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Posts That Were Thanked by GGG

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by GGG Damn idk how I missed this. What did scron snitch on for? I have no respect for people who talk to cops. I've never so much as called them. Mexicans aren't big on cops.

    He ratted out his friends who grew weed with him. I can't find the post because he has twelve billion accounts but it was during his Meth schizo phase when he constantly bragged about burning his house down and being a super tough homeless loser who doesn't need anything or anyone.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Ladies and gentlemen.... We got em
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  3. Ghost Black Hole
    I know who you are, a shitty alt that makes shitty threads and has 'INSIDER INFO' about §m£ÂgØL being a homersexual because you're just some loser that keeps making alts because you're a bitch and everyone hates you but you think you're cool so you make threads like "WHO AM I HEHEHEHEHE" "ANOTHER ALT BITES THE DUST" and sit there rubbing your hands together like a kike laughing to yourself how fucking funny you are SO FUNNY YOU CALLED §m£ÂgØL A MEAN NAME AND HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHO IT IS TOP FUCKING KEK Maybe even send some cryptic PM's so your card carrying cuck friends and report a post or two.

    And when you post enough and people realize what retarded faggot card carrying cuck is hiding behind your name before they can post your true identity you pull the rip cord and fuck off and never post on the alt again then make a new one the next day and start the whole song and dance all over again.
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  4. Cro Mango Houston
    Originally posted by aldra Humans, some of the higher apes and dolphins are about the only animals that partake in sexual activity because they enjoy it, rather than it being a pure, instinctual biological imperative.

    What's the difference? I like fucking because cumming feels good, that's the instinct. We don't do it for elevated reasons, it's just that we have more of an ability to choose to do something else.
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  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What the fuck are you talking about? "doesn't let you scroll up"? You can talk shit and whatever kind of conspiracy garbage you want. But when you start spouting schizophrenic slander about my forum software is where I draw the line. Tell me the steps to reproduce the issue, expected and actual behavior, with screenshots, or Ima beat your punk ass into the dirt.
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  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by GGG Can I have a usertitle denoting my native level fluency of 9 different languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, Swahili, French, Russian, German, Portuguese, Yiddish)

    I got you bro
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  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Box wine

    100% accurate.

    As for you, I have no idea.

    I wanna say sand and Grimace/Panny.

    Actually, yeah, I'm gonna go with that.
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  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by ohfralala It’s Diane.

    Even though you had a one-in-three chance of getting it right, it still feels weird that you did.

    Originally posted by ohfralala Also in regards to topic I would be apt to say that it is all just reversed due to geography but people here don’t like the winter so it is probably just me being a cuddlebug.

    It seems like a universal thing to not like winter.

    You've found a way to sublimate it into some kind of good thing.

    I'm jealous.
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  9. Originally posted by hydromorphone The "opioid crisis" is propaganda spread my the media and government.

    You really are fucking retarded. Not that I'm surprised you'd say something like this.
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  10. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Grimace Scientists argued over it, but it is confirmed. Inside the butthole of every human being is a sub-atomic black hole that just absorbs anything that goes into it. The problem with that is space-time. How the fabric of space is altered………….

    End of the day, you guys like jalapeno cheetos?

    I love those cheetoes but never tried them up the butt.
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  11. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You really think half the country is just going to just sit idly by and take it, if Trump gets removed. Get real. It'll be the end of your home, the end of your city, the end of your country. Everything will burn. Life as you know it will be over. The vast majority of you anti-Trumpers will be killed like the mad dogs you are. You'll be hanging from the lampposts. Seriously, you have no idea what would happen to you. If Trump gets removed, it's game over for all of you.


    Are you one of those people that thinks Trump was sent by God?

    Half the people? Seriously? Trump has an approval rating of about 38%, and that’s before all these court documents came to light over the last week, i bet its lower soon. Mueller is nowhere near done :-)

    I don’t know if you live your life vicariously through American politics, but no one here gives enough shits to do anything when he gets the boot. They’re gonna watch it happen like they did with Nixon and Clinton. Watch👀. You will be enlightened😁
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  12. Cro Mango Houston
    Originally posted by RisiR † Captain Falcon prays on a rug each day lul

    All day all night

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  13. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Yea, Panny. Get it straight. You forgot the most important part.

    Ukulele goose jam.
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  14. RisiR † 29 Autism
    iF yOu aRe aNti sEmItiC yOu aRe rEtArDed.
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  15. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    It's clearly Pepsi. I'd waste it too.
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  16. filtration African Astronaut
    This post has been edited by a bot I made to preserve my privacy.
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  17. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Nobody wants to doxx you, buddy. Nobody is going to post your PI. It's all good.
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  18. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Imagine being so detached from reality that you make a thread on the internet about your daughter's death for attention.

    I'll bump this thread every single time Douglass E. Monks posts on here from now on.
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  19. Space Nigga
    Bill Krozby gave me his PI already and I was thinking of calling him prior to say how sorry I was and comfort him. He's probably feeling like shit right now and might be going through some weird experience, got drunk, posted this. but you guys say he does it all the time.

    I'm not making up excuses for him. I think he's angry that the mother of his child is not letting him see his daughter? gets drunk and makes this as a form of punishment on the mother, not realizing that one day, his daughter might get wind of this. Remember Bill Krozby, the Internet never forgets .. it's a time machine.

    Try and send any amount of money you can to the mother. even if it's 100-200 a month. say "it's all I have, but I would like to take her to the movies sometime" She's still a kid. tell her you had problems (Dont tell her about your ciminal background-- she might emulate shit and start becoming a drunk by 12-13 years of age.)

    most likely by her teen years she will hate the shit out of you anyways.. that's just teens. somewhere in the 20s or 30s she'll probably reach out to you.

    those 2 girls are beautiful and don't need this Bullshit. you don't want to make jokes like this. if this shit happens, you will feel you jynx her somehow and probably end up commiting suicide from feeling responsible.

    and your words can have a domino effect.
    and just
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  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Ghost You're the one that posts dox you rattox

    Nobody cares. I hate krolo more than anybody and I haven't done anything with the info and don't plan to (anymore).

    You on the other hand actually snitched on your friends in real life. Real people who then had to face real consequences. Don't get all high and mighty you dumpster rat. You try and lie your way through life and it might work sometimes but at the end of the day you will forever be a fucking rat.

    You know what I did when I was caught and made the mistake of even talking to the cop at all (we all gotta learn)? I took motherfucking fall for my brothers. Where I'm from you'd have a leatherface right now for being a rat ass snitch ass bitch ass nigger. Fuck you.
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