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Posts by BeeReBuddy

  1. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Her damn dogs brought fleas into the house because the yard is an overgrown bug orgy and her dogs are niggers.
    I bought some flea traps that seem to be catching fleas but my wife wont shut up about hiring an exterminator as if they'll do anything we can't do ourselves.
    Personally I think we should have all the animals put down so we don't have to deal with this anymore.
    Anyone know how to get rid of my wife's fleas?
  2. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Nigga you going Blind.

    This was from when KORN was cool.

    I can't even see the video :(
  3. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    4.2/119gb downloaded.
  4. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    My wife demanded I take my filthy ass off the site.
  5. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
  6. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by totse2118 here comes the skitzophrenia folx

    If you rearrange the letter of your username it spells
  7. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Haxxor Pics or it didn’t happened

    Everyone knows your sophie.
  8. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Might take a couple days to download but I'm looking forward to never playing it.
  9. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Meikai i thought you were going blind

    I am going blind. My cornea is covered in herpes blisters that are slowly scaring my eyeball into blindness.
  10. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Kafka I don't want to give some of the users here anything so I will only share it with agents if they contact me and they will have to prove who they are.

    How much attention do you need?
  11. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Opened my door only to see my back passenger window smashed, looked around, well fuck, was it an accident?
    There was nothing to steal, looked around to ask if anyone saw anything.
    A crying couple (chick was pretty hot) so avoided at the time and some Spanish speaking folks.
    The crying couple were also a victim, hotwire attempt.

    Insurance is liability only, have to pay out of pocket.
    Police are going to do anything, fucking Democrats.
  12. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by totse2118 Holy shit it looks like the top of the duck is that mashlehash looking dude that freaked me tf out

    Ducks are not mash potatoes you dick head.
  13. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    I only have a short distance to work and the speed limit is 45mph.
    Oh how I wish I had a Honda Navi to ride to work and everyone would be outside talking about how cool I am as I pull up on my Honda Navi.

    Maybe I'll get one this winter.
  14. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes Duck leg for dinner

    How'd you get any meat off those legs?
  15. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I've been looking into mini-dental implants as my insurance will pick up a lot of the bill.
  16. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    You're a good man.
  17. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Get and 2nd..and 3rd opinion before you do anything drastic.

    I can see how that would be a good idea.
  18. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I'll send noodz to everyone!
  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Thanks everyone for all your support. Shit sucks tbh but better an eye ball than a dick ball.
    Or well idk, maybe I'd rather lose a dick ball...
    I did recently submit an application to start a new career in the trucking industry that would have seen me eventually becoming an otr trucker but obviously that dreams cooked.
    Idk what really to do and I'm sort of just avoiding all of it at the moment.
    Trying to figure out how I'll get through the next few months if I proceed with having an eyeputaion.
    Eye really appreciate all the love and will keep you all updated.
  20. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Sadly my eye is suffering from a virus and my options are either

    1: Deal with excruciating pain forever and lose sight permanently.

    2: Have the eye removed and go blind but not have everlasting pain.

    This is all really gay and depressing. It's my good eye too.😭

    I haven't yet called back to make an appointment to have my eye ripped out of my face because well, it sounds terrible and I'm scared.

    If suddenly my posts stop coming I want you to know it's probably because I'm blind and can't see to type or read.

    This really sucks. I'm going to miss NIS so much. I doubt my wife will post for me and read me posts.

    Love you all,
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