat but he told them he was fine and asked them to go away...

    Here is the audio recording of the police calling me back.

    FFS I am dumbfounded right now.
  18. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I called about the car. He has said that he has checked everything under the hood and all seems well but he also said the catalytic converter is fucked and because it is an Asian car it sort of actually needs one because of where the sensor is placed and yada yada yada.
    Long story short I owe him $70 right now and can't straight pipe myself out of this one.
  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
  20. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I tried calling him again and still no answer.
    Fuck my dick, I guess I'll call in a welfare check.
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