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Posts That Were Thanked by Dregs

  1. Originally posted by Dregs Sorry too sad and pathetic to have a battlestation. I'm on my ghetto lazy boi, laptop on my lap, watching Forensic Files, and doing bourbon shots here and there. I don't need a battlestation. Although I may dream about having one from time to time

    What do you think my op pic is lol too many tim Hortons cups on my table to have a real B.S
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    i feel like dogshit. Sponsor thinks its the methadone. I think im just a miserable fuck honestly. Found some dope and smelled the bag. Heated a bit on a knife so i could smell it. Like im okay most of the time but even as miserable as i was on H, there were moments where everything just kind if clicked. I felt not necessarily happiness but...idk....peace? I dont remember the last time i felt like that. My body fucking hurts. Forced myself to do a meeting thjs morning and one after work, but i really didnt get much out of it. Iwent for a walk even though my leg is fucking killing me, bc i watched a wes watson video this morning about not being a fucking bitch. But then i laughed thinking about spittingin his face and having his zen blissed out facade crumble bc everyone has a breaking point. A dude at work was talking a bunch if shit and i actually visualized how and where id need to let him hurt me before i could sink a box cutter into his stomach and do minimal jail time.

    God im fucking tired.I think im going to quit the zoloft bc all it seems to do is make me shit my guts out for 3/4 of the day. And if i end up this mopey and fucked, why would i even put myself through that? Girl wanted togo out for Valentines day, but i just cant do it. Points to me though, my gut reaction was to start a fight so we wouldnt talk for a couple weeks,but i just told her i was sick.

    i tried watching some movies about people with terminal illnesses finding meaning and acceptance and shit, and found myself theorizing about what the best terminal illness i should ask the universe for. I think i settled on gastric cancer. One of the cancer kids talked about making your own happiness so i smiled in the mirror for like 5 minutes and felt nothing just looked likea fat serial killer so i layed back down.

    ugh. whatever. goodnight.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Holy shit I just literally disproved Christianity. That makes me feel way happier about killing myself. Yaaaaay!!
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  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Dregs Lmao "pretty bad" you should have just stuck with working out Ya'Jimbo

    I did work out a lot for 2 months in jail and I got pretty toned for my size. I did it every day and didnt' drink so I got some gains real quick.

    but yeah I'm actually trying to quit drinking again and just go back to working out but when i wake up in the morning I hate everyone and everything
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  5. CandyRein Black Hole
    Yes he’s got a real thing for the KKK.. I think it’s the mouth holes in the sheets that gets him going lol
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  6. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dregs oh you got a robot robin williams fetish…

    the parts for me are being sent fed ex…we'll have lots of fun tonight…*hugh sigh* once you get off work.. killing seniors IS SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN US…

    beat me up babe..for saying shit like that when cum home for babe…I know my place always..

    got a bitching about shit online fetish…so forgive me Candy…don't hurt me too much

    “Bitching about chit online fetish”

    That’s pretty raunchy Johnny...

    I’ve heard of some kinks but that’s too much ! 😋
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  7. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood RIP love and light!

    Where's the proof? Only I'm allowed to say people are dead without proof.
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  8. If find it hard to believe that the lovely Candy would ever be low on wood.
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  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dregs welll fine *huge sighs…epic sighs* jesus i'll go out and chop some wood literally NOT figuratively and make you US a fire. you ASS better do another liquor store run though if i'm freezing my fat white ass off…just for the biggest bottles of whisky.

    i'll warm ya up babe…stay home with me.

    did you know…i am your richard burton(fellow scorpio)and you are mine liz taylor(your fellow piscean goddess)?…they had a tortuous pa
    ssination loving hateful and death thing?

    thats us….burton was also an alcoholic…so that means i will die first but lets make a life time of memories til than kk, babe?
    amazing their relationship though…you ever seen who's afraid of virginia wolf? seriously its every epic and sick relationship ever

    to think they had to hold back in that movie…LMAO can you imagine how it was behind closed doors.

    we're gonna have some serious nasty ugly fights babe

    it'll be worth it and perfect like Johnny Depp says often in BLOW. watch BOTH MOVIES NOW if you ain't seen them. Thats us…

    I’m getting a little low on wood in real life so If you would actually chop a tree down I’d never forget it in life...
    And our fights will only strengthen our bond..

    I’m gonna watch “Blow” today I’m your honor Johnny
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  10. CandyRein Black Hole

    It is a harsh cold outside today tho like extra dry and freezing lol

    Hate I even had to walk out the door ...

    But I needed Fire starters ...
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  11. Octavian motherfucker
    I hate historical dramas when they fictionalize or portray real people in a different light. Like in this movie Sulla orders Pompey to bring him Caesar's heart. (Not true).

    He died in a bath tub ordering Pompey to strangle an innocent man. (Not true)

    Sulla was a dick, but he did things a different way and was revered as much as he was reviled.
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  12. Originally posted by Dregs Don't know her…she cool? will she drive us and shit get to where we gotta be any time, any place, anywhere???

    If so…I will welcome her to the fam

    She will be used solely despokfpoeskfekeofkfefsfkposkfpoeskfepokfpoeskfpoeskfpoeskfpoeskfpoefksfwapo,dwa,,.,,, wadawdwadwadadwadWewdWEDwadWD
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  13. CandyRein Black Hole
    Clearly a lesbian post
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  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    It happens to me all the time lol
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  15. When you lived half your life and have nothing to show for it
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  16. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Dregs might worth a shot. that part of history will always fascinate me. Caligula, Nero, Tiberius are my spirit animals. I rarely sleep though 2-4 hrs is all I need usually and well rested too..unless its one of those very rare occasions I'm hungover than I can sleep for well over a dozen hrs.

    Yeah the Republic all the way to Nero I find the best.

    In regards to awkward sleeping hours I only suffer with that in the winter, I fucking hate it. I tend to stay awake all night then fall asleep at 9am till 4pm.
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  17. CandyRein Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Octavian motherfucker
    Hey Dregs

    Check this Podcast on the history of Rome. I listen to it everynight, helps me fall asleep. It starts from the mythic kings, all the way through the Republic and the Empire.
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  19. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    please tell me what u think from my cutting edge technological illustrations. My first piece i called “misunderstood warrior” bc this man is a hero bc he stood up to the system who tried to oppress them and say he cant make sex with a little girl? but also he is before our times, In Poland Raphael Luciano and officer darren would have to ask a polish ultra whether they could pee for example in the CHOW HALL they make me hold their pocketsto show that i dont steal.

    but also i think this is about having no fear

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  20. Octavian motherfucker
    Chris Kellar and Beacher were the best. The latter's character arc/ transformation was amazing.
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