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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Another genius level observation from a world class idiot

    lets see your credentials.
  2. Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi OP is into dudes

    i'd be into dudes if they have vaginas.
  3. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Same here, but some people get insanely worked up at the idea that it came from a lab. I don't trust anyone who claims to know 100%.

    And if it came from a lab was it:
    A) an unaltered virus that had just been isolated from bats
    B) a virus that was under research and retained only for pure science
    C) a virus that was under research to alter its characteristics with a mind to use as a bioweapon
    D) the Chinese state's new top secret bioweapon

    I would imagine B is most likely to be quite honest. D is right out.

    actually the most probable and logical AOA they're going to use is that the chinks are too inferior to handle advanced pathogen research amd was too incompetent to keep their researches contained in the lab.
  4. Originally posted by Technologist I’m just showing you that so ya’ll can see what is circulating in our media right now. Jury is still out for me.

    no ma'am.

    thats the sewer.

    we nevertheless thank you for pointing out what circulates in the sewer to us.

    none of this would happen if the ruzzians could afford to flouridated their tap waters.
  6. greta.jpg
  7. Originally posted by Netflxchillr not that many, here, would be interested, enough- to take time to watch… here's some good information/data on the COVID-19 origination & it's (assumed) purpose.

    if its from epoch times, take it with a handful of MSG.

    Ideology and Investigative Journalism

    A tight set of right-wing activists and agencies with deep-rooted antipathies to Chinese communism have provided a particular genre of criticism in the course of the current debacle. These agencies include Radio Free Asia, a former CIA-backed outlet now governed by a federally-funded Board of Governors answerable directly to the current Secretary of State and former CIA Director, Mike Pompeo. The criticisms of Radio Free Asia have been integrated into a matrix of criticism of the Chinese government highlighted especially in the Washington Times and The Epoch Times.

    The Epoch Times emerges from an international group of newspapers published in several languages. It has a strong focus on China and on Chinese people globally. The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 by John Tang with a group of Chinese Americans associated with Falun Gong.

    The Falun Gong organization is in the grips of an antagonistic relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. Falun Gong combines Taoism, Buddhism and meditation. It became so independently influential in China that in 1999 the Communist government declared it a heretical organization. The antagonism between Falun Gong and the Chinese government quite likely involves covert infiltration by the US CIA and related US agencies.

    Whatever is happening behind the scenes, The Epoch Times has been running an unrelenting critique of the Chinese government’s handling of the Novel Coronavirus crisis.
  8. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yeah it was, and he knew this going in. Its a requirement at the Mayo Clinic, as stated on their site. Explicitly says face covering or mask. Hence, not a full mask. (oxford definition of face mask: a protective mask covering the nose and mouth or nose and eyes.) Note how it doesn't mention the top of your head? Those are called full masks.

    They'll even provide one if you dont have one so there's no excuse unless you DONT WANT to wear one. Pence is a fucking idiot just like all of you.


    anything that covers a face, partially or impartially, is a mask.

    now go back to school.
  9. Originally posted by AngryIVer Post whatever you want there as long as it isn't CP.

    only if you enjoy having your threads mollested, altered, reassigned, or outrightly deleted at the queer whims and faggoted fancies of its admin.
  10. Nonce Society of America ?
  11. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I did. But its bogus. The guy said he's going to the cops for meandering with a 13 year old boy.. all i did was ask for Jessica..

    its possible shes been using her brothers phone.

    or worse, her sons.
  12. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins you poor dumb bastards dont even have the baseline technological or manufacturing capability to make something as simplistic as a medical ventilator…

    jesus fuck, people are literally making them in their garages in the US

    and you stupid retard faggots want to network your entire 5G technology into CCP-mandated gear.


    thats because doctors are trying to relegate the blame for their inability to save their patients to china.

    90% of the patients who needed ventilators die anyway. irregardlessly.
  13. Originally posted by BummyMofo translation: "my name is kkk rapefan and I strangle hookers and leave them in dumpsters"

    your saying like this is a bad thing.

    isnt this what niggers do on a daily basis ?

    or weekly at lease when their not productive ?
  14. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Have you ever rode a tortoise?

    is that what you call men with pot belly and smooth head penis ?
  15. Originally posted by Bill Krozby lmao.. I text "jessica" this girl that gave me her number awhile back from okcupid.. and the text came back "who are you?!" and I was like "Doug.., Jessica" and he was like I'm reporting you to the police for texting a 13 year old old ..

    and I was like "yeahh.. right, herd.." and the calls me and I pick up and I'm like "sup this is Bill Krozby" and he was like "you just called 13 year old boy.." and I was like "nah fool you just called me.. and you don't sound you're 13 and I don't know any 13 year olds" and he was like "Reporting you for talking to a 13 year old.." and I said "well maybe you or your 13 year old boy shouldn't be posing as adult women on dating sites.."

    and hung up lol, he even said something like "you're done bud"

    I was like yeah call the cops I haven't done anything. And he was like "weeel see about that!" He yelled "FUCK YOU!" and hung up lol

    Idk never wanted to get with a 13 year old boy lmao

    you better have the source of that number screen capped as exhibit a.
  16. Originally posted by Octavian

    Shut up, Ezekial Cock nose

    how long did you spent looking at his face up close.

    how many callories did you sepnt in him ?
  17. Originally posted by Technologist Multiculturalism is part of my everyday life, and I love it.

    this is a blatant lie and a complete bullshit.

    people like you are only into multikulturism so long as those people whom you claim to "like" abandon their real, masculine language and culture and adopt americas totally neutered, feminized, consumer centric, politically correct, juden-fabricated blank sheet kulture.

    you wouldnt like, much less tollerate multikulturism when the proud and masculine people of vietnam move into your neighborhood and start barbequing dogs on their lawn in addition to their freedom to bear arms and you'd shudder in fear of multurekulturism when the proud and masculine tribes people of borneo move in into your neighborhood and start practising their traditional kulture.

    of head hunting.

    of the non-corporate kind.
  18. Originally posted by Octavian Swear to God on my gran pap's grave

    My first day of highschool

    Come back: "yeah dad I got raped behind the bike shed"



    i told you none would believe you if you tell anyone.

    and those that do will only laugh at you.

    haha you dirty boy.
  19. Originally posted by CandyRein Vinn vinn said, start calling y’all that’s some kind of greeting .. :)

    you dont have to justify it.
  20. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace It was specified.

    sauce ?
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