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Posts That Were Thanked by GGG

  1. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Fentanyl Wasn't awful IMO. Or maybe my drug addled brain just was grasping at whatever I could do that wasn't my DOC.

    That said, I'd say there's some truth to both arguments ( fentanyl vs. crisis in general). I've talked to some of my suppliers back in the day, and he way they tell it, while heroin used to be a mostly east coast thing, the cartels wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, and the popularity and overzealous prescription of hydrocodone and eventually oxycodone really tilled the fields for a fantastic new crop of junkies. After 9/11, law enforcement was on high alert for any shifty looking brown folk, so instead of just moving drugs from the hood into the fringes of the suburbs, they actually set up shop there. In Denver and Oklahoma City, Austin, Portland, Lincoln and Seattle, they began buying some cases paying passable, healthy junkies that they already knew, to be the homeowner of record in these new cities. These became their suburban hubs. Cheap, potent tar even started edging out ECP in some of its own markets. People who would otherwise have passed on needle drugs, opted to experiment with smoking the stuff. When Purdue changed their oxy formulation and demand was suddenly skyrocketing, their were millions of unknowing addicts suddenly in the crosshairs. Many people who started finishing their scripts early began buying from friends, and eventually from the people those friends bought from. So part of the stigma of buying "street drugs" was diminished. Mexican heroin was a fraction of the price, far more effective. Before "black tar heroin" became a household name, I even saw it marketed as other things. The first 3 or 4 times I did it, I was told it was "opium" (although it did taste very different. Maybe it was - who knows?).

    In the fentanyl front, black market synthesis and availability on the dark web means that even mid level dealers have been able to whip up their own artisANAL batches of "China white". The people closer to the cartels have had some basic guidance as to know what to use, and in which doses, mix the fent into a solution to dose it volumetrically, and then mix thoroughly to avoid hotspots. Those without that input are often inattentive to the fact that different analogues have different potencies, and end up buying whatever is cheapest at the time, or whatever they can afford. For $300 you can grab 5 grams of acrylfentanyl, furanyl fentanyl or one of its other analogues. And with corn starch, microcellulose, Calcium tablets, quinine, mannitol, elmers glue, lidocaine or even OTC benzocaine gel, cheesecloth, a bench vise, and the kind of vacuum over you'd use to make weed "shatter", you can crank out 10-15 ounces of "high quality" heroin that they'll then turn around and sell for at least 1500- if not 1800-2000 retail.

    In other words, the people who have access to this shit are becoming less and less informed.

    Without some major changes, I don't see this going anywhere anytime soon.
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  2. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Also, that math that fucked me up was apparently particularly boinkers. even the neighbor who sits in his garage all day coloring monster truck pictures with crayons, jacking off and playing skyrim on his ps3 and gigantic fat tv said he couldn't mess with that shut everyday bc his wife would know.
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  3. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Solstice I thought I found a stray shard of meth behind my desk the other day. Threw it on foil and tried to melt it. Was rock salt. That wasn't very fly.

    Lol. A dude sold me a bunch of mylanta as Xanax one time, and he thought I'd forgotten about it, so I have him a quarter of carefully broken and shaped rock salt a couple months later. Only, turns out the pills didn't say "MYLANTA" but "MYLAN1A" . As in Mylan pharmaceuticals.

    "Lol. My bad. You know how I get. Well let's all be glad I went with my second idea".
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  4. Soyboy III: The Quest for 911 Truth Tuskegee Airman [oppositely expose the hypermetropia]
    Originally posted by esbity I never see any of the faggots who's vehicles I key. It's usually just a quick scratch and I'm gone.

    I'm going to lurk around and record them this holiday season. Just for memories and mental calibration.

    These pricks all deserve it.

    This sounds great, everyone deserves to have their cars keyed.

    Be careful as people can often tell when you're watching them closely, it's like ESP, there's no way it could be anything else, even if you're way away, behind them, and in a several story building they still somehow know and look up at you.
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  5. Soyboy III: The Quest for 911 Truth Tuskegee Airman [oppositely expose the hypermetropia]
    All the fuckers who live in places that don't get real winters are romanticising winter.

    It gets bright here at about 8am, dark at 4.30pm Winter is cold, wet and dirty. You can't enjoy nature or even take a walk without having to find a balance between wearing enough so you don't get cold, but not so much you get sweaty. Everything in nature is hungry and dying.
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  6. Cro Mango Houston
    Originally posted by Ajax Most people can’t be trusted, especially on the internet, and especially on sites Iike this one, and especially on this site. Trusting the untrustables was your first mistake. I’m sorry for your loss, GGG.

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  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Excusez moi. Je suis un vrai nigga. Veux attraper ces mains? Je vais te faire foutre.
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  8. misanthropy Yung Blood
    nobody but a genuine rat bitch projects as hard as scron is doing in this thread
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  9. Mewsik African Astronaut [diagonally photosensitise my summation]
    OT - I didn’t go through all the shit in my life, overcome obstacles that most would have run from, and worked my ass off - not to live a life of peace and happiness at some point, without all the shitty wrongs I’ve dug, scratched, clawed, and fought to get out from underneath of.

    And I do not want to come back to this world and do it again. I guess my spiritual beliefs have something to do with it.

    And of course - a never ending supply of hope.
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  10. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    I love drinking like 3-4 shots of whiskey at night at home and getting beer goggles when I look in the mirror. Damn, he sexy!!
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  11. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Good thread my nigga.
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  12. Cro Mango Houston
    I've never once seen a problem that someone is literally willing to die to not face, but couldn't be solved in an infinitely less extreme way than that.

    Literally anything is less dangerous than killing yourself. Go buy a $50 bike, jump it over a canyon and put it on YouTube, worst case scenario you die anyway, best case scenario you are the new evel kenievel.
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  13. I’m sorry for shitposting so ON TOPIC...

    I’ve dealt with depression on and off since 18 but if I’m being honest I don’t hate life all the time. I get real dramatic and threaten to drive my car off a bridge but I only seriously contemplate it on bad bad days.

    I have one thing I feel is missing from my life, and as an expected common theme in this thread, it’s hope that keeps me pushing.

    But I’ll tell you what...if I got old and start shitting on myself and can’t wipe my own ass and all my friends are dead you better believe I will walk right on up outta this bitch.

    Originally posted by GGG I've been crazy sleep deprived since Thursday so I've been feeling extra faggoty

    Now’s the perfect time for some handsome young fella to slip right into your anus.
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  14. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Cro Mango User GGG AKA §m£ÂgØL:


    - DOB: 200496


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  15. §m£ÂgØL has been reading Chicken Soup for the Soul and is insipired to write his next book Chicken Soup for Faggots
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  16. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by Narc Pretty sure Hitler never banned any words. Bush, Blair, Obama, Cameron maybe tho


    are you from the UK? that might explain why you're retarded
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  17. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by tee hee hee Teddybear= woman?

    to a hammer, everything is a nail, to a man, everything is a woman (to be fucked(for trannies this includes themselves)).
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  18. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by Narc My god you really are so dumb and ignorant. Your problem, you think everybody else are all dumb nobodies who've never done or seen shit. The thing is you're the dumb fuck who hasn't lived. I constantly read your posts talking about the most mundane everyday shit like you think its something fucking amazing. Just like how you was talking yesterday about being stuck in a strange city. Fucking hell get real you stupid little boy. You don't know shit about this world.


    you're a dumb faggot that can barely speak properly and likes to flex about having lived past 30, as if that's something worthy of respect in the era of modern medicine.
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  19. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Got it...

    arrested for arson I rattex'd hardcore and told the police all about the weed conspiracy insurance scam worth a million dollars while I was high as fuck on a lot of drugs and picked up with morphine and a tech pipe so they just let me go
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  20. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by gadzooks I just started watching South Park again after years of not watching it.

    It's so different…

    Cartman has a girlfriend.

    Tweak and Craig are a gay couple.

    There's the "PC Principal".


    The world is changing so much.

    lmao I don't even know what to say I tried typing up four different responses all I can do is lol
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