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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by BummyMofo If I owned a coffee store I wouldn't serve em neither

    slaves dont get to choose.
  2. Originally posted by Bill Krozby The gont at HQ said it definitely had ink and the bitch doesn't know what she was talking about and telling me to break it off with a screw driver was unprofessional and its

    maybe shes stolen a bunch of items from the store herself before.
  3. Originally posted by Cathay Coof You keep talking about how things should be instead of how things are.

    because thats already pretty obvious and i dont want to be capt. obvious.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood how do you know about my model train hobby

    because trains rhymes with trans.
  4. Originally posted by Cathay Coof

    Seems interesting, but video is in Chinese.

    i fucking hate sites that keep trying to play video stealthly and quitely without you even clicking play.
  5. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace PI

    Pathetic Information ?
  6. wear white, conical head covering with 2 holes cut out for eyes.
  7. Originally posted by Octavian

    And the Kike Hiki said:

    "Marvel at my huge nose and giant head."

    warriat-tier spam.
  8. Originally posted by BummyMofo Nothing is gayer than you raping your dad to death and then being a twink father for your 5 violent homosexual sons who gangbang you

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny gay nigger faggot.
  9. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t Well yeah. My not nearly geriatric self has enough wrinkles, I don't want the squinty eye wrinkles too. Its bright as f_ck out here.

    You really just can't help yourself, can you?

    but how do you feel about your stretch marks tho ?
  10. Originally posted by Erekshun Indian is now owned by Polaris.

    the evil whities are shamelessly reappropriating minorities culture again.
  11. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Incorrect. The presidential election has nation wide mail in voting.

    for less than 1% of the voters.

    ie, small scale.
  12. Originally posted by Octavian I can draw, I can play guitar/ Piano. I can do anything I put my mind to.

    You suck, a Nonce, no degree, unemplyed, LOSER.

    With a capital L

    have you tried putting your mind to get a job ?
  13. Originally posted by aldra

    maybe try this one, not sure how well it handles non-youtube sites though

    will try.
  14. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Fixt

    bombs need time to prep.

    takes too long.
  15. Originally posted by aldra you can potentially run it on a phone but you'd need to use a terminal app to do so

    you know im not smart enough to do that.
  16. Originally posted by Octavian Suicide?

    yes you should.
  17. net speak.
  18. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Vote by mail is available to everyone

    mail voting is very easy to rig.

    thats why they're done on a small scale only.
  19. Originally posted by Octavian


    you followed him all the way there like an abandoned puppy ?
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