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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. thanks.

    i enjoy watching low iq people struggle with simple everyday chores.
  2. Originally posted by Octavian Notice any strange blemishes on your legs? I seemed to get that when my liver took a beating.

    tell your boyfriemds to be gentle while sprrading your legs.
  3. ask yourself this :

    how would nature want us to live with such a condition ?
  4. Originally posted by aldra

    it works with most html5 video containers, is just a python script

    i c.

    i cant find anything that works on a phone.
  5. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace in pakistani debate teams its actually common to argue with straw men as the country has a shortage of real men

    its because most debates ended up in shootings.

    with assault rifles.
  6. Originally posted by Obbe Trolls crave a feeling of superiority to fill the void in their empty incel lives.

  7. Originally posted by BummyMofo esports run by the mob, I could see it. lol

    Stop strangling hookers and smoking spice in public

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny gay nigger faggot.
  8. Originally posted by Obbe I don't find the show confusing, but I do enjoy watching those YouTube videos after each episode because I like to compare others thoughts with my own and also see any details or references I missed.

    Third season is almost a different show all together.

    betas crave the approval of others to validate their hearts feelings.
  9. Originally posted by Cathay Coof lol

  10. Originally posted by Cathay Coof And if they do go off it's often just your phone or something like that, so no one cares.

    their designed to specifically not get triggered by cellphones because its like 100% of the people going in have a cellphone.
  11. Originally posted by Bill Krozby One time back in september or something I went to old navy to get some jeap work jeans. And on one of the pairs they didnt take the security tag off on one of the pairs so I called and they said I can't take merchandise back in and get the tag removed, I didn't have the reciept at that point or something not sure what their policy was or whatever, and they told me theres no ink in and to just pry it off with a screw driver. And I wasn't gonna do that because i'm pretty sure theres ink in it, long story short, I went back and they still wouldn't take it off. And I really pissed off and called their HQ and they gave me a sixty dollar gift certificate and they forced them take off the tag

    i dont understand how this could happen. dont the gates go off if you go thru them with tags on ?
  12. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Creatures who kill and eat other living creatures for their sustenance don't get to decide good and evil.


    good and evil is a something that you ponder upon on a full stomick.
  13. freespeeches lose when spectrals are modded.
  14. Originally posted by Octavian Star Trek earns dad big bucks.

    Wariat just drinks himself to death in poverty looking on with pure hate.

    Envious Member Ravishing his Anus Ow!

    i envy your mom bucks.
  15. Originally posted by Wariat plus I already have a bachelros degree

    incels are first degree bachelors.
  16. Originally posted by Cathay Coof You're talking morality again.

    Back when TV was picking up there was a different political atmosphere. It was the 30s, 40s, 50s. People were hopeful about the future and we're creating solid progressive institutions to create that future.

    Then the 60s happened.

    not really morality per se, its about how things SHOULD be.
  17. related :
  18. Originally posted by Cathay Coof And the courts are ruling that sites like youtube aren't public squares, but private platforms, that can do whatever they wish.

    do you know why tv stations have to broadcasts the news free of charge ti the public ?

    it is because the medium tv station profits on, the air waves belonged to the public and they have pay back to the public with public services, which was the news.

    i very much doubt youtube is making a loss but anyway the medium it profits from, which is the internet, belongs to the public and therefore it owes the public something.

    i dont see why free and uncensored speeches, no matter how crazy they are, shouldnt be it.
  19. Originally posted by Cathay Coof If being right is just chance Aldra must either be pretty lucky or using weighted dice.

    yea, had i posted first id be right too because i was about to post how paranoid is heriditary in kims family but i saw aldras post and decided to go the other way.
  20. Originally posted by Cathay Coof

    His shit shoot is still up, it's mostly anti-establishment stuff, like claiming the BBC is propaganda (isn't that the job of state broadcasters) and that Bill Gates is a scumbag (is there really any doubt?).

    As well as that he mixes in the loony stuff, like that Corona isn't real and it's 5G making people sick.

    So by mixing reality with lunacy together in one narrative sludge he essentially unintentionally does more harm than good by acting as a disinfo agent.

    thats beside the point tho.

    the point is youtube isnt an authority of truthood and falsehood.

    what about all those guides about losing weights and whitening teeths making pimples disappears etc etc ?

    what about them star trek ?
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