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Posts That Were Thanked by GGG

  1. Yup...that's what a man does when his hot 25yr old wife turns into a grouchy fat 45yr old beast.
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  2. Not sure if I had another one last night, had the same sort of dream last night but this time it didn't wake me up

    felt pretty fucked up when I did wake up, but nowhere near as bad as when I made the OP

    So I either had another one that wasn't as bad or just dreamt about having one

    In the same dream, aldra somehow banned me from the entire internet. Any site I would go to would have a variation of

    "fucking banned from fucking here too, fucking faggot


    And then I would have a seizure trying to type in another website, and when I finally managed to get to another website a variation of the above would appear, with a large number of occurrences of the word "fucking"

    That was fucking weird. I'm guessing I've gotten away with tianеptine abuse for too long and it's starting to catch up with me

    I don't use it with any regularity anymore, but I occasionally buy it while blackout drunk and then binge on it
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  3. Archer513 African Astronaut
    Old women are angry from lack of D.

    Guys have been tryin to fuck them their whole life,then it stops.

    No power. That has to fuck them up. To know you’re useless for the most part (except granny shit)

    Be nice to old women. They are suffering 🌹
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  4. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bologna Nacho Fuck if you are stuck on stupid

    You're stuck on being a bitch
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  5. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    They usually come in three flavors, no matter where you go or where you see them:

    Exhibit A: Obnoxiously Loud & Boisterous Old White Woman

    You can literally spot this variety from a mile away, what with their OFFENSIVELY LOUD and NASALLY voices that dominate the entire general area. They also have some sort of flamboyant and bizarre hair style and color, usually some shade of red or purple or an AMALGAMATION of both. They favor pungent, room permeating perfumes of the MUSK & MOTHBALL variety and cover up their VIRGINIA SLIM breath with a horrible candy like WERTHER'S ORIGINAL CARAMELS or generic Dollar Store peppermint. They're known for their flaring, irrational tempers especially when confronted with something they don't understand, and enjoy complaining about literally everything.

    Exhibit B: Senile Old White Woman

    Unlike Obnoxiously Loud & Boisterous Old White Woman, Senile Old White Woman is awkwardly quiet. She often avoids eye contact and speaks in mumbles or hushed tones. When speaking to this variety, she often replies with "Huh?" or "What?" to the point it becomes maddeningly frustrating. You will find this variety in sweat pants and sweaters, usually, even when it's 100F (37.7C) outside. This variety will also create delusions of what is really happening within her mind. For example, she might come to you to explain that she needs help with her computer because "the alien cows are hacking her satellite television and using it to gain access to her computer to disable her AOL e-mail". This variety is extremely paranoid, suspicious, and can often not be reasoned with.

    And finally...

    Exhibit C: Raging Bitch Old White Woman

    Avoid this one. She can be identified by a PERMANENT SCOWL that has been seared onto her face by decades of rage. She is the most hateful of the 3 primary varieties of old white women. She BEGINS conversations with DEMANDS in aggressive tones and manners and will not work with you on any level. It's "HER WAY or the HIGHWAY", so to speak. Similar to Obnoxiously Loud & Boisterous Old White Woman, she also loves to complain about literally EVERYTHING. She is incapable of achieving happiness or satisfaction. No amount of effort is good enough.

    And there you have it. The 3 primary varieties of old white woman. There are also some lesser sub-varieties than deserve honorable mentions and they include:

    Wealthy Upper Class & Entitled Old White Woman
    Fat & Disgusting Low Class Garbage Old White Woman
    Bull-Dyke Old White Woman
    And others

    Time to die, ladies. Your time here has been long enough and everyone knows it.
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  6. Originally posted by Bill Krozby You did goof, son. I had a similar situation last week but I made it work out for me.
    Because I was PREPPED.

    You are a shit the bed retard and it is nothing short of a miracle that you get laid as much as you claim. Nobody should aim to be like you and the women you fuck with barely have half a functioning brain.
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  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]

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  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Okay, so my brother used some app to prank call me. It was kinda cliche, and a cookie-cutter kinda thing anyone can do, but it really did get me.

    It involved a fake Indian taxi driver, then a call from an angry dude about me "messing with his woman", and another one from a Jamaican sounding dude about picking up the drugs in 10 minutes.

    Well, I'm a lot more tech-savvy, and prone to petty revenge.

    So today, after learning about the trick to get infinite email address variations consolidated into just one inbox, and combining that with the wonderful services of, which lets you create a phone number with any area code you provide it with only a unique e-mail address, I decided to use such powers for my petty revenge.

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  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by go back and knock that bitch up

    I'm lucky I haven't already. Back when we was first fuckin', I hit that like 5 times a day without ever using a rubber.

    After ten years without sex, you stop buying condoms to replace full boxes of expired ones.

    Still though, I should have bought some after the first day.
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  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    So first, a bit of background on me:

    My weight has fluctuated throughout my life.

    I was a (nay, the) fat kid growing up.

    Then I miraculously thinned out in my late teens, and, despite effectively being socially retarded, I discovered alcohol, which gave me even more confidence than my inexplicably athletic figure that came out of nowhere, so sex became a regular thing for me for a few years. It was like one long orgy.

    Then in my early 20's, I started gaining weight, and fast. A nightly 6 drink minimum was probably a major contributor. So, fat and socially retarded, no amount of alcohol could turn me into anything resembling some kind of casanova.

    Then came the 10 year drought. Legit, I did not have sex (or a date, for that matter) in an entire decade.

    I resolve to lose the weight, and really dedicate myself to it, and I lose 100 lbs.

    Literally days after reaching my goal weight (healthy BMI), I hooked up with this older alcoholic lady up the street. Sure, she's liquored up all the time, and she's like almost 20 years older than me, but she has a surprisingly decent body, and, was willing to sleep with me (again, after ten years without sex). So we basically just drank and fucked for a week straight.

    I kinda caught feelings pretty hard (remember, 10 years), and that ended up putting her off. But I felt so heart-broken for weeks after that. I did a lot thinking, but mostly a lot of drinking. Luckily, my sex life ended up picking back up right where it left-off ten years ago, and shortly after there were a few more women sleeping with me, getting progressively more attractive / "out-of-my-league" (the most recent one being a gorgeous/flawless 19 year old (remember, I'm in my 30's at this point)).

    So tonight, I have a chance encounter with the wino gal from up the street as I'm getting into a cab. It turns out she called a cab to the same place as me at the same time. So we share the cab, but I had plans to stop by the liquor store on the way, so I do that. She asks me to get her some Fireball whiskey (which just so happens to be what I'm picking up for myself), so I grab two two-sixes (Canadian slang for 750 ml bottles), and she says that she'll pay me back when we get to her place (we live on the same street). She's clearly drunk, as freaking always, but she invites me over. So I say yes, but then she starts acting up. At first she's all nice, but then she starts like, barking orders at me. Now, the old me (the sexless for 10 years me) would be all like "yes, Mistress, whatever you say goes…" But instead, I just throw her the bottle of Fireball and tell her to pay for the cab.

    And I'm all like...

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  11. Archer513 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost There's a weed store in my town that will give you a pre roll joint for a canned goods for the less fortunate.

    So my plan is to go to all the food banks and get a bunch of canned goods, trade them for pre rolls, sell the pre rolls on the street and buy a gram of Tek.

    Your genius plan is called working.lolz
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  12. Originally posted by aldra if you can't articulate the reason you continue, it's more stubbornness than courage

    Um you continue because the future is unwritten...tomorrow might be a better day etc...the best days of your life might still be to come. Suicidal thoughts are USUALLY tied to things/situations that have happened in the past or present.
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  13. Cro Mango Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost You can also make it by the bromination of propiophenone and addition of Phtalimido-postasium to give phtalimidopropiophenone, which is then reacted with Methylamine for processing into the hydrochloride salt of MCAT

    But can he see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch
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  14. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Kind of what mq said....I remember a time when my brain chemistry was "right" and I was active and articulate and inspired, creative, spontaneous. I keep thinking that maybe when I get my shut together, I'll be okay again. I also acknowledge that I've barely given life a shot. I know I'm capable of finishing school. I know I'm capable of running a business. I know I have more than average empathy for people, and I genuinely like helping people. I know at the very least I'm above average intelligence wise. For all his rhetoric, malice refused to engage with life and people around him, and take the steps needed to live a fulfilling life. Then again his brain chemistry was kinda fucked too.

    Idk. There's a Remington 870 and a box of #4 shot shells in my closet. There's that lingering feeling that I might be okay again, and that if I dont wait long enough, I might miss out. But if there comes a day where I'm fairly certain that's no longer the case, I'll rent a car, pack up my stuff, find a quiet spot somewhere with a view, wrap a towel and a tarp around my head and duct tape it there (since it seems so selfish to leave that gross mess for someone to have to clean up), and punch my ticket. And it won't be a sad thing. It'll just mean I'm too tired to do this anymore. But mostly I think people who are this depressed just don't have the energy to Do the things that will actually make you happy.

    As shortlived as it was, just spending nights in bed with the girl I was with, and talking about kids and life and being a weird introverted kid...did wonders for my headspace. It's so easy to feel disconnected and inhuman and unhappy when you're disconnected and out of touch with everything around you. I've come to understand that happiness isn't something you just stumble into. It's lazy and selfish and natural to feel this way. But health and happiness is something you have to actively work towards and I think that's what Malice just couldn't wrap his head around. He was so furious at the injustice of life, like an incel furious at the world at large. But the truth was, he didn't try. I tried to connect with him. Others did too. It was too much effort for him.
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  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by -SpectraL That's incorrect, Lanny. They can certainly uncover your entire employment history through use of your SSN. And don't forget, you agree to and approve of the check by signature, so there's no legal or privacy issues involved.

    What information can a background check uncover?
    There are many different types of information that a private investigator can confirm in a background check, including:

    address verification
    identity verification
    routines and places frequented
    employment history
    education history
    credit history
    criminal convictions
    property ownership
    military background
    tax liens
    vehicle ownership and driving record
    professional licenses
    domain name ownership
    lawsuits and judgments

    >canadian free legal advice website

    lol, you're retarded
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  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    There was an attempt... (at creating a synesthesia phenomenon where numbers correlate with colors).

































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  17. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by esbity What if someone you knew was doing this, but you didn't know, would you treat them differently?

    If I don't know about it, it can't factor into my opinion about the person. On the other hand, if a person I knew was doing this and said "lol they deserve it" and I said "lol you're a petty faggot seeking petty revenge" and they said "i am the jet-black wings, it's nothing personelle, this dark energy has been with me since childhood"... yeah I'd think they were fucking sad.
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  18. tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Thats bc u never encouraged her to develop her skills growing up u only praised her good looks.
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  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ive not seen men having blankets wrapped around them while walking around the house is this normal ?


    Sometimes I think you're like a space alien that only knows what "man" and "woman" mean from watching movies or something and has never run into a real life human being.
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  20. ITT §m£ÂgØL searches for employment
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