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I'm getting reported evidently for being a skinner..

  1. #61
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Like five or six years ago when I was with chzboogerz we were having a lot fights and shit after my kid being born her messaging my daughters mom and shit and generally weird even though I hadn't had sex with my daughters mom since she told me she was pregnant.

    But I did meet up with this pretty cute girl and she wanted me to go to her place after we had coffee and I kinda wanted too, but chzboogerz kinda lived with me and I knew she'd be coming home from work and realized it wasn't worth the trouble and I wanted things to work out anyways, so I got the girl to drop me off back home.

    But while drunk one night I text her I wanted to ass fuck her and she just never replied because she moved on because I didn't bone her that night like she wanted, she was really horny.

    The next day I went to the store and got some groceries and actually got chzbrgz a cute vase of roses that I thought would be sweet to give to her, she likes things like that. And I had it out in my kitchen and I was just drinking in my room in my underwear and my pants were in the living room, she came home from work and went through pants pockets lolol and this was when I just had a flip phone without a password and she totally read me wanting to ass fuck lolol, she opened up the door and came in my room and through the vase at me lol, I dodged it but was like wtf..

    and we argued for awhile while I was krunk and eventually I was like weeeel I didn't do anything and fuck you and I don't care and she grabbed a knife and stabbed me in my wrist and fell asleep bleeding every where.

    The scar still itches to this day, and this was before I choked her out.
  2. #62
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace A few months ago I got really drunk and went on omegle and talked to this 13 year old girl about life till like 3am. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to stay in touch so I got her number and email.

    The morning after I told her I was just really drunk and that she shouldn't give her number out to strangers online, talked briefly, and then I never contacted her again lol.

    I feel bad for her. She seemed like prime pedo material to me. Pretty, kind, mature. Fantastic kid and I had a good time talking with her. Just couldn't help but think of how easy to manipulate she seemed. Even though it wasn't illegal or necessarily wrong to keep talking to her, it wouldn't have seemed right to me. You become a close friend to someone like that and you might just end up with deciding power over their lives. Kids are so impressionable. I like talking to them but I don't have any business giving a kid advice or guidance. Maybe if we can just talk about videogames or science or something but I was talking to this girl about her family issues and shit.

    Plus I don't want to end up like what happened with Bill Krozby where I've got an angry parent calling me

    or "she" could be an agent.
  3. #63
    didnt read
  4. #64
    CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Like five or six years ago when I was with chzboogerz we were having a lot fights and shit after my kid being born her messaging my daughters mom and shit and generally weird even though I hadn't had sex with my daughters mom since she told me she was pregnant.

    But I did meet up with this pretty cute girl and she wanted me to go to her place after we had coffee and I kinda wanted too, but chzboogerz kinda lived with me and I knew she'd be coming home from work and realized it wasn't worth the trouble and I wanted things to work out anyways, so I got the girl to drop me off back home.

    But while drunk one night I text her I wanted to ass fuck her and she just never replied because she moved on because I didn't bone her that night like she wanted, she was really horny.

    The next day I went to the store and got some groceries and actually got chzbrgz a cute vase of roses that I thought would be sweet to give to her, she likes things like that. And I had it out in my kitchen and I was just drinking in my room in my underwear and my pants were in the living room, she came home from work and went through pants pockets lolol and this was when I just had a flip phone without a password and she totally read me wanting to ass fuck lolol, she opened up the door and came in my room and through the vase at me lol, I dodged it but was like wtf..

    and we argued for awhile while I was krunk and eventually I was like weeeel I didn't do anything and fuck you and I don't care and she grabbed a knife and stabbed me in my wrist and fell asleep bleeding every where.

    The scar still itches to this day, and this was before I choked her out.

    Damn i,want 2 love sum1 like that
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