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Posts That Were Thanked by Dregs

  1. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Dregs I don't know…maybe how after 40 plus yrs pissing I still miss the toilet. Jesus woke up and walked into a puddle of my own piss that was just festating for god knows how long. The smell was worse than any diabetic bum. You have get a whiff of their breathe? fuck the rest of them. I got the same smell on me but like I'm totally special and not living on the streets fucking anymore cunts.

    Oh good morning Starr

    You're a fucking mess, but entertaining. Sort your life out.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you were adopted?

    I was lucky I guess to have 3 moms .. my birth mom got on drugs when I was a little kid around 5 I was adopted by my great aunt .. I always saw my dad though every weekend..and my birth mom sporadically growing up

    When I was 11 my dad and his wife got custody of me and my step mother was the only mom I knew really but I always loved and missed my mom and my step mother never talked bad about my mom I just knew she was on drugs ..

    I used to literally sit in the window crying waiting for my mom to visit but lots of times she wouldn’t show up and when I got old enough to know what drugs were I said I’d never do them because they’re why I didn’t have my mom .. I know she loved me .. she was battling addiction..

    I never knew my mom knew that I waited for her in the window till recently..
    My mom told me my dad said” Bitch! If you ever have my baby waiting in the window for you again you’ll never see her again in life”

    She literally told me that few weeks ago lol
    My mom said my dad treated me like he carried me for the 9 months and when I was born he held me in the air like Simba in the Lion king

    I remember being in the courtroom when the judge told my dad to take me home ..I remember him always taking me to court to try to get me and one day the judge said .. take your daughter home .. it’s a long story lol
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  3. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    I just want you to know I'm so proud of u all my babies

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  4. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Dregs Between Breaking Bad ol shit…I am watching Forensice Files. Docu's on a few different serial killers. I can't seem to move today…usually when I'm drunk I am at some bar..or strip club later but getting strangely comfortable as a drunken recluse at 43. in my my 20's-30's i wouldnt have considered it.

    Life is so fucked up…like a best dream and worst nightmare ever wrapped up into one. Than fucks ya even worse when ya ain't really lookin

    I don't feel 29. I wish I was 21. These past 10 years have been FUCKED.
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  5. Octavian motherfucker
    I'm going to get some herron and take a massive overdose between my toes.

    JK Imma wait on this steak pie, beat my dick and watch some cold case programs.
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  6. Originally posted by Dregs Nice. Fuckers are everywhere here in Toronto…I was there for almost 6 yrs but now 2020 i can't even go into a Timmy's or McDonalds for simple caffeine beverage and donut…fuckers are all up in my arse before I even have a sip..the first sip n coffeeeee is most important BUT THEY FAIL TO APPRECIATE IT. fuck them I say…my understanding/relating to them only goes so far man

    Yeah I have never seen them so aggressive before until I moved to Toronto. The worst thing they do is stand in front of the door and hold it open for everyone that walks by while also holding a change cup like they are a doorman expecting a tip. First of all I don't need a fucking door man, second of all it ruins the image of nice canadians holding the door open for someone that is still crossing the street. THIRD OF ALL I have been cucked by a homeless person while trying to hold the door open for my OWN GIRLFRIEND instead they steal that from me like they are trying impress my girl! Disrespectful!
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  7. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I have a weird feeling we're all gonna die this year.

    20/20 vision.
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  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Dregs maybe we should all set up a gofundme…to pay for all the funerals and make our "loved ones" are taken care of…

    probably won't get much if anything but…ya never know we all could end up filthy rich…and our "loved ones" will get us all drunk and high even in death and they will do the same as they live out their pathetic worthless lives without US. fucking bastards and bitches.

    i was thinking about something like that more so like making gay porner t-shirts and seeling them to bring more people to this site.
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  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    Damn you’re one of the classics I’d rather have been a classic myself but it’s still hitting close to home...

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  10. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Dregs where will all the polar bears and other life go? anyone have a tissue? *cries*

    Unlike you what hear from so-called scientists, animals are a surprising hardy race. Even today, species which were thought to be extinct hundreds or thousands of years ago are "discovered". Man really doesn't know shit about the animal kingdom and creation in general. He is like a two-year old in a school for higher mathematics. He just thinks he knows everything, but that's far from the actual truth.

    Originally posted by mmQ Antarctica has been recording new high temps over and over ?

    Over course. Thousands of polar reversals have taken place over billions of years. That's because of the long elliptical orbit of the Nemesis solar system.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Bonker head!!

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  12. frala Avant garde shartist
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Originally posted by Dregs

    sis doesn't have me beat...

    saved to spank bank.
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  14. 🐿 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr STOP YELLING…


    don't worry about myyyy punctuation. I still got a paycheck for using grammer this way.😌


    Originally posted by Dregs damn girl…my moobs are just like size of your boobs

    come on now

    where's that fine badonkadonk at? i know i love my ass and guys as well but fuck that thang is juicy ass fuck.

    Jonny, it's a CLOSET flabby large Marge ass.

    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Wow Jill you look completely different. Almost like you didn't take these the same night. Crazy.

    I'm telling ya it can happen in a second.
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Lol fucking "gamey." I never really know what that means. "It tastes like game."

    Uh, ok? Game??
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dregs her ass is the best part of her. i usually favor all the internal organs and such but that ass. holy fuck. she should post it.

    What is your favorite internal organ?

    What is an external organ? Penis? Fuckinf ORGAN. my grandparents owned one I used to smash my hands on it when I went there as a kid.

    Anyway my favorite internal organ is obviously the liver. I got mine checked the other day (I was very scared what with my alcoholism) but lo and behold it was good to go.

    Doctor even told me "Wren, your liver needs to work out more, like your heart, it's a muscle, the more you drink alcohol the stronger your liver gets."

    Cheers. Thanks.
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  17. Octavian motherfucker
    Ripped drug dealers off, fucked their bitches.


    Did all the before I was even 18/19. You think all that stuff is cool? Having the shit kicked out of you when they catch up isn't.

    Kill yourself faggot.
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  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Octavian Do tell?

    Just for something bad to be lifted from one of the few people I genuinely care about and would be devastated without. I'm so not used to happy endings I feel something terrible is going to happen now but I'll be ok with it as long as this person is OK
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  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Obbe Ok so how do you post this one??

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  20. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by DontTellEm One in which I'm not an ugly bitch that has to suck cocks for a living.

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