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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty You pass around your petty ghey baiting comments around…. why?

    There are probably gay people that wrestle, go talk to them.

    We are not part of it, nor do we put down those that are.

    We really don't fucking care. our goal is to win our flag, not to ask "are you gay?" before a match.

    If this is that important to you, in this day and age, then you're in trouble, cause that stuff's all around you. I'm in the desert, and away from all you little humans because I enjoy not dealing with human pettiness… Or "relationships of any kind… and it's too easy to consider a food source again. Out here in the desert, You are not the top of the food chain. Respect that.

    just stop including us in your little baiting sessions. it's bullshit. you're smarter than all these pups that do, right? act like it.

    i didnt say wresstling is gay, i said its homosexual.

    that is to say only persons of the same gender are allowed to wrestle each other, which are usually man against man.
  2. op lives in a cocoon or cocoon-like safe space.

    the best way to not fuck up anything is to do nothing. - Adolf S.H. Hitler.
  3. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Not Olympic since the end of Olympic Greek wrestling 393 AD. nuff said. you just had to didn't you.

    yanno, I thought you were better than that. you HAD TO HAVE THE LAST WORD. even when you were wrong about MODERN TIMES. you are right about the past, yes… and YOU HAD TO PUSH YOUR SHIT over our table…. WHY? did it gain you something? you owe them an answer.

    THOSE are my personal friends, and you aren't in THEIR circle. You are not a world class wrestler, or our friend, yet you are telling US what WE ARE, OR ARE NOT. and you won't apologize, because "being right" and belittling others is far far more important to YOU. Smug, Arrogant, narcissistic, know-it-all.

    That's such a proud moment for you, isn't it……. savor it.

    You weren't part of our conversation. you forced your shit.

    My respect and others respect toward you means less than nothing. gee thanks Vinny.

    I'm overwwelmed by your godlike presence. You're better than all these cowards that pick on others, aren't you? Somewhere in there, I think you might be.

    irregardless wresstling is still homosexual.

    prove me wrong.
  4. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace In Indonesia you can pose with a wax figure of Hitler for fun


    thats a fine 12 year old.
  5. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Yes….. I know.

    yes, wrestling is a homosexual activity since its only for mano-y-mano.
  6. Originally posted by Technologist He’s talking to me Wicked. I do not reply to this fucking self admitted pedo.

    your entire family is closeted homo.

  7. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Oil wrestling (Turkish: Yağlı güreş), also called grease wrestling, is the Turkish national sport. It is so called because the wrestlers douse themselves with olive oil. The term "Güreş" is shared with other forms of wrestling practiced by Turkic speakers across Europe and Central Asia.

    Not Olympic since the end of olympic Greek wrestling 393 AD. I'm gonna ask you with patience and kindness to not berate and belittle all these men have accomplished. Thank you in advance.

    nuff said.
  8. Originally posted by Octavian Afternoon guize.

    *sips wine*

    Watching minorities on "Nothing to declare" get declined visas.

    I like this show.

    what a beta.

    i bet you sip that wine with your pinky out just like how you sip cocks.
  9. sometimes i really pity those south american people and american negrows, and americans in general.

    its like what am i without my own language.
  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace A few months ago I got really drunk and went on omegle and talked to this 13 year old girl about life till like 3am. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to stay in touch so I got her number and email.

    The morning after I told her I was just really drunk and that she shouldn't give her number out to strangers online, talked briefly, and then I never contacted her again lol.

    I feel bad for her. She seemed like prime pedo material to me. Pretty, kind, mature. Fantastic kid and I had a good time talking with her. Just couldn't help but think of how easy to manipulate she seemed. Even though it wasn't illegal or necessarily wrong to keep talking to her, it wouldn't have seemed right to me. You become a close friend to someone like that and you might just end up with deciding power over their lives. Kids are so impressionable. I like talking to them but I don't have any business giving a kid advice or guidance. Maybe if we can just talk about videogames or science or something but I was talking to this girl about her family issues and shit.

    Plus I don't want to end up like what happened with Bill Krozby where I've got an angry parent calling me

    or "she" could be an agent.
  11. the only women i regretted sleeping with was the one with penis.

    its no fun to fuck something that will fuck you back.
  12. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I'm still waiting on mine, but I know when it's coming.

    so to whom r u gonna donate to ?
  13. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace English, Spanish, Chinese, some Portuguese/Italian learned from actual Portuguese and Italians and not just crossover with Spanish, as well as a few back and forths memorized in Hindi, Arabic, and Polish.

    (a lot of other peoples language except my own, native, mayan language.)

    close captioned for critical mind impaired users.
  14. Originally posted by Technologist He wrestled Greco Roman for 2 years.

    Originally posted by Technologist I actually taught him how to wrestle. My two older brothers were wrestlers, and my Dad was a ref.

    i c where all these hostilities against homos came from.
  15. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty I'm from the south, New Orleans, but lived up north for a 4 year spell… The baddest ass wrestlers (Greco and Collegiate style) real olympic style wrestling in the world are in order as it goes:

    in genuine olympic style wrestling men wear nothing but a thin film of olive oil.

    olive oil and nothing else.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace inb4 Texas resurgence in 1 month. Have fun shutting down in June/July while we're all eating bbq corona free.

    it will show in 2 weeks.
  17. Originally posted by Grylls No, I like to build up my semen to blow a big load on kr0zs moms face

    sounds like you dont have high capacity magazine.
  18. i got porn poisoning.
  19. Originally posted by ORACLE If you aren't a carrier, it also won't prevent you from airborn infection, unless I guess someone is sneezing on your face.

    wart ?
  20. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Earliest diagnosed - for a brand new disease? How would that work?

    the same way every new infections were detected.
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