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Posts That Were Thanked by Dregs

  1. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Dregs well glad this is all cleared up crystally so…

    i spell it johnny but hey i can forgive ya…you southern black folk twist shit up in their vocal chords, food, and what not.

    you really are black, right Candy? you got a certain cracker hew aboutcha. no offence…you just come across very white at times. some people when i got no pic up think i'm black. like wtf? racist fucking cunts eh gorgeous petunia?

    Petunia lol I love that ..

    I’ve always been like this .. I know what you’re saying actually and I take no offense at all

    Speaking of over the phone
    I’m pretty sure no one knew I was black when I was a top selling telemarketer lmao

    It’s like when they teach you about nature vs nurture in psychology class

    I’m this way through my family being so diverse.. even though my nature/surroundings are from chiraq ..

    I’m rambling :)
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dregs gone already…again? damn rip

    Hes got junkies to house, clothe, feed, and take care of.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dregs ohhhh really?

    Lol no. Its fucking kids.
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  4. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Dregs become a serial killer. take out as many as you can. rob them of eveyrthing they got on them. whatever cash you get…buy all the booze and drugs you can with…do it all and than go down in a blaze of glory…setting your place on fire

    you'll be too fucked up to care about anything in your post…you will laugh as your flesh is burning melting…and you'll come back as Cropsey from The kill again and again. Plus you will fuck any survivors up with your own Corona Fire Virus!!

    I'd sooner kill my enemies spiritually. Hunt them down and take their souls. I'd rather be feared in death than remembered in life as a tyrant.
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  5. Originally posted by Dregs yikes!

    I bet vinny would still hit it.
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  6. CandyRein Black Hole

    As long as you stay away from the bunnies , Johnny ❤️
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  7. CandyRein Black Hole
    Johnny thank you for continuing to inspire me to never do hard drugs ❤️
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  8. Octavian motherfucker
    What a question lol
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  9. Originally posted by Dregs Sounds delish..fuck now I gotta make some toasted pb n j sandwiches.

    You ever have a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich? It's great.
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  10. Octavian motherfucker
    I'm fed up. I just wish I could kill myself but I haven't got the balls so that won't happen. Life sucks at the minute albeit I'm told it's what you make of it. There seems no end to my perpetual procrastination and inability to sort myself out. I worry far too much about the future. I despise the company I've kept all these years and feel my health is failing. I want a semblance of a normal life, and structure so that I can feel happy. I've done this before but it just feels a lifetime away. Social seclusion can be good to avoid possible distractions away from temptation.

    I don't want my life to be a waste. I pray to God for my salvation.
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  11. I smoked too much weed today and passed out randomly, when I woke up everything was closing so I had to act fast or I would have to order from mac donalds or something

    I got two cans of tuna, some instant noodles, bread and japaleno kettle chips. Pretty good haul for $7

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  12. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Dregs serial killer? maybe ma or pa? he reads like a predator at times

    He is a predator. Wouldn't doubt the kid is a serial killer as well.
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  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    yeah, that^

    Do you see it in to top left on this page: ?
    What happens if you try going to this url: ?
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dregs there use to be a thingy(a block or rectangle) on i think the top right side(its been awhile)saying "Post a thread" or "POST THREAD"…NOW EVERYWHERE ON LOOK ON NIS PAGE that option is GONE. I even look at the bottom of the page there is NO "POST THREAD" ANYWHERE!

    Not sure how long its been like that but I was able to post threads before. If you look at my history I have made 5 threads. Just was curious why I can't do it anymore

    You have to click a sub-forum.
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  15. Octavian motherfucker
    Yeah Roman Empire always fascinates me. It goes boring as fuck after Constantine though I find.
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  16. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Dregs just finished watching the last episode ever of House of Cards. What a let down. Despite all the negative shit regarding Spacey…he carried that show and when shit went down the way it did…they fucking killed that show. Underwood forever and always.

    Yeah I refused to watch it any longer after they axed him. I knew it would turn out shit. How did they expect it not to
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  17. CandyRein Black Hole
    Kk Johnny:)
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  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I spent most of today with a friend of mine Ive known for a while, I was coincidentally incarcerated with last year and these two whorebags. We talked about bullshit including how much we hated suboxone as we were sniffing pills. Then I made nice with my gf after a rough patch (that was entirely her fault) and didn't do any drugs until now when I'm craving pills again and feel a slight sickness coming on.

    Suboxone does not scratch my itch or have the qualities I look for in opiates, however it is non addictive. I have a dozen or so percs at a frienda house so I might try them tomorrow to reset my (physical) addiction clock box-hydros-percs=I beat the system. Im thinking tomorrow is going to be a good day. I have so much I can do now, I know I cant deal with physical addiction and yet I also cant deal with crippling chronic pain.

    I was going to make a suicide joke but its way too soon. IM SO HAUNTED
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  19. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Dregs that in can remember in 29 yrs…the longest was 5 and half months..i was working on two crews construction and renovations. i worked 6 days/well over 60 hrs a week during that period and about 3 months when i went back to drinking. i am a fat bastard but i was such a work horse then i hardly was ever tired. maybe 2-3 hrs tops a night sleep and that was more than enough. my right wrist and back were a lot stronger then too…i could take the punishment/grind and than some. arthiristic…whatever sp? in the wrist and a chronic back problem developed i needed the booze to deal with it…docs were suggesting surgery and taking off x amount of time off work THAT I COULDN'T AFFORD TO DO..and the booze helped…than with all the pills…don't aks what i just took whatever i could get my hands on…than i got fired from both jobs

    even when both bosses fired me…each was like i'm drunk and high right now…why should i care? i probably had that expression my face too. didn't effect me at all…even losing all that money i was just making over like 8-9 months…i saved up most of what i made during that time too. all i cared about was..i was drunk and high again…well more so numb…at least i still felt something

    one thing that always bothered me when i was working like a mad man…everything during that period like birthdays, parties, being around friends, all the good shit in life…sober me was just a fucking zombie. i barely reacted to anything good going on around me or with myself…some fam would be like smile so they can take a pic…or smile enjoy yourself..

    i couldn't. it really bothered my father going back many yrs before that…he'd often observe and criticize me for that shit too…everything would be good at home as a kid. i rarely smiled or seemed to him i wasn't enjoying the good things…i just didn't feel much. much of the good shit was like whatever to me. yet when i first started drinking in my early teens my whole mood, personality..whatever wanna call it i was happy..he couldn't shut me up or anyone..didn't make sense to him and i always felt like i was being myself. that bothered him and it bothered me…too much history but i really became a real piece of shit to him and everyone and i just didn't care

    fuck this thread. no offence bro but time to do what i do best in life…and time to forget about all the seriousness and bullshit in life. peace. send the bill in the mail. no doubt you're gonna charge me like i charge everyone else.

    Sounds like depression right off the bat. I was the same exact way as a kid...and still am to an extent. Its kind of just a question of how long you think you can continue living that way. If your answer is indefinitely- and it actually does something for you- then more power to you. I just didnt even think there was an alternative, but addict brains are fucking sneaky like that.
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  20. Originally posted by Dregs Nothing makes sense TIL you GOOGLE IT. dude I gots so much respect for you BUT YOU NEVER RESEARCH SHIT LIKE I DO so I gotta say I 50% don't respect you NOW. Do the researching…you will see the Russians are out to plague us ALL and start WWW3 on our assholes. It ain't a good future dude. Research shit and wake up.

    According to Bing you are fucking retarded and have schizophrenia.
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