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Posts by BeeReBuddy

  1. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Yeah, I wish I had room for a split King bed but the cost would have been another grand probably and my girlfriend and I are only in bed at the same time for maybe an hour a day except on weekends.
    I'm starting to think trying out all those beds at Big Sandy's is why I'm sick now.
    All I know is if that bitch Dylan doesn't deliver my bed on Saturday I'm going to raise hell.
  2. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    When I first got addicted to drugs I ended up at meetings not even knowing what they were.
    For whatever reason I assumed I was going to a party.
    Went to probably 3 to 6 of them and always got hammered afterwards.

    Then when I got out of rehab this last time they had kept saying 90 meetings in 90 days and you'll stay clean.
    Well I went to maybe 6 to 10 meetings before realizing I hate those types of people with a passion so I quit going because I wanted to distance myself from the stigma of being a junkie.
    I've been clean ever since.
    Those jackasses over think everything and always showed up crying about dumb shit while preaching a book about how to say "no".
    My mind was already set on never returning to that lifestyle.
    I did not and do not need any help staying clean. My life sucked so bad when I was using that no amount of anything would make me even think about using drugs again.
  3. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Good morning fellow space people.
    I've been busy trying to prep for vacation.
    Got my paycheck pending and damn did they tax me.
    Anyways, I cleaned out the Escape this morning and plan on selling it tomorrow morning.
    Charging up the old crappy lappy so I can use that if needed.
    Trying to gather up clothes, bathroom stuff yada yada.
    Plan is to leave Saturday morning and drive down to Tenessee.

    Hope you all are having a great day.
  4. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Hello guys.
    It's been a stressful last couple days trying to get ready for vacation.
    Today I took the cats to get their nails trimmed and of course Tabby puked all over the cage while riding in the Subaru.
    Had to order 2 tires for my girlfriend's niece because she is down to the belt and has no idea what to do.
    Damn coons haven't set off any more of the traps so that's good I guess.
    Today I still have to get out the wheelie bin and clean up the house a little for company tonight.
    I'm not even close to being ready for work today.
    Also, I'm about out of cat food and I have to also stop at the pharmacy and pick up Chantix I got last week.
    The next couple days are sure to be increasingly stressful as I find myself down to the wire getting ready for vacation.
    My first vacation in a long ass time and probably my girlfriend's first one in several years as well and it's suppose to be rainy all next week.
    Anyways, on Friday I need to make time in the morning to go to the BMV as I'm selling the Escape to my coworker.
    Really I'm practically giving it to him because I need it gone and he is fairly well fucked at the moment.
    Work has been crazy this week as well because we are missing 1 person all week and my supervisor has also been gone until maybe Thursday.
    Now I need to get off here and go try on some clothes to see if they fit and get some chores done so I can leave for work.
    Have a great day.
  5. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    I went outside to smoke a cigarette and a big ass coon came wandering up to the front gate.
    He gave me the finger and walked around the house so I followed him and threw a brick at him.
    We need more traps and some razor wire.
  6. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Post pics of tires.
  7. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Good morning gonts.
    Woke up to my girlfriend fingerling me today.
    Was really confused as to what was happening but it was nice.
    Anyways, I managed to be alert enough come time for my doctor appointment to answer the phone and he kindly prescribed me Chantix.
    I don't think my GF is on board with quitting the same time I do which sucks but I won't let her stand in my way.
    After my doctor appointment I tried going back to sleep but ended up playing on my phone for a couple hours instead.
    Right now I am drinking some coffee and checking my time sheet for work. I believe that I can achieve my OT goal for this pay period early and not even have to work extra on Friday.
    Today is trash day so I will have to pull the Escape out of the garage and drag the wheelie bin out to the alley.
    I offered my Escape to a co-worker for dirt cheap as he is without a vehicle right now and apparently without much savings either.
    Told him $800 the way it is. He said maybe on payday next week...
    Typing of next week, that will be my last week of work before vacation.
    We leave next Saturday to go see Dolly Parton and I'm super stoked about getting to not only have a vacation but also spending it with people I love.
    There is a lot to do before we leave though and I've been trying to chip away at the long list of shit to take care of.
    Still need to get the AC fixed in the Subaru and get some clothes as all I have to wear are work clothes which I guess is okay right?
    All the regular shit needs taken care of that we usually do like mowing the lawn and cleaning but the weather has been shit the last few days and is keeping me inside.
    So today I'll probably go into work extra early so that I don't have to at all on Friday.
    I don't know what else I'll end up doing today but I got Chantix which was on my list so I'm happy.

    How are you today?
    Anything new in your life or any plans for today?
  8. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
  9. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Video doctor appointment.
    9am tomorrow.
    Now I just have to find a way to be awake at 9am...
  10. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I have yet to successfully recharge an AC system without blowing the fucker apart and coating everything freon.
    Tried recharging my ford escape once and it just went pissing all over the place.
    Anyways, they sell recharge cans now with digital displays and stop leak additives, so I was debating giving it another shot but this time on my Subaru.
    She blows cool air but it's kind of weird as it will be cool for a while then warm and then back to cool and just keeps repeating.
    On an 80 degree day it's not bad but on a 90 degree day it never really cools the car down.
    Also, it doesn't really blow all that strong.
    Figured I would check and see if I got any smashed up fins on the little radiator looking doohickey today.
    Going to start there and maybe pick up a can or AC recharge later.
  11. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]

    I checked my oil yesterday and everything seemed standard good.
    I must have been hallucinating.
  12. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Is this what you have been working on for the last 2 months?

    Anyways, I don't think you have oil and coolant mixing. Usually looks more blobby than that.
    Just fill 'er up with supertech and try again.
  13. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I love taking acid.
    Go get some orange juice and hump stuff.
  14. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    In the last 18 months I went from $13.35/hr to $25.73/hr which seems like it would be awesome but keeping up with inflation is very tasking and already has me thinking of what my next move will be.
    I'd probably be better off investing in a skill or degree at this point but there just is not a lot that really stands out or grabs my attention that I could see myself tied to doing for decades on end.
  15. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    If you do what is your favorite kind?

    Growing up I always liked Chex Mix which is basically the same thing.
    I've had really good "home made" trail mix.
    And have also enjoyed a lot of stoner munchie trail mixes.

    Occasionally I'll buy a bag of Munchies or whatever they have at the store.
    Personally I don't like anything with chocolate mixing with my trail mix and if there are nuts I would rather buy just nuts than have those mixed up with my snack.
  16. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I thought with getting an almost $6 an hour raise that my check might look kinda decent for once.
    Only had a few hours of OT on the check but after taxes, health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, HSA contribution, 401k and Roth 401k contributions I only ended up with $1705.47 for 2 weeks.
    I really need to get that number to the $2k mark.
    I'm doing alright on my OT this week so time will tell if that makes any difference at all.

    Before signing up for all that insurance and retirement bullshit I was bringing home $1500 every 2 weeks while making $5.73 less an hour.
    Uncle Sam is a nigger.
  17. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Turns out there is not a dip stick for the transmission on that car. Anyways, If I take off today and it shifts funny I'll know without looking.
  18. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Tried the old "on - off - on - off" trick a dozen times and that didn't do it.
    Unhooked the battery and made sure to drain any residual juice this time.
    Checked all the fluids except the transmission fluid because I couldn't find the dip stick.
    Everything looks good so I have no qualms about driving it to the auto store.
  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Kafka Men can be fragile but others seem to have the sense not to be that’s what I was referring to.

    You shouldn’t be mad because your girlfriend wanted to do something for you. Just thank her and ask her not to do it again. This is a good example of how you’re fragile.

    I want to add that trolling people online isn’t something a real man does, that’s pathetic. Only weak people become sadists and I’m not just saying that, it’s in a psychology book.

    My girlfriend DOES NOT want to restring my fishing pole.

    Her new used car wouldn't start when she went to leave work and she sent me a fucking video message stating "I should have never listened to you".

    Which really set me off because she actually didn't listen to me to begin with and that is the whole fucking reason she has a different car now.

    To make matters worse, instead of having me come fix it she got a coworker to get it started (to whom I am grateful) but she totally panicked about it and called a MECHANIC and schedule to have an inspection done for "peace of mind".

    I got home tonight and tightened the battery terminal connection which was actually tight but was loose to the battery because of a small spacer which my best guess is something that someone forgot to remove whenever it was replaced.
    It's one of those fucking things that you get with a new part that you're suppose to remove before use and someone had forgotten one.

    Anyways, it took me 5 minutes in the dark to do but now she is terrified that her whole car is a disastrous mistake which is whatever because that's how she felt about the other car she got rid of that wasn't broken either.

    But the fact she actually called and made an appointment with a mechanic over such a minor little issue left me very frustrated and upset that I was scolded and not even consulted with.

    Her car is by far one of the cleanest and has the most friendly looking engine bay I have seen in a long time. I would love nothing more than to have a reason to work on her car but I looked at it a decent bit and nothing is broke. It's super fucking clean and looks fantastic.

    I can't fix something not broken.
  20. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Kafka What if it was a friend helping you fix something? I think fragile masculinity is a thing, that it can lead to them being toxic.

    For me a real man is an honest person, someone who doesn’t steal or con people. Not consumed by video games. Not violent towards women. They don’t have to be rich but they do have to be working and trying to improve their life. Strength of character (important for everyone so they can’t be swayed). Polishes their shoes. Dyes their hair when it turns grey unless they’re past 60. Doesn’t look down on people. Stands by their principles. Pays the child support. Better if they like playing with children. Holds the door open. I don’t expect them to relate to women but respect is a must. Better if friendly but I know some people are socially awkward. Doesn’t try to control their partner’s finances, that means a joint bank account if only one is working, not an allowance. Not a pessimist always complaining about life, neutral is fine.

    I think that’s all.

    Fragile Masculinity isn't a thing you dumb cunt.

    It's quite simple, I should get first dibs on fixing shit that is as custom my responsibility to fix.
    If the fucking crock pot was acting wack or the mop was not being moppy enough I would go ask a woman "WTF is it broke"?

    Women do this, that and some more and all of those things are theirs to handle and manage however they wish.
    Men do other this and other that and some other more different stuff that is all theirs to handle and manage however they want.

    Now I'm not going to get upset if my girlfriend wants to restring my fishing pole for me and surprise me with it but I am going to be pretty damn mad if she hires some fuck nut to pimp my ugly stick.
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