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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Octavian HAHAHAHAHA Anglo my fucking arse.

    You are full blown disgusting Kike Israeli. Your ancestors fled the Holocaust.

    The nose says it all.


    who left their kettle here i wonder.
  2. how do they react to drones ?
  3. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I feel like nobody has been paying attention.

    Look at the CARE act. The money has been set aside for two 1200 checks to be sent out. The majority of the country is still under lockdown. Even in states where the government has lifted orders, businesses are still not returning to normal.

    People need this money. It's only a matter of time before they announce the second check will be sent out, I think. After that they'll have to draft new legislation for any new stimulus checks or unemployment changes.

    which establishment did you donate your trump bux to ?
  4. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Thieves oil. add it to your mask. Then your mask works. Some things are quite ancient, but work better than some of the things they develop today.

    Big pharm does not want you to know about these things….

    But the history is obvious, and factual, or the things that took place would never have found the light of day. Nobody who wore this got the black death in 1346-1352.

    The black death (Virus) and Bubonic plague (bacteria) worked side by side, but were two totally different entities. back then though, one begat the other, and were thought to be one in the same.

    Thieves oil worked through both when robbing the dead in the plague fields. Nobody got sick. History is funny that way.

    wear this on your mask, collar, and hat or in my case, skullcap.

    for 99.999% effectiveness subtitute thieves oil with clorox bleach.
  5. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Biggest problem I have with masks is they make my glasses fog up.

    The big solid ones don't have that problem, but they're too big.

    then your wearing them wrong. they're supposed to come out sideways. if they fog up your glasses it means they're leaking from the gaps between your nose and chin. bend the aluminum strip to your faces exact contour and tighten the upper strings, leave the bottom ones looser.

    or just get the ones with an exit valve.
  6. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Wario you should write a book, just like Carrie Bradshaw. You can call it No Sex in the City.

    or sex in the city jail.
  7. Originally posted by Sudo what was your article about?

  8. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace 我操了她的妈妈

  9. read mind camp.
  10. Originally posted by BummyMofo You've been eating jelly on your cheeseburgers ya fat autismo

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny nigger be jelly.
  11. Originally posted by Grylls

    this dumb looking fuck?

    hes pretty beta.
  12. where do i sign up.

    im a diversity specialist.

    yes, with the oncoming meat shortages all across america, its time americans look at their cats and dogs under a different light.

    they're your best friends, as your best friends they'd rather die than have you starve.

    that's what best friends do.
  14. *session
  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL That means that no matter where you are on the planet, you will eventually breathe the same air that Captain FailFaggot breathed.

    as long as those airs were exposed to the sun first its ok because its UV will kill the bugs.
  16. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Did anyone else think it was weird at the time how the Chinese knew exactly where the virus came from? Right down to the individual stall in the wet-market.

    It really impressed us all, but it was weird as hell as well.

    well when you find the earliest diagnosed patient was a market vendor at that market .....

    whats surprising ?
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL

    homosexuals cant be trusted.

  18. Originally posted by BummyMofo get off the couch you fat internet couch potato. no more mcdonalds for you bitch and no more autismbux

    nigger be jelly.
  19. Originally posted by Wariat how can you say drugs are non violent crimes? they are indirectly responsible for the most violent countries on earth like the cartels with mexico or the world violence. where do you get that bullshitz. those drug dealers cant even work together or all benefit but rather kill each other and fight for turf than act like legit businessmen.

    you cant deal drugs without currencies so banks and satoshi ate guilty as well.
  20. Originally posted by aldra sleep doesn't work when it's your soul that's tired

    put your soul to sleep then

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