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Posts That Were Thanked by GGG

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Mewsik Huh? That wasn’t the photo Bill Krozby posted?

    Of course it is, do you think I'm stalking him and his daughter? I didn't dox him, either. He did all of this himself.

    Yes Douglass E. Monks has abandoned his daughter, posts her pictures on a website called with pedophiles that are attracted to 4 year olds and makes troll thread about his own daughter's death for attention.

    You're all such wonderful people for standing up for this great, great person. You deserve a prize for your bravery. Fucking idiots.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. RisiR † 29 Autism
    You're a faggot and wrong. Don't talk to me.
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  3. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny A.

    very imaginative spectral, well done.

    heres a golden star.

    No, it's true. At one time I had a Winchester rifle, a 12-gauge, a 20-gauge and a 9mm Browning, in addition to various throwing knives and military blades. This was all way back in my teens. I no longer possess or own any weapons, as I am able to beat just about anyone in hand-to-hand combat alone.
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  4. HTS highlight reel
    No you aren't. It's just your imagination. You sound pretty crazy right now, you should really calm down. 😈
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  5. RisiR † 29 Autism
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Technologist victim of incest
    Sounds like he’s had quite the experience there!^^^
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  7. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    I've never actually shot back at anyone, but I've been in that position a couple of times. And every time I see a shooting on the news, a get a little splash of that feeling, because there's nothing more helpless feeling that someone actively trying to hurt you, and not having the means to fight back.

    I think bravery has very little to do with it. Gunfights are generally over in seconds, and completed from very close range. If something happens, it happens before you have much chance to choose to be scared or not. That said, I think I'd be sort of okay, but my tall ass would be hugging car cover and finding a nice big engine block to get behind. Idk how effective I'd be since with my thyroid/adrenal thing, when I get scared/angry my hands start shaking like crazy. But I have north Hollywood bank robbery dreams, so there must be some fucked up mental component at play.
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  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Oh shit, you mean this one...

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  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by mikeyagain


    okay that answers my question wtf
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  10. mikeyagain African Astronaut [unalterably regard the persecutor]

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    The question is what is considered a store front and what is considered a house front? and more importantly when you gotta do traffic light and signs do you also do the pole? and the tiny bits that enter other squares?

    They using captcha to teach robots?
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  12. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Gayesian Priors I DO NOT CONSENT TO SEARCHES

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  13. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by GGG … Can you read or not?

    Originally posted by GGG … half my posts here are intentionally polarized posts of mixed lies and truth
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  14. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by misanthropy drug related

    He probably got pulled over with drugs in the car like a fucking retard
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  15. Space Nigga
    .. Yet I'm not blind. i have seen more than I wish I had.

    I can see some of you have business (true business) skills. you know all the right terminology or attending university and studying things in the field of economics or computer science or perhaps premed.. so on.

    I just can't tell which one of you are being campy or frat-humorous while the others might be the real raper types. even worst.. nambla or truly pedophiliacs.

    is there a machine that you can place headphones on or plug your brain into it (like a sleep study setup) and just upload everything at it's highest level of knowledge into your mind?

    is it free for low income like myself?

    I'm useless. AI is gonna fuck me in the butt and I'll be standing in a bread line at Glides Memorial like Will Smith with his son in that movie thing. or even worst, sleeping on a pissy floor at civic center BART station with the heroin addicts.

    I can't fap to this
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  16. Space Nigga
    How could you make a troll thread like that? about your own daughter.

    I don't think he would do that. if he did, He needs help.
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah well, if this one turns out to be a LOL TROLL I'll just flood the next with truly awful shit
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl Don’t laugh
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  19. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
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  20. One time, one such acquaintance resorts to me and is very worried, asking for my help. The matter is that this poor fellow lost in cards, and today is the day of settlement, and the package from home that he was waiting for is delayed. As someone who has some weight, I could save him from punishment if I tell those to whom he owes to transfer the settlement until the parcel arrives. I went to the card players, and told them, guys, do not be blood thirsty. Say you beat him now into diarrhea, he will go to the hospital, then into protective custody, you will not become richer from this. Wait a couple of days, his package will arrive, and then he will pay you back. Of course, if they refused, I would not be able to insist, but the guys agreed.

    After a couple of days, this same acquaintance runs up to me. He says to me thank you, I have received my package, a bit later I will pay off my debts. But there is one difficulty; I need cash, but I have only items; buy from me my coat. The prison was under strict control of the police, there were no dealers there. I would have gifted it to you just like that, he says, but I need money. I did not have money at the moment, but I really liked the jacket. It was very expensive while at the same time modest in looks and black in color. It would be okay to wear this in prison. Again I allowed myself to be lead.

    I borrowed money from a friend to pay for the jacket, sewed my tag onto it, put it on, and very satisfied I went out to the morning inspection/ roll call. Then a young criminal walks up to me and tells me a report, you please forgive me, but this jacket belongs to me, it was stolen yesterday. I asked him if he didn't by chance confuse anything, so he called some witnesses. I gathered a group of guys, and told them to go find and drag back the seller. After half an hour, he was dragged out from the yard. He shouted from afar I did not sell him anything, broke free and ran to headquarters. He was closer to the HQ than us, we were not able to catch him. He got put in protective custody. The jacket, I naturally returned to the young criminal.

    I was summoned by the guards for a visit, where I was told to promise that I wouldn't hurt the guy. I object; who will I become if I do so? I still have 5 years left to serve, so I will cripple him immediately if I see him. If you lock me up in solitary confinement, you will only make things worse for him. He will be let out of protective custody while I am in solitary confinement, but I will not kick him alone, my fellow gangsters will kick him collectively, possibly killing inadvertently. Imagine, this scum actually escaped the heat. He asked the cops, and they moved him to the protected unit. He has 10 years left, and so he stayed swashing around with faggots and child fuckers. And what demand did I ever have to the faggot unit; I ordered the head of the faggots to break a couple of clubs over the sellers head, and to take away from him all of his money. All of this, as it turned out, was a scam from the beginning. All of this started because of drugs. The seller really wanted to get high.

    There were other cases where criminals acted like retards. I will describe another case, at the same time it will illustrate how Caucasians (muslims from caucus mountains) protect each other in spite of notions.

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